Saturday, May 31, 2014




On Monday, Obama will come out with his "new" government rules to "help" in the fight against climate change. Once again the President will be paying off his political supporters like Tom Steyer, of Farallon Capital, who have pledged to contribute $100 million dollars to back "progressive" politicians. Why do I say that? First of all, one of the largest oil tycoons, Harold Hamm, has already pointed out that Steyer made a portion of his fortune by investing in fossil fuels. Now Tom Steyer is heavily invested in alternative energy companies that are economically unfeasible ... unless they receive government subsidies. 

The problem is that those government subsidies come from taxpayers like you and me so Obama is using our money to pay off his political supporters who in turn get ever larger subsidies from the government. It is the snowball that gets ever larger as it rolls down the hill but more importantly it is just morally and economically wrong. And to top it all off, these so-called "good guys" like Tom Steyer are nothing more that foxes in sheep's clothing. They know that everything they have invested in is economically impossible and they are intentionally misleading the public with their calls for investment in alternative energy. 

Why are subsidies for alternative energy wrong? Because the market will determine the best use of capital. More people have been brought out of poverty by fossil fuels for energy than any other good or service. China has brought over 500 million people out of horrendous poverty not with wind farms and solar power but with coal powered electricity. Take hydraulic fracturing (aka "fracking") for example. There was not huge government involvement or subsidies and yet these wells are producing enough energy for the United States that our oil imports have dropped from about 14 million barrels a day to about 9 million barrels a day. 

Obama takes credit for how well our country is doing with energy but how many acres of public land has be opened up for drilling? Zero. That right. The increase in production in energy in this country has zero help from the Obama administration and was all done on privately owned land. If anything, governments just get in the way and they just try to figure out ways to extract money from profitable businesses through taxation and regulation (which is just another form of taxation). 

Furthermore, Obama's interference with this countries energy boom will be a 1970 law that was not intended to regulate gases. I hope there will be a good challenge to Obama's overreaching use of his bully pulpit to push through more payoffs to his political supporters because the government is already broke and if anything we need to reduce the size of government to make food and energy prices stop going up. The money printing coming out of Washington, D.C. has reached epic proportions never before seen by a government sans Japan, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Venezuela or some other failed civilization.  
Read about Obama's payoff scheme by clicking the link below.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


If you use the same Obama Math that said you can add millions of non-paying people to the insurance rolls and give them every health care need under the sun while at the same time reducing the average family's insurance premiums by over $2,500 a year then you can also come to the conclusion that a government can just mandate a minimum wage to make everyone richer. 

Except for one thing. Governments can print money so they can be irresponsible and make promises they cannot keep. Can't pay the bills? Print more money. However, restaurant owners do not have a printing press and cannot print money. Big difference.

If you are not living in a fantasy land then you may realize that a government mandating minimum wages is a violation of people's right to associate with one another. Why shouldn't people be able to come to an agreement for the price of services rendered? Why should the government be permitted to tell a private individual what they may or may not do with another individual so long as they are not hurting anyone else? 

If you believe that people are free then you must believe they have a right to associate with whomever they please without government interference. Mandating a minimum wage is government interference and anyone who supports that government interference is denying the liberty to associate to another human being ... and that infringes on the right of that other person's liberty.

The key is that the individual must have that right to associate or not associate with others. Having the government stepping in and using force to spell out what a relationship must look like and smell like is one reason this country was founded in the first place. Governments are made up of men (and women) and the men who make so called laws that are not founded on natural law and that are usually just whims of the majority at the time cannot be protecting the rights of other men. If they were protecting the rights of other men (and women) then these worse than useless "do-good" laws would never be created in the first place. They are merely distractions and platitudes used by ignorant politicians to sound altruistic and to get a sound bite in the media to win your heart and vote.

Do not vote with your heart. Vote with your mind. Politicians know you have a propensity to use your heart when you vote but your mind is the only faculty you have that you can use to determine what the true actions of the politician may be.

The only way you can protect your freedoms from the control of the state is to get politicians like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi out of office faster than Ted Kennedy can get out of an Oldsmobile with Mary Jo Kopechne. These useless politicians have been partying on your dime and destroying the character of this country for many many years and it is time we push them aside for politicians that will protect your rights instead of take them away from you.
The politicians that have been trying to divide and conquer you at the voting booth should take a lesson from Ronald Reagan. He said, "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."

"It has been proved, by indisputable evidence, that power is not the grand principle of union among the parts of a very extensive empire; and that when this principle is pushed beyond the degree necessary for rendering justice between man and man, it debases the character of individuals, and renders them less secure in their persons and property. Civil liberty consists in the consciousness of that security, and is best guarded by political liberty, which is the share that every citizen has in the government. Accordingly all our accounts agree, that in those empires which are commonly called despotic, and which comprehend by far the greatest part of the world, the government is most fluctuating, and property least secure." 

- Scholars have attributed the portion of the essay above by "Agrippa" to James Winthrop of Cambridge, MA and this is from the 11th Anti-Federalist Paper 11. "Agrippa" contributed essays to The Massachusetts Gazette from November 23, 1787 to February 5, 1788.

Click the link below to learn how a mandated minimum wage by the government is mandated poverty by the government ... and a rational explanation of why it will increase unemployment and create even more poverty.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014




Everyone wants something for nothing and the only ones who may have accomplished this in society are politicians because they get to buy your votes with other people's money. Do you really think Obamacare will put more people on healthcare with better care and reduce your family's premiums by $2,700 a year as Barack Obama claimed? Maybe you wanted to believe it so much that you didn't do the math in your head but if you would have taken the time to think it through you would have realized Obamacare was always about politics and never about fixing the health care system.

Ask yourself this, "What if, for instance...everyone were allowed to go down to the car dealership whenever they wanted and pick out any new model, free of charge, and drive it home?" That is the question that "Think Like a Freak" co-authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner asked David Cameron for him to consider the reasons for the rising costs of health insurance.

Click the link below to read how Obamacare is the Trojan Horse for totally government controlled socialized healthcare.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing more than the banker's piggy bank. When bankers screw up they get the FED to bail themselves out. That is the reason it was created in 1913. 

Politicians have also been using the FED as their personal campaign piggy bank to pay for programs that they know the country can't afford. The FED is used to buy up the extra debt that these irresponsible politicians create with their huge social programs to buy your votes with "government goodies" with their irresponsible voter campaigns. 

There is no accountability if there are no limits to how much money can be created. When there are no limits on the amount of money creation the money is always eventually destroyed. You are seeing this taking place in our country by rising prices in food and energy. 

More money creation equals higher prices and less money for you to spend on discretionary items in your life like vacations. End the FED and you will have more vacations and everything else that real hard earned money once bought.

I received the following email from FreedomWorks today.

"We need to Audit the Federal Reserve.

For over 100 years the Fed has printed money and inflated our currency. And there’s never been any accountability. We have the Fed to thank for the 2008 financial crisis, higher costs at the gas pump and the grocery store, and trillions of our national debt.

During the 2008 financial crisis, the Fed lent over $16 TRILLION to banks and corporations – even foreign ones.

Enough is enough, we need a full audit of the Federal Reserve. And we need it today!"

If you are tired of paying higher prices because the FED allows the unencumbered creation of extra money then click the link below to join the ranks of others who are sending letters to push for some accountability in auditing the Federal Reserve.

Thursday, May 15, 2014



Believe that one? Maybe you would ALSO believe Obama if he told you that you can keep your insurance. Vote the bums out of office that create these boondoggles. These fake schemes eat up every dollar of taxes that you pay into the black hole system and then some more on top of that.

The government has to print money to pay for all the "free stuff" the politicians have been giving out for your votes. Prices go up not because of greedy corporations. Prices go up because of irresponsible politicians. The extra money the government creates chases the same amount of goods and services that are needed by you and me AND THAT drives up the price of those goods and services. It is really that simple. 

The natural tendency is for prices to go down as productivity increases. Think about the price of Lasik eye surgery, boob jobs or computers. There is no government funding in these areas of our lives ... and fewer regulations also. Notice how the price of these items has been going down? That is because the productivity growth is greater than the money creation by the crooked politicians in Washington, D.C. Politicians like to regulate and tax where the money is at. They want to feed the beast and the beast is them and all their crony friends. Examine the price of gas, food and drugs and you can just follow the money trail back to Washington, D.C.  

Click the following link below to read about how and why Obama postponed mandates of his Obamacare to postpone your premiums going up until after the mid-term elections. Are you tired of Obama playing you like a fool yet?