Euripides said, "Virtue proceeds through effort." So it is no surprise that a self-proclaimed "lazy" President does not take the time to understand easy economic principles or if he does understand economics and he promotes policies that fly in the face of those simple economic policies ... well ... we are in much more trouble than I thought. I will take the side that the President is just ignorant and not intentionally lying to pander to the public for support. That assumption would make Obama nothing more than a elected whore. Let's not go there (or at least save it for another day).
What happens when you raise the price of something? Do people buy more or less of it ... all other factors remaining the same? If you can buy 2 six packs of Coke for 5 dollars or 3 six packs for the same amount do you take the 2 six packs for the same price? Of course not. The same can be said of the Democrat's golden calf, minimum wage hikes. Obama and his buddies keep pushing minimum wage laws pretending they would help the working poor but knowing full well they don't. Why do they do this? Because they know the Republicans will not push legislation through that hurt the working poor. If you raise the price for labor there will be less demand for it not unlike person who buys more Coke when the price is lower and less when the price is higher. It is very simple to understand. The only ones who try to convolute the simplicity of the minimum wage laws are those who are trying to con you. They are looking to game the system (and you) by using government force with minimum wage laws. That is not the free market capitalism that made this country great. It is easy for the President to say Republicans hate the poor because they will not sign off on new minimum wage legislation. The Democrats are glib on that fib.
Obama will say why can't Walmart pay the same wages as Costco. If you figure in the amount of sales per employee, they already do. The fact is that Walmart's employees are 1/2 as efficient as Costco's employees if you figure in the sales per employee. Do the math. I did. So if Walmart fired half of their employees and the remaining employees did twice as much work then they would be the equivalent of the Costco employee. Of course there would be much higher unemployment because Walmart is the largest public employer in the United States. Obama won't tell you that because all he cares about is politics which has nothing to do with economics. However, it is economics and economic policies that will determine if your standard of living will go up or down. The problem for you is that politicians have nothing to benefit by promoting sound economic policies which would call for smaller government and less public assistance.
Much of the deterioration of this country can be attributed to the fact this country is turning into more of a Democracy than a Republic. Plato laid out the difference between a democracy and a republic in The Republic. Unfortunately, every bonehead 18 years or older can vote for any career politician who runs for office in this democratic country. In a republic, only a small percentage of the population that usually possess virtue, wisdom and knowledge to maintain and protect society may vote for the elected leaders. In the United States early voters were required to own 50 acres of land to vote. In our day and age there may be other useful proxies rather than land ownership to vet those that should be able to vote but the case can easily be made there should be some requirement that those who are electing the leaders that are deploying the wealth of the nation should have some skin in the game before they are permitted to cast a vote.
The problem with our society is that any moron may enter a voting booth. Those who have not put any more thought into electing a President other than "it would be cool to elect a black President" or "he looks cooler that the other stiff" are permitted to vote along side those who have spent the time and effort to start a business and understand the burdens the government regulation or those that have devoted their lives to figuring out how economies are benefited by free markets so that they may improve their lot in life. The result of morons voting is that our leaders are more like used car salesmen, pitching their ignorance of subject matter that is objective, rather than the protectors of our republic which we so desperately need.
Subjective subject matter such as whether or not we are all better off with socialized medical care can be discussed ad infinitum without reaching a logical conclusion to everyone's satisfaction but minimum wage laws are not subjective ... they are objective. It is a waste of time and effort to discuss them so much from an economic perspective but the same minimum wage laws are hand fed fodder to the ignorant by our current political class for their own enjoyment AND EMPLOYMENT.
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. - George Washington Carver
Click the link below to read how the fight isn't about minimum wages but the fight is about the fight itself.
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