Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Al Lewis says it best,

"How else can one describe a regime that punishes savers and rewards borrowers and speculators for years on end? Our central bank is essentially taking billions of dollars a year from average Americans, who are still struggling to get by in a bombed-out economy, and it is giving it — yes, giving it — to the very banks that helped cause the 2008 financial crisis in the first place."

Click the link to learn how the FED stinks up the place with bailouts and easy money

Friday, April 18, 2014



A recent poll found that voters believe President Obama lies some of the time (24%) or most of the time (37%) about 61% of the time about "important" matters. Those that found him to lie only now or then was 20% and the bottom 15% rung of the IQ ladder believe he never lies. I will say that again so it sinks in. A full 61% of voters believe Obama lies 61% of the time or more. How can these people elect someone they cannot trust and whose only use of the Constitution is to blame it for being an inconvenience or an old document that must be bent. 

When corrupt laws are implemented by lawless people the people have no moral obligation to follow those corrupt laws. Case in point is Cliven Bundy with his cattle. Even "Dirty" Harry Reid calling him a "domestic terrorist" falls on deaf ears. The real terrorists are the ones who abuse their power and Harry Reid should have been dumped a long time ago. Obama can have the IRS, Holder, Reid and Pelosi do his dirty work but everyone knows he is the one with the puppet strings and the polls bear that out. It is true. Sooner or later you will get the leader you deserve ... unless you wake up and pay attention and take a vested interest in your future. I wonder if Mitt Romney would have lied like Obama. I doubt it. Morality is a virtue. 

I have said it once and a thousand times. This is what you get when you elect a community organizer as President. Obama is no different than the thugs in Philly standing outside the voting booths.

Click the link below to see the poll   

Thursday, April 17, 2014



Here he goes again. Obama thinks you can just raise taxes and that won't have any effect on spending or behavior. I have watched many corporations leave the United States the last few years and more and more are leaving from this country because we have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Walgreen's shareholders are pushing for the company to move its headquarters to the United Kingdom because of our rapacious corporate taxes. 

Our country has also moved out of the top ten spots for economic freedom. How Obama is going to raise taxes even more and not reduce employment is something that will evidently be sorted out by some mystery wizard that works for the government. In the real world Obama is FOS. More lies, more stupidity and more politics is all you can expect from a community organizer. How much longer until he is gone?

Click the link below to read how an economically ignorant President would try to reduce a deficit

Monday, April 14, 2014


Where do all your tax dollars go? Mostly for programs that politicians have implemented to get you to vote for them. Of course it is not their money they are giving away so there is really no limit for spendthrifts like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi. They always make it sound like "they" are doing "you" a favor but if one studies  the history of failed civilizations you will quickly learn that political parasites like Reid and Pelosi are your worst enemy. 

Click the link below to see where the tax money comes from and where it goes.

Thursday, April 10, 2014



"The dirty little secret is , we are now at 17 years and 8 months of no global warming," says Roger Pilon, Vice President for Legal Affairs at the Cato Institute. "Their models have failed year in and year out, " he says of the scientists who comprise the 97 percent consensus the administration frequently cites. 

- From "Deepening divide over climate change sparks fierce debate" by Doug McKelway

Obama and his cronies and boondogglers lied about Obamacare and the real net effect is that it may or may not increase the number of those covered ... we just don't know yet for sure as so many people have had their insurance cancelled and the cost of Obamacare is beyond the ability to pay for most people.

So the question is ... why the lies? Who stands to benefit and why?

Click the link below to read "Deepening the divide over climate change sparks fierce debate."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014



ObamaCare is an amazing success...
...if your goal is to destroy America’s health care system!

If it was a song it would be the blues. If it was a movie it would be a horror story. If it was fiction then it would be OK. But it's not. It is the largest takeover of your personal freedom and the largest tax increase (per the Supreme Court regardless of the lies that your Democratic politician told you) that has been jammed down your throat by our government since 1776. And it is all based on lies ... orchestrated and implemented by a man who couldn't get a real job and started out as a community organizer and who became a politician and bought his votes with lies.

The following is a summary of Obamacare in black and white. The numbers don't lie but your politicians do.

Click the link below to read "Broken Promises" by FreedomWorks

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Obama spent his entire life figuring out how to steal money from people through the political process. He is a liar and a thief and everyone needs to wake up and realize what is going on. He leads an army of thieves that spend all their time scheming of ways to access the wealth of others in the name of ecology, fairness and a fight against racism. Those ideals are just boogeymen and the real plan is for Obama to have government take control over your life. That is the same scheme  that marxist, communist and fascist leaders have used in the past. As has often been said, those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Bush may have wounded our country with spending and foreign policy but Obama's plans are the death blow to what is left of what is good in this country. 

Click link below to watch Conservatism is Calling (and more Obama BS) video

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


There are numerous reasons why the Common Core education curriculum is a horrible idea but the number one reason why it should not be adopted by the states is because there are brain dead bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. that are implementing it. Everything that the federal government dreams up or creates does exactly the opposite of the intended purpose. Good intentions and surveys are not a good substitute for a market based economy. Before we had a Department of Education our children in this country were educated and this country moved forward. After we have the Department of Education we spend twice as much money on education to get the same or worse results. Placing different children on the same course is a ridiculous idea because our children have different skills and abilities. Putting all of our children into the same box will hurt your child and will hurt this country. Some of the best innovators in this country dropped out of school and have made the largest contributions to this country. 

Click the link below to learn about the Common Core

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It appears after watching the following video that the real problem in our country is ignorance and not guns. It makes you wonder if you outlawed ignorance if there would be anyone left to support gun control. Enjoy the following clip of California State Senator Kevin de Leon. More proof that politics usually attracts the least qualified people in society. Furthermore, he is the poster child of why we need school choice.




$56,819 EACH

Government programs not only suck the life out of people by making them lazy and collecting welfare checks but it also sucks money from productive people down the drain. 

If you have been keeping your head in the ground like an ostrich you may have not noticed that the government can't do anything, and I mean anything, efficiently. Why? Because it is not their money and every dollar Washington, D.C. gets becomes money the crooks that thrive there use to buy votes at your expense. How much you ask? How about the goons who told you that Obamacare would save every family $2,500 spending $58,819 for each enrolled in Hawaii. Are those even paying enrollees?

Click link below to see cost per enrollee for each state receiving your tax dollars.