A recent poll found that voters believe President Obama lies some of the time (24%) or most of the time (37%) about 61% of the time about "important" matters. Those that found him to lie only now or then was 20% and the bottom 15% rung of the IQ ladder believe he never lies. I will say that again so it sinks in. A full 61% of voters believe Obama lies 61% of the time or more. How can these people elect someone they cannot trust and whose only use of the Constitution is to blame it for being an inconvenience or an old document that must be bent.
When corrupt laws are implemented by lawless people the people have no moral obligation to follow those corrupt laws. Case in point is Cliven Bundy with his cattle. Even "Dirty" Harry Reid calling him a "domestic terrorist" falls on deaf ears. The real terrorists are the ones who abuse their power and Harry Reid should have been dumped a long time ago. Obama can have the IRS, Holder, Reid and Pelosi do his dirty work but everyone knows he is the one with the puppet strings and the polls bear that out. It is true. Sooner or later you will get the leader you deserve ... unless you wake up and pay attention and take a vested interest in your future. I wonder if Mitt Romney would have lied like Obama. I doubt it. Morality is a virtue.
I have said it once and a thousand times. This is what you get when you elect a community organizer as President. Obama is no different than the thugs in Philly standing outside the voting booths.
Click the link below to see the poll
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