Thursday, April 10, 2014



"The dirty little secret is , we are now at 17 years and 8 months of no global warming," says Roger Pilon, Vice President for Legal Affairs at the Cato Institute. "Their models have failed year in and year out, " he says of the scientists who comprise the 97 percent consensus the administration frequently cites. 

- From "Deepening divide over climate change sparks fierce debate" by Doug McKelway

Obama and his cronies and boondogglers lied about Obamacare and the real net effect is that it may or may not increase the number of those covered ... we just don't know yet for sure as so many people have had their insurance cancelled and the cost of Obamacare is beyond the ability to pay for most people.

So the question is ... why the lies? Who stands to benefit and why?

Click the link below to read "Deepening the divide over climate change sparks fierce debate."

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