Friday, June 27, 2014


Those that like to read about history know what Stalin's proletarian "purging" of the businessmen and women did to society in the early 1900's. Stalin was a great politician, much like comrade Obama, but he was shortsighted and ignorant in matters of economics. Such is the case for our blameless and shameless leader who makes a mockery out of our Constitution while professing to have been a Constitutional Law professor. The Supreme Court just ruled that his appointment of the head of the National Relations Board was unconstitutional and all the idiot in chief can do is blame the Tea Party for obstructing what he calls his "progress." Milton Friedman had it right, especially in the case of men like Obama, that if you put the government in charge of the Sahara in 5 years there would be a shortage of sand.

Everything Obama does seems to get him some votes from some special interest group yet he does not appear to have any moral spine and absolutely no economic education. Why is it he blames everything on business yet businesses do not spy on you (like the NSA), businesses do not lock you up and deny you rights (like the IRS) or violate your constitutional rights (like Obama himself) ... yet businesses are the bad guys and government is the good guy. The only good thing about Obama stripping everyone of their rights is that some of these previously unconscious human beings are waking up and realizing their lives and their freedoms are being diminished by a leviathan led by a louse. 

Click the link below to read about the latest report in the Wall Street Journal that the Democrat's claim that Obamacare would be self funding is not the case and that those representatives that made those representations will have a hard time at their next election

Obamacare was created to help those who go broke with healthcare costs. Obama's answer was to bankrupt the country by conspiring with healthcare companies and creating a bureaucratic nightmare.

Costs won't go down until you create a real market where people compete for goods and services. Vouchers would accomplish the goal of lowering prices as it would create a market where people shop for their insurance instead of prices being mandated from Washington, D.C.

Friday, June 20, 2014


According to the Wall Street Journal the IRS scandal is more serious than Watergate.

Why you ask?

“The IRS tea-party audit story isn't Watergate; it's worse than Watergate,” according to deputy Wall Street Journal editor Daniel Henninger.

“The Watergate break-in was the professionals of the party in power going after the party professionals of the party out of power. The IRS scandal is the party in power going after the most average Americans imaginable,” he added.

The IRS scandal is big government going after people who don't like big government. The funding for candidates that don't trust or believe in big government were not permitted to raise money because their non-profit statuses were being stalled by the IRS. They stalled the non-profits until after the Presidential election. Is there any wonder some people hate Obama and what he stands for?

Obama's excuse is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals playbook. First he denies he knows anything. He takes no responsibility for anything that he does and takes responsibility for the good deed of others even though he has nothing to do with those deeds. Then he deflects blame onto someone other than himself. And finally he makes some snide remark with a chuckle to deride and diminish those who make accusations implicating him in one of his many scandals.

Where is the accountability you ask? There is none.

How about Lois Lerner. Lois Lerner should not be permitted to take the 5th as a government employee and keep her pension. If she wants to take the fifth for herself then fine ... but she should forfeit her pension because I don't want my employee to screw me and keep getting paid. As a government worker Lois Lerner is my employee ... and your too. Screw Lois Lerner if she is going to play games on my time, on my clock, and with my money.

We need to make a law that makes it perfectly clear that government employees may take the fifth but then they forfeit the right to any further payment. Write it in the contract. There is no reason the IRS should be able to lie to the American people.

You have a President that appears to love Karl Marx, who is using the Cloward-Piven strategy to further the socialist programs of the Democratic party and who some say worships Saul Alinsky who was the original community organizer ... and just as horrible a person as Obama.

The Russian Revolution of October 25, 1917 started with a few very well organized individuals who believed in the collective more than the individual. They went into Petrograd (St. Petersburg) and took over without even one death. Those in power handed the state over to the wage earners and all property was taken over by the State. Everything you owned was now owned by the State. You owned nothing. The lack of property ownership led to neglect of property and eventually the fall of the Soviet Union.

The name of the party that took over was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. They were very much like our current Democratic Party lead by Obama and his ship of fools including Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and the list goes on and on with politicians who are willing to sell you out for a vote because they believe you are too ignorant to figure out how the world really works. Why do what is right when that takes time and effort to explain when they can just fling a soundbite at you and get your vote?

Click the link below to read about the IRS scandal

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


She probably had doubts about her husband Billy Bob when he was President in the Oval Office with Monica Lewisky too ... and she didn't do anything about that either. After all ... who was that strange girl trying to kiss the President in all those pictures?

So long as she keeps moving forward in her political career why worry about the small stuff?

Hillary reminds me of the character Squealer (who is a master of doublespeak) from the novel Animal Farm.

Click the link below to read Hillary's take/non-take on Benghazi

Monday, June 16, 2014


Poor Hillary. She and Bill were almost broke when they left the Whitehouse. Oh ... my bleeding heart. 

And why did she and Billy Bob have to spend so much on legal fees again ... ? 

Hillary needs to get out of politics and stop forcing her Marxist teachings on the rest of us. The USSR fell because it took away the individual's motivation through socialism and communism. I wish Hillary would get that through her thick head. Take away the right to own and control property and what do people have to look forward to? Hello Hillary ... anyone home??? 

In the Communist Manifesto, Engles and Marx told the proletarians (or the wage workers) to kill off the bourgeoisie (or the property owning middle and higher classes) so that they cannot exploit the proletarians. Engles and Marx just assumed that everyone would continue to work very hard for the "common good" but in reality people have their own motivations and self-interests. 

People need to own their own bodies and property so that they may improve their lot in life. Without property ownership and the right to not be told what to do with oneself there is no incentive to do anything except sit around and drink vodka. Thus is the reason the USSR fell.

In addition, if you own property you take care of it. Become a landlord and you will learn that lesson very quickly. The State in the USSR never imagined that it would not be able to operate the machines that the bourgeoisie owned ... but that is what happened. There were fewer goods and production shrank until everyone had very little ... just remnants from before the Russian Revolution. 

Anyone who thinks you should just take property from the rich and distribute it to the poor really needs to sit down and spend some serious time studying socialist and communist countries and why they have ALL FAILED.   

You don't have to go to law school or become and MBA to understand that the mathematicians and government economists in Washington, D.C. cannot do as good a job figuring out what your community needs as you can. Mandatory central planning, the axiom of socialism and communism, strips the individual of freedom, property, ideas and eventually consciousness. I worry that the fascination with zombies is a reflection of our current society.     

A more interesting story about Hillary and Billy Bob would be a detailed story of the reasons they needed so many attorneys and incurred so many legal fees. That is a book I would read (but it couldn't be an autobiography because I don't believe anything Hillary says ... or writes).

Anyways ... after Benghazi ... do you really want her with her finger on the button? 

This is her responding to the question of whether or not she was responsible for the security at Benghazi: 

"I take responsibility," she said, but then added: "But I was not making security decisions." So she was responsible but she wasn't responsible.

That sounds like a line out George Orwell's Animal Farm. All pigs are not created equal.

How about a big, "I am sorry" to the families of the men who died?

Nope. On to the next fundraiser.

I really hate people like Hillary and those that use the political process to force their mental midget ideas and supposed altruism on others.

Someone buy her a fishing rod.

She will enjoy it after the next election.

A fun exercise on criticizing Hillary:

We still have freedom of speech ... right? Not on the Washington Post website if you ask me. Try to criticize Hillary on their website and see what happens. Evidently her lemmings are there to knock off any anti-Hillary posts with the Washington Post's overly protective website rules. I have mixed feelings about that one.

Click the link below to read about how "Hillbilly Hillary" tried to play her "poverty" off as being one of the peons in the Democratic Party that vote for her and other fun topics like Monica Lewinsky ... and on a more serious note her responsibility-no responsibility political double speak about Benghazi

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I received the following email from Rand Paul today with a petition to reign in the crooks in Washington, D.C. 

I am signing it and I hope you do too.

Prices are going up at unprecedented rates in our country because of all the irresponsible spending by our politicians. The money the government prints to pay bills that it cannot afford with existing money is making your cost of food, energy, housing, transportation and everything else go up much faster than your wages ... thus causing you to become poorer.

If you do not understand inflation then I urge you to read Ron Paul's books on how the political system is designed to destroy your wealth through an invisible tax called inflation. The politicians understand it well and use it to buy your votes with schemes of grandeur. 

The destruction of your money is just one of many steps that the politicians use to strip you of your individual freedoms and natural rights because honest money is the basis for an honest society. If you cannot plan for a future because the politicians are playing games with your money then you are just a political pawn with no rights and the State will do with you as they will. 

Every person has the duty to educate themselves before they vote. I urge you to start fixing our country by signing the petition for a balanced budged amendment below. 

Rand Paul

Dear [Taxpayer],

It's a ticking time bomb.

That's why I'm hoping you'll sign your Balanced Budget Amendment petitions in support of H.J. Res. 5 and S.J. Res. 7, a bullet-proof Balanced Budget Amendment to your two U.S. Senators and Congressman, which I'll link to in a moment.

But first, let me explain why your support is so important.

The fact is, during Obama's tenure in office, our national debt has nearly doubled.

And the reality is, the $17 trillion national debt we hear so much about is just the tip of the iceberg.

When the government's unfunded liabilities for Medicare, Social Security, and federal employees' retirement benefits are counted, American taxpayers are really on the hook for over $86.8 trillion.

President Obama and his big-spending allies in Washington, D.C. have been piling on to our national debt every day, and show no signs of slowing down.

They've been spending money we don't have for so long, some economists are beginning to question not if the U.S. will ultimately have to declare bankruptcy, but when.

Of course, the "solution" to our ongoing fiscal disaster put forward by President Obama is to tax ourselves out of the hole, all the while claiming that there's nothing left to cut.

That's why I hope you will sign your petitions for the National League of Taxpayers' Balanced Budget Amendment, Senate Joint Resolution 7 and House Joint Resolution 5.

This Amendment would not only require a balanced budget, but would require a two-thirds vote by both houses of Congress to raise taxes, thereby making it much more difficult for the politicians to balance the budget by raising your taxes.

And it would shrink the exploding growth of government by limiting the size of the federal budget to 18% of our gross domestic product (GDP).

This NLT-supported Balanced Budget Amendment would put every wasteful program onto the chopping block simply by forcing politicians to actually make tradeoffs in their spending.

Today, the feds run 79 different welfare programs, 160 programs for housing assistance, 47 for job training, 82 for teacher quality, 80 for transportation assistance, and 56 for financial education.

In return for all that, we still have a history of stagnant education scores and an official poverty rate of 15 percent.

Yet Barack Obama and his tax-and-spend buddies keep binging and pushing for higher taxes.

But instead of stopping President Obama, his tax-and-spend allies merely give lip service to "fiscal responsibility" and "economic sanity."

The fact is, unless you and I force Members of Congress to put their money where their mouth is, the status quo of give-ins and giveaways will continue.

The reality is, we can immediately achieve hundreds of billions in savings by:
*** Abolishing the boondoggle Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, and Housing and Urban Development;
*** Repealing the monstrously expensive ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank financial regulation law;
*** Transitioning Medicaid and food stamps back to the states where they belong and cutting back on the $37 billion spent on foreign aid.
That's why I hope you will sign your Balanced Budget Amendment petitions.

But honestly after you sign, I hope you will go a step further and make a contribution to help the National League of Taxpayers mobilize a political army in support of the Balanced Budget Amendment.

I don't need to tell you powerful players in Washington oppose the Balanced Budget Amendment.

Without the money to rally the American people, the Balanced Budget Amendment is likely to be buried.

Click here to sign your Balanced Budget Amendment Petitions at once.

You see, as long as the tax-and-spenders think they can get away with it, there will always be the vote for the next bailout, the next tax increase, and the next debt ceiling raise.

All coupled with the promise of "just this once."

At least just until the next time their fiscal irresponsibility throws us into the next looming "crisis."

That's why it's so important you sign your petitions at once and, if at all possible, chip in a contribution of even just $10 to help the National League of Taxpayers rally the American people.

The NLT-supported Balanced Budget Amendment would take those options off the table and force Congress to start making serious cuts.

Kicking the can down the road for future generations to pay for would no longer be an option.

But without a strict Balanced Budget Amendment, I fear we'll continue the tax-and-spend cycle.

You see, without any cap on government spending, the politicians are always able to invent some "crisis" to demand bigger government and higher spending.

That's why I pray you will sign your petitions to your U.S. Senators and Congressman, urging them to cosponsor this Balanced Budget Amendment.

And in addition to that, I hope you will help my friends at the National League of Taxpayers with a special contribution.

The fact is, even though many Americans who receive this letter will sign the petition, many won't be able to contribute.

If you can only chip in $10, it will be a big boost.

Of course if you can afford to make a larger contribution of $25 or $50 or even more, I hope you will.

You should also know that a generous supporter has agreed to match your contribution, dollar-for-dollar, so there isn't a better time to give.

Your donations will help the National League of Taxpayers organize:
*** Extensive internet, direct mail, and telephone campaigns to generate at least one million petitions and questionnaires to Congress like the ones that accompany my letter,
*** Extensive personal lobbying of key Members of Congress by rank and file National League of Taxpayers members and staff;
*** Hard-hitting TV, radio, and newspaper ads to be run in targeted states and districts, mobilizing the American people and detailing the dangers of our soaring debt.
Your donation will help the National League of Taxpayers reach up to 10 million Americans and generate a tidal wave of opposition to fiscal irresponsibility while building long-term support for a Balanced Budget Amendment.

So after signing your Balanced Budget Amendment petitions, please also help with a contribution.

Some people have already given as much as $500.

Others have sent $50 or $100, but no matter how much you give, whether it's chipping in with $10 or a larger contribution of $150, I guarantee your contribution is urgently needed and will be deeply appreciated.

And don't forget that a generous supporter has agreed to match your contribution, dollar-for-dollar, no matter the amount.

With your help, we can impose real limits on politicians that force them to actually cut the waste that is threatening our future.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul

Rand Paul
United States Senator

P.S. Our bloated federal budget CAN be balanced once the politicians understand that their political future depends on it.

That's why I urge you to click here to sign your "Balance the Budget" petitions to your Congressman and two Senators today and chip in with a contribution of $10 or whatever you can afford

Saturday, June 7, 2014





Everyone knows Obama's misstatement of of 57 states instead of 50. That is a gaffe that any President can make (eyes rolling). Now we have more evidence that he is merely the man behind the teleprompter ... and did I mention he can't spell?

That should make you sleep well at night knowing this is the person with their finger on the button that could destroy the world. 

Click the link below to laugh at Obama try to spell Aretha Franklin's most famous song. Fast forward to 3 minutes and 20 seconds to get right to the point.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Does anyone really think the government can do anything to improve their lot in life. Milton Friedman said if you put the government in charge of the Sahara it would run out of sand in five years. If the government can mandate wages what can't it mandate? Whatever happened to freedom to contract and freedom of association?

Watch all the goody-two-shoes progressives mince their words as small businesses close down or flee Seattle. This should be interesting. 

One thing for sure about raising the minimum wage ... it all sounds good if you pretend ignorance is bliss. 

There will be some politicians bragging on their websites and resumes that they helped raise the minimum wage even if you are unemployed or have to pay $10 for a cup of coffee. 

Link below is story on minimum wage increase in Seattle.

Monday, June 2, 2014


"If you wanted to see the economy go wild, just cut all the regulations in half. We're in a society where we think all risk can be regulated out. There are just unending interpretations, revisions, legal fees to the sky - when you're focused on that, you're not focused on growing and getting new customers." - Sam Zell (one of the most successful real estate investors of all time) on the economy at the Reinventing America Summit.

For those of you who think that the government is creating jobs and helping the economy ... think again. Every new rule and regulation creates more red tape limbo for businesses until the red tape created becomes so great that businesses cannot continue to operate at a profit and must close. Look at what the unions did to Detroit. 

"People don't just grow because it's Tuesday, they grow because they think they can make a profit." - CKE's CEO Andy Puzder

Of course the real question is the one of freedom and the right to associate without government intervention. Most people have been trained to believe that the government will do a good job taking care of them so that they do not even give a thought about what freedoms they are giving up. However, governments are made up of men and women just as businesses are so if one believes businesses are evil because the people running them they must also believe that government is evil because there are the same people running that. 

Corporations and governments cannot be evil, however, because they do not have souls. Only people can be evil. Those that seek to interfere with other people's affairs who willingly associate with one another without coercion are the evil ones. Corporations cannot force you to pay taxes. 

If you have medical bills and cannot pay them you are not permitted to break into your neighbor's home and steal their money. However, if you are the government you may use force to steal your neighbor's money through taxation because those in charge have decided to trade their morality for votes and permit the government to do things that an individual may not ... all in the name of being elected. This is always done with politicians pushing their "high moral ground" but there is a differnce between moral laws and legislating morality. You cannot legislate morality because it is always subjective. Moral laws are not subjective because moral laws do not harm others or use force on others.

Minimum wage laws are not moral laws and voters should support candidates that do not try to legislate morality for votes.   

From a purely economic standpoint minimum wage laws create more unemployment and only protect the higher paid workers. These laws are always pushed in the name of fairness with the absurd proposition that if the worker is paid more then they will be able to pay more of their bills. This proposition does not take into account the higher prices caused by the increase of the minimum wage nor does it solve the problem of irresponsible governments that increase the money supply to pay bills the government incurs but does not have money to pay.

Responsibility begins with "I" and not with "We" and socializing wages is just another step in the direction of the destruction of businesses. Using the political process to steal money from the productive and redistribute it to the less productive, by force, is not a viable solution for a more productive and prosperous world.  

Click on the following link to read how government's minimum wage hikes are closing down businesses