"If you wanted to see the economy go wild, just cut all the regulations in half. We're in a society where we think all risk can be regulated out. There are just unending interpretations, revisions, legal fees to the sky - when you're focused on that, you're not focused on growing and getting new customers." - Sam Zell (one of the most successful real estate investors of all time) on the economy at the Reinventing America Summit.
For those of you who think that the government is creating jobs and helping the economy ... think again. Every new rule and regulation creates more red tape limbo for businesses until the red tape created becomes so great that businesses cannot continue to operate at a profit and must close. Look at what the unions did to Detroit.
"People don't just grow because it's Tuesday, they grow because they think they can make a profit." - CKE's CEO Andy Puzder
Of course the real question is the one of freedom and the right to associate without government intervention. Most people have been trained to believe that the government will do a good job taking care of them so that they do not even give a thought about what freedoms they are giving up. However, governments are made up of men and women just as businesses are so if one believes businesses are evil because the people running them they must also believe that government is evil because there are the same people running that.
Of course the real question is the one of freedom and the right to associate without government intervention. Most people have been trained to believe that the government will do a good job taking care of them so that they do not even give a thought about what freedoms they are giving up. However, governments are made up of men and women just as businesses are so if one believes businesses are evil because the people running them they must also believe that government is evil because there are the same people running that.
Corporations and governments cannot be evil, however, because they do not have souls. Only people can be evil. Those that seek to interfere with other people's affairs who willingly associate with one another without coercion are the evil ones. Corporations cannot force you to pay taxes.
If you have medical bills and cannot pay them you are not permitted to break into your neighbor's home and steal their money. However, if you are the government you may use force to steal your neighbor's money through taxation because those in charge have decided to trade their morality for votes and permit the government to do things that an individual may not ... all in the name of being elected. This is always done with politicians pushing their "high moral ground" but there is a differnce between moral laws and legislating morality. You cannot legislate morality because it is always subjective. Moral laws are not subjective because moral laws do not harm others or use force on others.
Minimum wage laws are not moral laws and voters should support candidates that do not try to legislate morality for votes.
From a purely economic standpoint minimum wage laws create more unemployment and only protect the higher paid workers. These laws are always pushed in the name of fairness with the absurd proposition that if the worker is paid more then they will be able to pay more of their bills. This proposition does not take into account the higher prices caused by the increase of the minimum wage nor does it solve the problem of irresponsible governments that increase the money supply to pay bills the government incurs but does not have money to pay.
Responsibility begins with "I" and not with "We" and socializing wages is just another step in the direction of the destruction of businesses. Using the political process to steal money from the productive and redistribute it to the less productive, by force, is not a viable solution for a more productive and prosperous world.
Click on the following link to read how government's minimum wage hikes are closing down businesses
Click on the following link to read how government's minimum wage hikes are closing down businesses
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