Friday, June 20, 2014


According to the Wall Street Journal the IRS scandal is more serious than Watergate.

Why you ask?

“The IRS tea-party audit story isn't Watergate; it's worse than Watergate,” according to deputy Wall Street Journal editor Daniel Henninger.

“The Watergate break-in was the professionals of the party in power going after the party professionals of the party out of power. The IRS scandal is the party in power going after the most average Americans imaginable,” he added.

The IRS scandal is big government going after people who don't like big government. The funding for candidates that don't trust or believe in big government were not permitted to raise money because their non-profit statuses were being stalled by the IRS. They stalled the non-profits until after the Presidential election. Is there any wonder some people hate Obama and what he stands for?

Obama's excuse is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals playbook. First he denies he knows anything. He takes no responsibility for anything that he does and takes responsibility for the good deed of others even though he has nothing to do with those deeds. Then he deflects blame onto someone other than himself. And finally he makes some snide remark with a chuckle to deride and diminish those who make accusations implicating him in one of his many scandals.

Where is the accountability you ask? There is none.

How about Lois Lerner. Lois Lerner should not be permitted to take the 5th as a government employee and keep her pension. If she wants to take the fifth for herself then fine ... but she should forfeit her pension because I don't want my employee to screw me and keep getting paid. As a government worker Lois Lerner is my employee ... and your too. Screw Lois Lerner if she is going to play games on my time, on my clock, and with my money.

We need to make a law that makes it perfectly clear that government employees may take the fifth but then they forfeit the right to any further payment. Write it in the contract. There is no reason the IRS should be able to lie to the American people.

You have a President that appears to love Karl Marx, who is using the Cloward-Piven strategy to further the socialist programs of the Democratic party and who some say worships Saul Alinsky who was the original community organizer ... and just as horrible a person as Obama.

The Russian Revolution of October 25, 1917 started with a few very well organized individuals who believed in the collective more than the individual. They went into Petrograd (St. Petersburg) and took over without even one death. Those in power handed the state over to the wage earners and all property was taken over by the State. Everything you owned was now owned by the State. You owned nothing. The lack of property ownership led to neglect of property and eventually the fall of the Soviet Union.

The name of the party that took over was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. They were very much like our current Democratic Party lead by Obama and his ship of fools including Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and the list goes on and on with politicians who are willing to sell you out for a vote because they believe you are too ignorant to figure out how the world really works. Why do what is right when that takes time and effort to explain when they can just fling a soundbite at you and get your vote?

Click the link below to read about the IRS scandal

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