You decide. But first shouldn't we audit the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) to see what they are doing with our money? Then we can make a decision if they are just benefiting the elite at the expense of everyone else.
As Ron Paul said, "how could an audit advance efforts to end the Fed unless the audit would prove that the American people would be better off without the Fed? And don't the people have a right to know if they are being harmed by the current monetary system?" Why should governmental figures attack those who want to audit the Fed? Doesn't the Fed exist so that we should all benefit from its policies?
Then there is the lie that the Fed is independent. You had that lie hammered into your head since you were in high school. How can the Fed be independent if it would not even exist if it were not for the Federal Government? It's existence can be brought to life and, likewise, ended by the Federal Government (but it won't unless people learn how the Fed hurts everyone except the few well connected elites).
Our country survived without central bankers before and it would be fine without them again.
Read misconceptions about the FED by Ron Paul.
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