Monday, March 23, 2015


In the summer of 1973, Hillary Clinton and 817 people took the Washington, D.C. bar exam. Out of those 817 there were 551 of them that passed. Hillary was not one of them. This is all according to Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein. So 67% of those that took that D.C. exam passed it and Hillary was not one of them. That places her at the bottom 33% of those that took the exam. To Hillary's credit, she then moved to Arkansas where she did finally pass the bar exam. As we all know she went on into politics where who you know is more important than your moral compass and integrity. 

Let me shed some light on this small fact. I know someone well that has taken the bar exam and the CPA exam. Here's the deal from that person, "The CPA exam is far harder and mentally challenging than any bar exam. It took me two tries to pass the CPA exam and the breadth of knowledge (useful knowledge) that is required to pass the CPA exam is probably about three times that of the bar exam. The bar exam was a breeze and I passed it on the first try and was one of the first ones done. I have an above average IQ but I am do not consider myself highly intelligent whatsoever." 

The point I am trying to make is that her failure on something she devoted so much of her energy on (the D.C. bar exam) is indicative of her ineffectiveness. Her trail is littered with stories of her inability to make decisions, failures and what appears to be cover ups. Benghazi and the personal email server she used as Secretary of State are two examples of the aforementioned concerns. Of course, these are my opinions but I would love to have someone try to convince me that her past decisions are anything other than amateurish. I would like to think that our Secretary of State was a competent and skillful person, but I would also like to know if Obama gave her an ultimatum to resign or be fired because she is so inept. 

The media will trumpet Hillary as the first woman President in the next couple of years. In the meantime I hope people take the time to do a little research on The Hillary. Dick Morris worked for her husband on his campaign and he had some insight into The Hillary that should be read. There have also been countless stories about how The Hillary treats people that should be considered since there are so many stories from so many different people that have made her acquaintance. How someone treats another person when no one is looking says more about someone than when the cameras are rolling and the news media are babbling and the poll numbers are being manipulated.  

Link to Dick Morris' take on The Hillary        

Link to on The Hillary (I know snopes leans to the left but it is funny reading how hard tries to explain so many awkward statements by The Hillary)

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