Monday, July 28, 2014



Do you believe Hillary's dialogue that she is a fighter for women's rights?

Our country was founded on FREEDOM and the right to be protected from government abuses. Included in our Constitution is the right to be represented in court. That does not mean a lawyer is required to represent someone, however. And the fact that Hillary attacked the character of a 12 year old rape victim, as has been repeatedly reported but not in the major media networks for some strange reason, tells you very much about the character of Hillary.  

According to reported stories regarding Hillary Clinton in her early years as a lawyer, she was asked to represent a man who was accused of raping a 12 year old girl as a favor and she agreed to do it. It is implied from her story that she could have refused because she was asked to represent the accused rapist as a favor. She said yes. Most people would say no. 

A private lawyer could always say no when asked to represent someone. If she was a public defender she would be required to represent the man if she wanted to or not. Hillary was not a public defender at the time.

 I don't know too many lawyers that would represent an accused rapist of a 12 year old girl (unless they are looking for headlines or they have no moral compass). Once again, Hillary said yes and did represent the accused rapist. 

It has also been been reported the Hillary said, "I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” Why would she say that unless she believed he was guilty? Furthermore, if she agreed to represent the accused rapist before the polygraph was taken then she is not too smart. I would require someone to pass the polygraph to my satisfaction, and have that fact put in writing, before I would agree to represent an accused rapist of a 12 year old girl (which I would never do anyways even if I was the best defense attorney in town).

Is this the person you want as your President?

Click the link below to hear the Hillary Tapes.

Click the link below to read the National Review on Hillary representing child rapist

Thursday, July 24, 2014




U.S. corporations are leaving the United States as fast as they can as they seek more friendly business environments in other countries. Obama will propose legislation that will put handcuffs on U.S. corporations that will make it harder for them to leave for those more friendly business environments. That is like putting a band aid on a broken bone. It doesn't solve any problems. The U.S. has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world and those corporations that have left already will never return. The corporations that left create jobs and taxation in the countries they flee to. Obama will say it is a race to the bottom but I say why give the government more of your money to redistribute?

Redistribution, as Obama is so fond of, is also known as Marxism, socialism and communism. My friend Lewis from Cuba explains redistribution and socialism by asking the following question, "If our neighborhood was allowed to come into my home and take any food from my refrigerator anytime they liked then they would have that much less incentive to work for the free food they receive and I would go broke and eventually starve to death because no one is giving me any food."

In addition to feeding the redistribution pig that never seems to get smaller, government intervention into free markets for alleged "patriotic reasons" is actually unpatriotic. Who remembers the K car by Chrysler? It may have been the most horrible people mover ever created. If you were patriotic and bought an American car you may have bought a K car. Detroit was happy and didn't change their ways or become more competitive because you were "patriotic."

Now assume you did not fall for the "patriotic" call to duty and instead you purchased a better quality imported car. You are the true patriot. Why? Because you did not support a company that built an inferior product through some ill informed "patriotic duty" and instead purchased a product that was superior in construction you forced American car companies to COMPETE FOR CUSTOMERS THROUGH THE FREE MARKET. Competition for consumers makes companies provide better products and become more productive. Government intervention and the bully pulpit merely entrenches established companies and practices. 

If you want to see what kind of car you would have if the production of cars was government run just google "Trabant" or click the link below. After you added six gallons of gas to the small tank you would have to add 2-stroke motor oil and then shake the car back and forth (unless you always carried a 6 gallon gas can with you). Those East German communists sure knew how to make a joke.

Handcuffing corporations to an outdated tax system to save jobs may sound nice but in reality it is merely a gimmicky sound bite that allows Obama to justify his salary. If Obama was a CEO of a corporation and he gave away the corporation's assets the way he is giving away assets from our U.S. Treasury he would be long gone by now.

Handcuffing corporations to this country sounds more like something Stalin would do in the U.S.S.R. The U.S.A. is beginning to look more and more like the U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of American.

The only thing Obama inverts is reality.

According to Sarah Keller and Deborah Shanz, the United States of America is ranked 94th out of 100 countries for "tax attractiveness." Click the link below to read Keller and Shanz's Economic Report

Link to view the Trabant  (one of the worst cars ever produced) below,28804,1658545_1658533_1658030,00.html

Thursday, July 17, 2014



Obama takes charge again ... of his fundraising. If he isn't fundraising he is off to the links or shooting "selfies" at funerals. Who elected this idiot? I told everyone I know not to vote for him. I wish they would have listened. What do you expect from a self-described lazy person. The Communist Manifesto and Rules for Radicals are not the reading material you want any President of the United States soaking up as gospel. 

I really hate him. Call me a racist if you like (like Eric Holder does to everyone who says Obama sucks) but I just hate Marxism and ignorance.

Click link below to read Obama's reaction to American crash victims

Don't believe ANY propaganda from Hamas. The militants in Hamas use women and children as human shields and they have no respect for human life or, as Americans, our way of life. Hamas will lie and play tapes of dead children over and over until you believe Israel is the savage ... but if you EVER believe Israel has no respect for human life then you are sadly mistaken. Israel has had rockets for years and they never fire them into Palestinians hoping to kill, maim and destroy. Israel only uses its rockets in self defense. If you want Israel, the flower and intelligence of the middle east, to go back to mule powered carts, then you can side with the militant Hamas and may the rest of the world have pity on you. 

What if Mexicans fired missiles into Texas. Should we allow innocent Texans to be killed and do nothing about it?

Click the YouTube video below to watch a Palestinian fire a rocket into Israel and then call a couple woman and their children to come give him cover as his human shield.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014




Obama is doing a great job of following Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to appeal to the middle class to always do the "right thing" even when he, or his buddy Eric Holder, won't.

It has been reported that approximately 55,000 children have crossed our southern border since October of 2013. Is there a Civil War in Mexico? No. A natural disaster? No. Then why now? Why is there a crisis all of a sudden and we have NEVER had so many people cross the border like they are now?

Because Obama and Holder are ignoring the Constitution (again). They are not protecting our country. They are not doing their jobs. And they are creating chaos. This is just another way Obama is appealing to the middle class to do the "right thing." It is a moral appeal. That is what politicians always do. They can't come out and say that they will gain more political power over you life and your pocketbook. That is not as good an argument. 

Obama can use the NSA and listen into every conversation in this country or use a drone to kill a person halfway around the world with pinpoint accuracy but he can't find ONE PERSON attempting to cross the border into our country. If you believe that then you can't be helped. But if you realize Obama is just letting this happen because he wants to diminish this country's prominence and redistribute wealth then it makes sense.

So what are Obama and Holder doing? When they are not sitting around coming up with schemes to get money or votes from creating some stupid regulation, they are spending their time threatening our citizens. It has been reported that a cameraman has been told by the government they would be thrown in jail for reporting on illegal immigration at an immigration shelter. The shelter is housing 2,000 illegal immigrants at a cost to taxpayer of approximately $250 a person a day. 

Every day we look more like the old U.S.S.R. The government only wants you to see what they want you to see ... even if they are watching and listening to your every move. 
Link to story

It's all part of Obama's plan. He was a good student of Alinsky. Holder is Obama's hired gun and rubber stamp. With every boondoggle, Obama claims he knows nothing and Holder doesn't investigate any claims against Obama (thus through inaction clearing Obama of any responsibility). IRS. Benghazi. Claimed recess appointments. Executive orders changing Obamacare. Solyndra ... oh, you know what, I have a better idea ... just click the link below to see two dozen scandals and counting so far.   

Obama has studied Alinsky well and he knows if you start with nothing and ask for everything and you end up with 30% of something ... you are still 30% ahead of nothing. That is the way Obama negotiates. That is why compromise is not acceptable when dealing with people like Obama. Compromise, when it is used by Marxist politicians like Obama, has no logical end other than the complete destruction of our Constitution and country as we know it. 

Obama is not going to tell you he is a Marxist. You need to figure that out for yourself through reading and studying the man's history and background. Spend some time studying the man and you will find he has said he is for and against just about everything and anything. You would be a fool to believe almost anything the man has ever said. Rather look to who he spent his time with and how he has spent his life.  

Don't let a Marxist play to your emotions with endless appeals to your morality. A leader should lead and not use "Rules for Radicals" to divide and conquer and to sacrifice the middle class like pawns that can be discarded at the King's will. 

Obama doesn't have my back and he doesn't have yours. 

You don't need to sacrifice anything for your country other than your support for our Constitution. We won't need a draft to get you to fight if our country is really under siege. You don't need to be taxed if someone is really in need. You will help someone under your own free will because you will feel obligated and because you were brought up right. You don't need a politician to tell you that you need to pay your "fair share." Besides, at least about 30% of what you pay into the government will be lost through fraud, poor resource utilization or political pay-offs. 

You will be amazed when you read Rules for Radicals. It is like stealing the other team's playbook, not unlike Coach Gruden of the Tampa Bay Bucs playing his old team the Raiders in Super Bowl XXXVII ... except the stakes are much greater.

Monday, July 14, 2014



Some may say Obama grew up without a father but you could make a good case that Big Government was his father and thus ... his love for it. We are all a product of our perceptions.

Dr. Jack Wheeler (whose real name was John Wheeler), who helped President Reagan devise strategy to free millions of Russian people from the shackles of Marxism, wrote the following description of Barack Obama on his website:

The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No résumé, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.

He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya. Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.

What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is "African-American," the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

Let that sink in: Obambi is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.

It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from her. Obamamania is beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents reject Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin, transferring it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.

Thus Obambi has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it, no faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is absurd.

Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.

[H]is candidacy is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.

Saturday, July 12, 2014



“I was going to start off tonight with an Obama joke, but I don’t want to get audited by the IRS.”

On NSA surveillance: “We wanted a president who listens to all Americans – now we have one.”

On a new IRS commissioner: “He’s called ‘acting commissioner’ because he has to act like the scandal doesn’t involve the White House.”

On closing the Guantanamo prison for terrorists: “If he really wants to close it, turn it into a government-funded solar power company. The doors will be shut in a month.”

Concerning the Benghazi, Associated Press, and IRS scandals: “Remember in the old days when President Obama’s biggest embarrassment was Joe Biden?”

On Obama saying he didn’t know about the IRS scandal: “He was too busy not knowing anything about Benghazi to not know anything about the IRS.”

“The White House has a new slogan about Benghazi : Hope and change the subject.”

“It’s casual Friday, which means that at the White House, they’re casually going through everybody’s phone calls and records.”

“It is not looking good for President Obama. Today his teleprompter took the fifth.”

“Fox News has changed its slogan from ‘Fair and Balanced’ to ‘See, I told you so!’”

On Obama’s commencement address: “He told the young graduates their future is bright unless, of course, they want jobs.”

On a Chicago man who set a record for riding a Ferris wheel: “The only other way to go around and around in a circle that many times is to read the official report on Benghazi.”

On White House claims of ignorance on the scandals: “They took ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ out of the Pentagon and moved it into the White House.”

And finally ...

“These White House scandals are not going away anytime soon. It’s gotten so bad that People in Kenya are now saying he’s 100 percent American.”

Thursday, July 10, 2014




Obama doesn't care about the American towns that are being destroyed on the American border. All he cares about is winning more Democratic votes for Congress in the next election.

What is the game plan? Do nothing. Let the Republicans complain about the destruction and health threats that are taking place. Forget about the complaints that are being stifled by the government and the media ... about people wanting to report scabies and TB that the illegal immigrants are bringing into our country or the terrible strain on public resources that is taking place in border cities all along the American border. Nope. That doesn't matter to a man who is willing to sacrifice some individuals for the benefit of others. To Obama, one individual does not matter. To you and me, that is all that matters. Obama is the man who decides winners and losers and plays politics with your lives and the lives of your children.

The game plan is to let the Republicans do something about it. There is no good answer so whatever the Republicans do they will be bastardized by the Democrats and the Hispanic vote will fall in line behind the do-nothing President like the African American vote does with the help of what I call racism baiters like Jesse Jackson. 

Our self proclaimed lazy President will make flowery speeches and pretend he understands the economic situation but the only thing he understands is that most of the American public is more stupid and lazy than he is so he will feed them all a bunch of BS and it will be eaten up ... and the American public will have smiles on their faces as they do it. And the President will make his goofy a** smile. And the heavens will part and the world will be saved. Or not.

Click the link below to read how our borders are being protected by an irresponsible government ... your government.

Monday, July 7, 2014






Obama says some government programs don't work. What? Say that again. Yes. Obama actually said that although if it wasn't recorded no one would believe it. Click on the video below to see it with your own eyes. 
Obama said that the Import-Export Bank is nothing more than "a fund for corporate welfare." Even with this on the record I do not know of any government agency that has been eliminated since Obama has become President.

What has the President cut? Nothing that I know of except for one thing. We can all give Obama credit for getting our military troops out of Iraq which is a war that we will never win and a war that will continue throughout our lifetimes and the lifetimes of our children. It is not our war and we do nothing except make those who live there despise us for being there with military weapons. We don't belong there (and many other nations as well) AND our Constitution does not permit it. We can all be grateful that our children will no longer have to die in Iraq merely because some government official wants to fight a war there. That money (and lives) would be better spent here at home taking care of the indigent, paying down debt or taking care of our elderly.

So what does the Import-Export Bank (IEB) do? The IEB takes your hard earned tax dollars and puts them into a non-elected government employees hands so that employee may use the power of their government position to dole out money to people in other countries to buy products made in the U.S.A.  

The main point in the preceding paragraph is that a government official gives out money that belongs to taxpayers. That creates a condition ripe for bribery and fraud (as described in The Daily Signal's article below) and it picks winners and losers. 

If you are not a huge corporation and you don't have lobbyists you might as well forget about getting any of the IEB money. The IEB scheme makes products more expensive here while making them less expensive overseas. Taxpayers here are on the hook for buyers in foreign countries who may or may not make payment for the goods and services bought and sold. Additionally, we are subsidizing those companies that have close ties to our government (creating a more fascist government) and also subsidizing foreigners at the expense of hard working Americans. 

The IEB scheme, as promulgated by our government, is contrary to what made this country great ... liberty and justice for all. Now ... if we could just get our Weasel-In-Chief to do something he said he would do and stop the corporate welfare.    

Click the link below to hear the masterful Obama's Orwellian doublespeak

Click the following link to read about at least 74 cases of fraud at the Ex-Im Bank.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014




According to Sarah Keller and Deborah Shanz, the United States of America is ranked 94th out of 100 countries for "tax attractiveness." So while Obama is secretly firing United States generals and others that do not tow the party line ... and otherwise playing Chicagoland politics in our Capital ... businesses are looking to leave this socialist cesspool of a country (if Obama has his way) to find greener pastures.

Click the link below to read Keller and Shanz's Economic Report