Obama is doing a great job of following Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to appeal to the middle class to always do the "right thing" even when he, or his buddy Eric Holder, won't.
It has been reported that approximately 55,000 children have crossed our southern border since October of 2013. Is there a Civil War in Mexico? No. A natural disaster? No. Then why now? Why is there a crisis all of a sudden and we have NEVER had so many people cross the border like they are now?
Because Obama and Holder are ignoring the Constitution (again). They are not protecting our country. They are not doing their jobs. And they are creating chaos. This is just another way Obama is appealing to the middle class to do the "right thing." It is a moral appeal. That is what politicians always do. They can't come out and say that they will gain more political power over you life and your pocketbook. That is not as good an argument.
Obama can use the NSA and listen into every conversation in this country or use a drone to kill a person halfway around the world with pinpoint accuracy but he can't find ONE PERSON attempting to cross the border into our country. If you believe that then you can't be helped. But if you realize Obama is just letting this happen because he wants to diminish this country's prominence and redistribute wealth then it makes sense.
So what are Obama and Holder doing? When they are not sitting around coming up with schemes to get money or votes from creating some stupid regulation, they are spending their time threatening our citizens. It has been reported that a cameraman has been told by the government they would be thrown in jail for reporting on illegal immigration at an immigration shelter. The shelter is housing 2,000 illegal immigrants at a cost to taxpayer of approximately $250 a person a day.
Every day we look more like the old U.S.S.R. The government only wants you to see what they want you to see ... even if they are watching and listening to your every move.
Link to story
It's all part of Obama's plan. He was a good student of Alinsky. Holder is Obama's hired gun and rubber stamp. With every boondoggle, Obama claims he knows nothing and Holder doesn't investigate any claims against Obama (thus through inaction clearing Obama of any responsibility). IRS. Benghazi. Claimed recess appointments. Executive orders changing Obamacare. Solyndra ... oh, you know what, I have a better idea ... just click the link below to see two dozen scandals and counting so far.
Obama has studied Alinsky well and he knows if you start with nothing and ask for everything and you end up with 30% of something ... you are still 30% ahead of nothing. That is the way Obama negotiates. That is why compromise is not acceptable when dealing with people like Obama. Compromise, when it is used by Marxist politicians like Obama, has no logical end other than the complete destruction of our Constitution and country as we know it.
Obama is not going to tell you he is a Marxist. You need to figure that out for yourself through reading and studying the man's history and background. Spend some time studying the man and you will find he has said he is for and against just about everything and anything. You would be a fool to believe almost anything the man has ever said. Rather look to who he spent his time with and how he has spent his life.
Don't let a Marxist play to your emotions with endless appeals to your morality. A leader should lead and not use "Rules for Radicals" to divide and conquer and to sacrifice the middle class like pawns that can be discarded at the King's will.
Obama doesn't have my back and he doesn't have yours.
You don't need to sacrifice anything for your country other than your support for our Constitution. We won't need a draft to get you to fight if our country is really under siege. You don't need to be taxed if someone is really in need. You will help someone under your own free will because you will feel obligated and because you were brought up right. You don't need a politician to tell you that you need to pay your "fair share." Besides, at least about 30% of what you pay into the government will be lost through fraud, poor resource utilization or political pay-offs.
You will be amazed when you read Rules for Radicals. It is like stealing the other team's playbook, not unlike Coach Gruden of the Tampa Bay Bucs playing his old team the Raiders in Super Bowl XXXVII ... except the stakes are much greater.
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