Thursday, July 17, 2014


Don't believe ANY propaganda from Hamas. The militants in Hamas use women and children as human shields and they have no respect for human life or, as Americans, our way of life. Hamas will lie and play tapes of dead children over and over until you believe Israel is the savage ... but if you EVER believe Israel has no respect for human life then you are sadly mistaken. Israel has had rockets for years and they never fire them into Palestinians hoping to kill, maim and destroy. Israel only uses its rockets in self defense. If you want Israel, the flower and intelligence of the middle east, to go back to mule powered carts, then you can side with the militant Hamas and may the rest of the world have pity on you. 

What if Mexicans fired missiles into Texas. Should we allow innocent Texans to be killed and do nothing about it?

Click the YouTube video below to watch a Palestinian fire a rocket into Israel and then call a couple woman and their children to come give him cover as his human shield.

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