Tuesday, December 31, 2013


If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to 
protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost. 
- Barack Obama

Well said. With Obama's leadership most think all else IS lost!

Barack Obama understands the power of words more than most Presidents. There have been a few that understood including FDR, Lincoln, Reagan and Wilson. Obama's "Hope and Change" chant and his oratory which could best be represented by his supporters making commercials with little old ladies being thrown off cliffs by Republicans make for good rope-a-dope. When it comes to substance we are all beginning to see there really isn't any ... but there is a huge mountain of debt and financial pain for our children in the future. As long as King Dollar is used as a reserve currency the games will continue but like all great civilizations the games only continues until the occurrence of the destruction of money (or means of exhange). 

The yuan has just passed the euro as the second most used currency in the world and the Chinese have been buying gold. A larger portion of the Chinese currency can be backed by gold than here in the United States. The games politicians play giving away baubles for votes will continue so long as the U.S. dollar retains any value. George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq has been described by many as a war to protect the U.S. petro-dollar because Saddam Hussein said he would no longer use dollars in exchange for oil. In the next few years we will all learn that talk is cheap but dollars are getting cheaper. It costs five cents to make a dollar bill (or a hundred dollar bill) and don't expect the money printing to stop until it costs more for the ink and paper to make a dollar than what the ink on that dollar says it is worth.

When Obama's power of the word failed to persuade the public he did what every bad politician does. He just outright lied. Just as Woodrow Wilson lied to the American public to get elected by saying he would keep us out of WWI, Obama fed the American people a pack of lies to push his socialist/marxist/fascist agenda that begins with healthcare, follows up with climate change and finishes us off with a humongous mountain of debt, more taxes, greatly expanded cronyism and the country stuck in reverse. Obama says he has your back but he cares about the U.S. citizen about as much as his long lost Kenyan half-brother. Once again ... talk is cheap (but he is paying for it with your money and your future).

If Bush had lied like Obama has lied there would be calls for his impeachment. Since the media is still enamored with their altruistic ideals of a socialist society where everyone is "equal" (evidently regardless of effort), we are not seeing any accountability out of the current administration. The media is not holding anyone's feet to the fire. Now Obama, who is like a drunk driving a car on a dangerous mountain road, plans to push the accelerator down even harder with Harry Reid's help. Harry Reid has pushed through a mere majority vote count for the confirmation of the Washington, D.C. Court of Appeals judges. Three more judges that will be added to that court will rubber stamp each and every Obama Executive Order that gets challenged in the next three years (and there will be many with John Podesta behind the scenes). 

The real power of words is when they are a true representation of the state of affairs as they exist. Lies often lead to trouble or ridicule and sometimes even to war and whether or not societies are conscious of the lie at the time will determine the destiny of that society. The power of words can sway countries down the wrong path through false ideals like Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy or Stalin's Soviet Union (all fascist/socialist/marxist societies). The power of words can also lead us down the right path and free us from the burdensome meddling of government as our Constitution has done in the past. 

The most moral use of words to sway public opinion has always been, and will always be, for less government, less reliance on central planning and more self-reliance. The reason is because the most moral stance in any society is that you should be able to own yourself. That makes sense. We have seen over and over again the destruction to society caused by big governments and the control over their populations, yet many are still swayed by the sweet promises of politicians. Politicians promises won't protect you or help you for long.  Read any book on any once great society and about the strong central government they once had and it is evident that centralized government control ends up with corruption, destruction of the money supply, high taxes and regulation, usually extended war and eventually collapse. 

What will protect you and your interests? Criticism of the central government will protect you. Keep those who may use their power to control you under close scrutiny. Educate yourself in history and economics. That will protect you (and you will profit from it). If you do not want to take the time to educate yourself then please do not vote. The ignorant vote is a dangerous vote. Venezuela is a perfect example of voters who are ignorant in economics. They reason their country runs out of toilet paper escapes them because they are more interested in getting boob jobs than their economic future.   

Another idea to protect the public from its government would be to record all activities of government workers. That is right. I would go so far as having cameras on all public workers in public buildings where the citizens could monitor the workers that are paid with our tax dollars. The NSA is watching us. Why shouldn't we be watching them and every other government employee. Aren't they hired with our tax dollars? With a click of your mouse you can see if the President is working at his desk or if he is out of the office (on an African safari or out for a round of golf). THAT is true transparency. Obama's definition of transparency is having the NSA record every phone call, text message and email you have ever made and then he would tell you the NSA is only spying on "terrorists."  

When a responsible citizen comes forward and says the NSA is recording everything you do and that Obama is a liar ... that citizen becomes an "enemy of the State" and must seek asylum with Putin. See how that works? The power of words. How can we all not despise an "enemy of the State?" But we find out he speaks the truth unlike our federal employee who lives in the White House. Which is more transparent? Which one do you want holding your wallet while you swim in the pool? Personally, I will take the one not living in the White House. He is already emptying my wallet from afar. That is just plain weirdness. The "enemy of the State" is more trustworthy than the leader of my country. That should bring a long pause for anyone who has any faith in our President. How can you be proud of a leader like that?

 Limiting intrusion into ones' affairs by government promotes self-reliance and personal autonomy. Governments will always promote a nanny state to promote its own parasitic growth to the detriment of your freedoms and wealth. Government will always use the power of words to sway public opinion but the laws of economics will determine the outcomes of the decisions governments make (and its populations allow it to make), not the will of the central government. 

Our government is currently making every wrong decision that could possibly be made regarding the handling of our economy and the price of stocks and real estate and other hard assets is going up ... not because the government is doing a good job but because they are doing a bad job. The prices, you see, are going up because the value of your money is going down. No hard decisions are being made in Washington, D.C. so the money printing by the Federal Reserve continues. Let me say that again in case you missed it. The prices of assets are going up because the value of your money is going down.

The Tea Party has been attacked by the "Progressives" as being dangerous but the real danger for the "Progressives" and those in power is that the power of their words to deceive their mindless masses are losing effectiveness as they are not a true representation of the state of affairs as they now exist in our society. How can an organization of people who are mostly responsible business owners that are criticizing an irresponsible and spendthrift federal government be "dangerous." Isn't the real danger that no one stops an irresponsible and spendthrift federal government? That is what the debt ceiling is supposed to do. The big government "Progressives" say if we don't ignore  or raise the debt ceiling that is being irresponsible. Isn't that turning the issue on it's head? 

Look at the grounds of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and see who picks up after themselves and who leaves all their crap on the ground to be picked up by someone else. Is there a better representation of the difference between responsible citizens and irresponsible citizens? Would you like to guess if the Tea Party or the "Progressives" pick up after themselves? Wouldn't the real Hope and Change be if the Progressives picked up their own trash (and took responsibility for their own lives)? 

The "Progressive's" state of mind that they do not have to carry their own weight and that someone else should do it was created by the welfare/warfare centralized federal government. If the goal of "Progressives" is to make everyone a "Progressive" then who will pull the cart when everyone is sitting in it waiting to be pulled? It is the duty of all patriots to educate and inform those who vote that being short sighted and receiving a bauble for a vote today may result in the lack of baubles for everyone tomorrow.

There is no true power in words when those words, and usually lies, are used to expand and empower the federal government to the detriment of the individual if the voter understands liberty and freedom and patriotism. There are no more powerful words or ideas than LIBERTY and FREEDOM and PATRIOTISM and it is time to stop taking them for granted.      

Link to site listing the attacks on the Tea Party by the Ludicrous Left 

Link to a beautiful and wonderful non-partisan short video on the Power of Words


Monday, December 30, 2013

The following was posted on middleclassmessenger.wordpress.com on December 21, 2013:


What Obama Care is Really About 

I’m a 54 year old consulting engineer and make between $60,000 and $125,000 per year, depending on how hard I work and whether or not there are work projects out there for me.

My girlfriend is 61 and makes about $18,000 per year, working as a part-time mail clerk.

For me, making $60,000 a year, under ObamaCare, the cheapest, lowest grade policy I can buy, which also happens to impose a $5,000 deductible, costs $482 per month.

For my girlfriend, the same exact policy, same deductible, costs $1 per month. That’s right, $1 per month. I’m not making this up.

Don’t believe me? Just go to http://www.opa.ca.gov/Pages/CoveredCalifornia.aspx, the ObamaCare website for California and enter the parameters I’ve mentioned above and see for yourself. By the way, my zip code is 93940. You’ll need to enter that.

So OK, clearly ObamaCare is a scheme that involves putting the cost burden of healthcare onto the middle and upper-income wage earners. But there’s a lot more to it. Stick with me.

And before I make my next points, I’d like you to think about something:
I live in Monterey County, in Central California. We have a large land mass but just 426,000 residents – about the population of Colorado Springs or the city of Omaha.

But we do have a large Hispanic population, including a large number of illegal aliens, and to serve this group we have Natividad Medical Center, a massive, Federally subsidized county medical complex that takes up an area about one-third the size of the Chrysler Corporation automobile assembly plant in Belvedere, Illinois (see Google Earth View). Natividad has state-of-the-art operating rooms, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fully equipped, 24 hour emergency room, and much more. If you have no insurance, if you’ve been in a drive-by shooting or have overdosed on crack cocaine, this is where you go. And it’s essentially free, because almost everyone who ends up in the ER is uninsured.

Last year, 2,735 babies were born at Natividad. 32% of these were born to out-of-wedlock teenage mothers, 93% of which were Hispanic. Less than 20% could demonstrate proof of citizenship, and 71% listed their native language as Spanish. Of these 876 births, only 40 were covered under [any kind of] private health insurance. The taxpayers paid for the other 836. And in case you were wondering about the entire population – all 2,735 births – less than 24% involved insured coverage or even partial payment on behalf of the patient to the hospital in exchange for services. Keep this in mind as we move forward.

Now consider this:

If I want to upgrade my policy to a low-deductible premium policy, such as what I had with my last employer, my cost is $886 per month. But my girlfriend can upgrade her policy to the very same level, for just $4 per month. That’s right, $4 per month. $48 per year for a zero-deductible, premium healthcare policy – the kind of thing you get when you work at IBM (except of course, IBM employees pay an average of $170 per month out of pocket for their coverage).

I mean, it’s bad enough that I will be forced to subsidize the ObamaCare scheme in the first place. But even if I agreed with the basic scheme, which of course I do not, I would never agree to subsidize premium policies. If I have to pay $482 a month for a budget policy, I sure as hell do not want the guy I’m subsidizing to get a better policy, for less that 1% of what I have to fork out each month for a low-end policy.

Why must I pay $482 per month for something the other guy gets for a dollar? And why should the other guy get to buy an $886 policy for $4 a month? Think about this: I have to pay $10,632 a year for the same thing that the other guy can get for $48. $10,000 of net income is 60 days of full time work as an engineer. $48 is something I could could pay for collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles, one day a month.

Are you with me on this? Are you starting to get an idea what ObamaCare is really about?

ObamaCare is not about dealing with inequities in the healthcare system. That’s just the cover story. The real story is that it is a massive, political power grab. Do you think anyone who can insure himself with a premium policy for $4 a month will vote for anyone but the political party that provides him such a deal? ObamaCare is about enabling, subsidizing, and expanding the Left’s political power base, at taxpayer expense. Why would I vote for anyone but a Democrat if I can have babies for $4 a month? For that matter, why would I go to college or strive for a better job or income if it means I have to pay real money for healthcare coverage? Heck, why study engineering when I can be a schlub for $20K per year and buy a new F-150 with all the money I’m saving?

And think about those $4-a-month babies – think in terms of propagation models. Think of just how many babies will be born to irresponsible, under-educated mothers. Will we get a new crop of brain surgeons and particle physicists from the dollar baby club, or will we need more cops, criminal courts and prisons? One thing you can be certain of: At $4 a month, they’ll multiply, and multiply, and multiply. And not one of them will vote Republican.

ObamaCare: It’s all about political power.

Link to MiddleClassMessenger website:

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Dangerous and Despicable John Podesta

Obama is bringing in John Podesta to help him "get around" Congress with Executive Orders that allegedly allow the President to skirt the law-making powers of Congress and to skirt the limitations of the Constitution that allow Congress to make laws and the President to merely execute (enforce) the laws.

He outlined the focus for this administration that has lost its ability to lead as a result of its lies and incompetence. "They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress," Podesta was quoted as saying. So now Obama's top level advisor is comparing the Republican Party to a mindless group of people whose leader told them to drink the Kool-Aid. The Republican's question Obama's ability to circumvent the Constitution and push through legislation called Obamacare that puts you in jail if you don't buy health insurance (something that a third-world dictator would do) and they get compared to a Jonestown cult.

Go read the Constitution and read the history of the writing of the Constitution and you will see that all these laws that the Federal government pushes though regulating every aspect of your life in the name of your "welfare" are not Constitutional. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written to limit centralized government powers. These "welfare" laws have all been created by a growing central government in Washington, D.C. that seeks more and more power and control over your life. The Federal Supreme Court rubber stamps every case that challenges the power of the federal government to expand its powers and never finds in favor of the individual or any limitation of federal powers. It's a sham and a shame and many voters go along with the game because they believe they are getting something for "free" from the federal government. 

The federal government makes nothing. All the federal government can do it take a bauble from one person who has one and give it to a another person who does not have one. The government collects its vote from the one who previously did not have a bauble and then pushes through more laws making it easier for the federal government to take someone else's bauble in the future. That works for votes but is does not change the Laws of Economics. Such practices are called redistribution and it results in making everyone poorer. Look at Cuba and Venezuela and to a lesser degree (at this point) France and the United Kingdom. 

Getting back to Podesta. His Democratic Party more closely resembles the cult in Jonestown. It is easy to make the case that the Democrats that believed Obamacare could reduce a family's premiums $2,500 a year while at the same time adding more coverages and more enrollees were drinking Obama's Kool-Aid and possess blind faith in their leader. It is not hard to make the case that Obama closely resembles the Jimmy Jones who asked his followers to blindly follow his lead and believe in him and his "mission from above" (whatever that above may be). It is amusing that Podesta is going to go to work for the "Jimmy Jones" of Obamacare and yet Podesta demonizes those who are questioning and challenging the crazy leader and his followers. 

Maybe if more hard questions were asked by the media before the Kool-Aid was passed out then we wouldn't have Obamacare which only a minority of the population is now in favor of. Those who educated themselves on the issues knew Obamacare wouldn't work and that it would be harmful to our country. Those who didn't gladly drank the Kool-Aid. Obamacare is only going to get worse and Obama's climate initiative is on deck. Be prepared.      

In the meantime I am hoping Obama will pay the financial difference between what he promised and what I actually have to pay for my health care premiums or I may have to consider suing him under my state's Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Or maybe my case would only end up before a Federal Court and they would, not surprisingly, find for the federal employee and not for me. Darn, don't they know they work for me? It really stinks that I have to keep paying my taxes even if they don't do their job. I wish it wasn't so easy to be altruistic with other people's money.  

Let's all thank Republican Steve Scalise (R-LA) who called Podesta out on his comments and said:

"It's disgraceful and telling that President Obama's new Counselor is not only comparing the Republican Party to a cult that murdered those who disagreed with them, but is also using that comparison as an argument in support of shredding the Constitution and governing like a third-world dictator."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

What if we were all Democrats?

As a Libertarian I often think what this country would look like if we were all Democrats. What if Big Government ran everything? Would I even be able to blog today? What if the unions had their way with businesses and no one cared? What if FOX didn't exist and there was only MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC? Who would ask the hard questions? What if all the wealth of this country was redistributed from the productive to the non-productive so that no one would work or would move away?

What if fear and envy and altruism and other emotional appeals were used by politicians to to lead a nation's voters to make irrational and uneconomic decisions? What if there were no more businesses left to shakedown by crooked politicians? What if everyone read and watched fiction (or reality shows) instead of learning about our past and our history? What would this country look like?

The answer is Detroit ... a city that has been run into the ground by socialism and Democrats. Democrats can take credit for passing the hugely unpopular Obamacare but they must also take credit for its certain and eventual failure ... as certain as Detroit was to fail under socialism and Democratic rule.

For as much as Ayn Rand is demonized by the Progressives for her purely rational and non-emotional summation and analysis of society, she was right on target sixty years ago in describing what would happen to our once great cities as the result of cronyism and socialism. In Atlas Shrugged, she wrote about a town called Starnesville, a mid-western town, that had been home to the Twentieth Century Motor Company. She wrote:

A few houses still stood within the skeleton of what had once been an industrial town. Everything that could move, had moved away; but some human beings had remained. The empty structures were vertical rubble; they had been eaten, not by time, but by men: boards torn out at random, missing patches of roofs, holes left in gutted cellars. It looked as if blind hands had seized whatever fitted the need of the moment, with no concept of remaining in existence the next morning. The inhabited houses were scattered at random among the ruins; the smoke of their chimneys was the only movement visible in town. A shell of concrete, which had been a schoolhouse, stood on the outskirts; it looked like a skull, with the empty sockets of glassless windows, with a few strands of hair still clinging to it, in the shape of broken wires.

Beyond the town, on a distant hill, stood the factory of the Twentieth Century Motor Company. Its walls, roof lines and smokestacks looked trim, impregnable like a fortress. It would have seemed intact but for a silver water tank: the water tank was tipped sidewise.

This is our certain future under current Democratic rule and redistributive policies. Ayn Rand was an economist and realist, and like the Austrian economists, her predictions are based on rational thought and history ... not emotional appeals for Hope and Change by our politicians. Detroit ended up like Rome for the same political and socialist reasons. Every person should take responsibility for themselves and put their emotions in check and look at our country's perilous condition rationally. We need to nullify politicians who say they have our back when in reality they use that saying (and any other oratory or lie) for their own ambitions and power and greed. The politicians that lie and are not held accountable and are the antithesis of the business owner who is driven out of business for providing poor goods and services. It is time to stop worshipping the politicians who are leading us to certain disaster. It is time to stop vilifying the businesses that provide us with goods and services before the pot runs dry.

Pictures of Detroit

For more pictures of the Demise of Detroit click the following link

“The only thing that is more expensive 
than education is ignorance.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, December 26, 2013

When I woke up today and read the headlines I was sad to learn Raif Badawi, a young father and husband in Saudi Arabia, has been sentenced to death for the "crime" of apostasy. Apostasy is the abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, principles or cause and in Saudi Arabia may result in the punishment of death. His crime was to question Islam and religious practices on his website Free Saudi Liberals. He has been in jail since June, 2012 and his troubles began right after he established his website in 2008. His other crimes were that he wrote about Valentine's Day which is a prohibited holiday in Saudi Arabia and he also questioned his own religion. He was sentenced to death on December 25, 2013. While little kids in our country were opening up presents from Santa there was a man who questioned freedoms prohibited by the Religion Police in Saudi Arabia being found guilty with the punishment of death for breaking immoral laws prohibiting freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

When you think about the United States you don't normally think of prohibitions against freedoms but when you wake up on January 1, 2014 you will be breaking the "law" if you do not purchase "Obamacare approved" health insurance. How could a country that was founded upon freedom turn into a fascist country where the government controls 100% of the privately owned health care system? Our Founding Fathers did everything they could to protect us from this day by clearly declaring in the Constitution and Bill of Rights that the Federal government's powers are to be limited ... but the Federal government kept growing and growing, slowly eroding our freedoms with the authority of a Supreme Court that did nothing to protect the individual from the powers of the State. We now live in a country with a President who views his own success on how many people he can get on food stamps and welfare and how much money he can extract from businesses with fines, penalties and regulations. How did we get here and where are the protectors of our freedom? Can the State do anything in the name of "fairness, welfare, protection and security?"

Just as Raif Badawi is treated like an infant who does not know what is good for him the American people have voted for a government that treats its citizens like infants that must be told what to do. The Saudi government doesn't trust its citizens to speak their minds and the American government does not trust its citizens to pick their own health plan. How many times have we heard that we have to pay more because the plans we have are not "good" plans and they don't have everything our central government thinks they should have? I want to point out that the President also said the average family would save $2,500 a year on insurance premiums (just another whopper of a lie our mathematically challenged and ignorant President repeated over and over and over again).

When will the time come to imprison those who speak out against a centralized government's health plan or is it already in Obamacare and we just haven't read it yet (a la the politically irresponsible and economically ignorant Nancy Pelosi)? Who elects these people? Do you really think you are getting something for free from the government?

Amnesty International has said Badawi's "is [a] clear case of intimidation against him and others who seek to engage in open debates about the issues that Saudi Arabians face in their daily lives." Our hearts and souls go out to Raif Badawi and we hope Amnesty International can stop this injustice.

Picture of Raif Badawi

Freedoms should not be taken lightly. Americans are beginning to understand that centralized government does not work and either through education or experience they will learn how bad things can get. Just as a child gets a state of euphoria opening up his present on Christmas morning, the Obama voters thought they were getting something for nothing but are beginning to realize that there really is no Santa. Someone has to pay for the "gifts" that are bestowed upon us from our crony politicians.

Has everyone all of a sudden stopped watching Dancing with the Stars and figured out that their votes were bought with broken promises that cannot be kept or are they just getting their new bills for their health care premiums? Obamacare subsidizes 65% of those with healthcare but even those making under $94,000 a year will see their premiums go up because under Obamacare there was nothing done to reduce the cost curve. There were better ways to help those with preexisting conditons get coverage than destroy our entire health care system and we need to discuss what should have been done to fix healthcare and what needs to be done to make things right. The next boondoggle may be what I heard today. I heard that the information that is being gathered by Healthcare.gov will be used for political purposes. We shall see if this comes to pass but with the leaky information problem with our government I am sure it is true.

There are many failed Democratic societies that have failed. We all know the ancient societies that have failed such as Greece and Rome. We also all know that personal sacrifice did not work out well for the Aztecs. More recently the Argentinians, once a very rich country, had the State take funds from their retirement accounts and replace the money with government bonds (that may or may not be worth anything). Castro promised Hope and Change and that he would not promote Communism and we all know how that worked out. I have a friend that fled Cuba who has a sister who still lives there who is a medical doctor. She picks vegetables in a field because that is what the government has mandated for her. There is a tremendous misallocation of resources in Cuba caused by central planning.

Earlier this last year Rasmussen did a poll on Hugo Chavez. Only 6% of Americans had a positive view of Hugo Chavez. I am surprised it is that high because central planning has caused widespread poverty and misallocation of resources in Venezuela. It is a country that can't even keep toilet paper on the shelves because of the central government's price controls and confiscation of productive resources.

One wonders why Americans who think the confiscation of private resources by the central government that has worked out so poorly in other countries will work out so well in our own country. There is no reason to have faith in Barack Obama and his Obamacare boondoggle is only going to get worse and never better ... regardless of what Obama believes and what he says. He can throw trillions at Obamacare (and he will because it is not his money) and it will never work out. Remember what Reagan said to Gorbachev about societies with central planning? He said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The wall was the wall preventing freedom ... all freedoms including the freedom of choice and the freedom of association.

If you believe in freedom then you have to believe Obama does not have that priority at the top of his list. Obama has shown he does not care about laws which, when laws are moral, are necessary to be followed by all men and women including government officials and particularly top government officials like Presidents. He has changed his signature Obamacare law unilaterally so many times since signed into law that one cannot keep count. He has not been forthright and transparent in his handling of the Presidency and prevents discourse and discussion on his health care law. He attacks FOX News for questioning Obamacare when FOX is the only news organization asking real and hard questions. The rest of the news organizations need to wake up and get busy figuring out what is so wrong about this health care law, investigate health care navigators, and examine the special interest groups that have made deals to profit from this health care boondoggle.

What makes Obama dangerous are his beliefs. There is a very good chance his beliefs are quite a bit different than yours and mine. Dinesh D'souza wrote the book The Roots of Obama's Rage after reading an article in a London paper called The Telegraph titled, "Barack Obama's Lost Brother Found in Kenya." The article was about how the multi-millionaire Obama met his half-brother George Hussein Onyango Obama in Kenya in 2006. George lived in Nairobi and lived on less than a dollar a month. The Illinois senator mentions his brother in his autobiography, describing him in a passing paragraph as a "beautiful boy with a rounded head".

Dinesh sought out Obama's brother and raised thousands of dollars for him so he could start a repair business. Dinesh, who has a similar background to Obama, comes to the conclusion in his book that Obama thinks he is a anti-colonialist warrior and has the goal of reducing the United States position in the world to a socialist (level) playing field with the rest of the world. There should be serious doubts about a President who will not help out his own half-brother. Obama always says, "I've got your back" but talk is cheap. I learned a long time ago to look at what politicians do and not what they say because they will say anything for a vote. Just because someone is a great speaker doesn't mean they are moral or good leaders. Look up a list of the greatest speakers and you will see almost every great monster in the last 150 years on it.

I don't have a problem with Obama being an anti-colonialist warrior but when he uses the political process to limit my freedom of association and freedom of choice in my healthcare (which is precious to me) then I have to draw the line and step up to the plate and do what needs to be done. I have to talk politics with those who do not want to talk politics. I have to make those who do not care about freedom care. I have to spend my time educating when I would rather be exercising or playing golf. I have to take responsibility to bring back and protect freedoms that no other country in the world has ever had or seen and I have to be relentless in my battle against those who deny us our freedom. Freedom is like air ... without it you die.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Obamacare in Perspective
During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, the U.S. Produced 22 aircraft carriers, 8 battleships, 48 cruisers, 349 destroyers, 420 destroyer escorts, 203 submarines, 34 million tons of merchant ships, 100,000 fighter aircraft, 98,000 bombers, 24,000 transport aircraft, 58,000 training aircraft, 93,000 tanks, 257,000 artillery pieces, 105,000 mortars, 3,000,000 machine guns, and 2,500,000 military trucks. We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany.
It's worth noting, that during the almost exact amount of time, the Obama administration couldn't build a functioning web site.

Monday, December 23, 2013

If Obamacare Was Such A Good Deal

It Would Be An Option And Not A Law!

The next time someone tells you that Obamacare is the law or that the majority in our democratic country voted for it you can show them this chart from Real Clear Politics. This chart illustrates how a minority can mobilize and pass a law that is not favored by the majority of the population ... even if it is a detriment to the majority of the population. Just because something is a law doesn't mean it is a good law or that it is beneficial. Often laws can be bought. 

Chart of Public Approval of Health Care Law By Real Clear Politics

Link to Real Clear Politics Chart

Uneducated voters are the reason we end up with laws and economic policies that do not make sense. Maybe there should be some requirement before someone can vote. How do you educate someone who doesn't even know Sarah Palin was NOT the Vice-Presidential candidate for Obama as Howard Stern demonstrated on his radio show? The moratorium on discussions on politics and economics has to stop. The ignorant vilification of those who wish to stop big government programs by the media has hurt this country and a real discussion based on facts and not envy and fear must take place.

Friday, December 20, 2013

There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with 
power to endanger the public liberty. 
- Johh Adams

Blind faith in the government to protect us and provide for us is a dangerous concept. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to protect us from the government, not enhance and expand government powers. What makes people believe that a government worker who is part of a union and is very difficult to fire is any more trustworthy than a businessman who must earn people's trust with good products and good services? I can't think of any government program that does things better than the private sector equivalent. If a government worker is inefficient and/or nonproductive then it takes fighting a union representative to get rid of that employee. If a private sector employee is inefficient and/or nonproductive then their boss will fire them or they will go out of business. 

The free market is efficient and Thomas Edison and Henry Ford did more for the human race and standard of living than any politician. All politicians can do is take money from one group of people and distribute it to another group of people. All that blind faith in government has brought you is undeclared wars, NSA snooping into your phone calls and emials, a Social Security trust fund that has nothing but a bunch of written IOUs from the government, higher prices from inflation which is the production of money from thin air by the government (and then that money is used to buy their own debt and increase the price of everything the government touches), intrusion into your health care and spending that is so out of control that by the end of the Obama Presidency we will be well over debt to GDP of 100%. It is time to stop the blind trust and start cutting the federal government down to a manageable and affordable size. The mentality that politicians need to spend more does nothing to solve any problem except for their problem of buying votes to get re-elected. It is time to cut them off.

Link to Obama's amazement that people don't trust the government

Link to story stating "nearly half of Americans do not believe that President Obama was unaware of the IRS targeting of conservative groups for excessive scrutiny until he read about it in press reports" (and the other half believe Barney Frank when he says he had nothing to do with the failure of Fannie and Freddie and also believe that dollars are backed by gold).http://www.cbsnews.com/news/polls-recent-controversies-deplete-public-trust-in-obama-administration/

Too bad the President isn't like the President of Hewlett Packard which rolled out a weak competitor to the Apple IPad because we could fire his A** like they did to the President at Hewlett Packard. No failure should go unpunished when it adversely affects other people. That is the foundation of the Libertarian Party. The Tea Party also believes that and that is another reason why so many incompetent politicians find the Tea Party to be such an enemy to their destructive political pratices. Accountability is something the government could use more of.  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Finally ... Barack Obama Wins A Prize He Deserves

Here is one for the pollsters. A full 58% of voters for Politifact's Lie of the Year award picked Obama's, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." It was overwhelming. Not one other lie registered in the double digits with the voters. It is amazing there is not more protesting of this Administration. They have proved they are power hungry, inept and dishonest. There is nothing more surprising than how the citizens of our great nation are being led by the nose by those who took an oath and said they would uphold the Constitution.

The Constitution was written to keep government involvement out of individual's lives and here we are with an overbearing and burdensome government meddling in people's lives ANYWAYS. The Bill of Rights was written to make it perfectly clear that government should be limited and not impose itself on the daily activities of the populace. There is no other purpose to limit the Federal government and that is what the Bill of Rights does. We were tired of the British and we had a little tea party to protest. Now it seems they have revived and they are being vilified by the current administration. Turns out the Tea Party was right. Big government doesn't work and Obamacare DOES HURT BUSINESS (just ask any objective small business owner) and it is a TAX.

Without going into whether or not Federal Courts are objective or not when it comes to the power of the Federal government, Obamacare was passed under the taxing power of Congress. It was not found to be constitutional under the General Welfare clause as most Progressives insisted. It was a reach for the Supreme Court but where there is a will there is a way.

So in the past if you were having a hard time paying your bills you were just having a hard time paying your bills. Now that the IRS is in charge you will not only have a hard time paying your bills but you will have to deal with getting an IRS lien put on your house if you don't pay for your insurance and/or deal with any other collection method used by the IRS while having a hard time paying your bills. Doesn't sound like such a good deal to me.

Did the President know people wouldn't be able to keep their health care plans?

The Obama Administration knew as far back as 2010 that up to 66% of those covered under small employer health plans and up to 45% of those covered under large employer health plans would lose their insurance by the end of 2013 because their plans would no longer meet the "grandfathered status" from Section 1251 of the Affordable Care Act. The report in the June 2010 Federal Register also predicted MASSIVE DISRUPTIONS in the private insurance market. Any claim that the President didn't know what he was saying was a lie or that the Administration was unaware of the problems they are causing or about to cause the American people with their health insurance is just LUDICROUS.

Link to Article about 93 million Americans losing their health care plans

If that isn't enough proof then maybe the CBO report from May of this year that Obamacare would push 7 million people out of employer-based health insurance should be sufficient.

Link to news report on CBO report

If the President was so lazy (his words ... not mine) and he read the Bill before he signed it he would have seen that the current health care plans have to meet Federal mandates within 5 years. All health care plans are being forced by the government to offer "essential health benefits" including ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance abuse services, prescription drugs, pediatric services and other "benefits" that the government deems you must have. 

Link to read the ACA

So the question is why would the President lie?

Basically because he could and it worked. The President has been lying and stating you can keep your health care plan ever since he began his effort for a Utopian government health care plan. The reason he had to do this is simply because he knows he wouldn't have had the votes to get into office and force this health care and redistribution schemes down the throats of the American people. If Barack Obama had been honest about how his health care plan adds costs, disrupts coverage and does absolutely nothing to lower the health care cost curve then he would never have elected.

Barack Obama played on people's hopes and dreams and downplayed the fear of losing existing health care plan or coverages ... and it worked. He is a masterful politician but the question you must ask yourself is, "If Barack Obama lied about something as sacred as my healthcare then what else can he lie about." Maybe we should have less faith in government and more faith and self-reliance in ourselves.

Link to APA article from June 2009 questioning The Lie in contrast to CBO Report

Now it turns out that the President thinks the public has had about all it can take with his health care fiasco and has taken steps to postpone the new higher premiums that the public will pay until after the 2014 elections. Senators John Barrasso, Lamar Alexander and Mike Enzi want to be sure citizens and business are well aware of the steep increases in their health care premiums before the next election because they want to be sure voters are aware of the consequences of their votes and the resulting premium insurance hikes they will receive under Obamacare.

These Republican Senators have introduced legislation called the Premium Disclosure Act that requires the increases to take place before the next election. Sounds good. After all ... the President shouldn't be able to alter a law that passed both houses with an executive statement or an Executive Order. Sounds honest. Sounds fair.

Link to proposed Senate Legislation

Link to PolitiFact.com Lie of the Year Award

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Does anyone really think the temperature of the earth has remained the same throughout history when one ponders the makeup of the hydrocarbons trapped beneath the earth's surface? You can be pretty sure that the temperature has changed drastically over the earth's lifetime. Are you going to let Al Gore create a carbon footprint the size of a small third world nation and then tell you not to emit carbon because it is bad for the earth? Did he tell the world he was trying to set up a carbon trading exchange called the Chicago Climate Exchange where they would have traded "carbon credits" and he could have made billions while he was selling his pretentious drivel? You can be pretty sure he wouldn't mind making billions while you pay more and more (because of the Kyoto Protocol) for your electric bill for your home and gasoline for your car. He should have received a Nobel Peace Prize for BS. The Kyoto Protocol was created by the United Nations to trade carbon credits and is basically a redistribution mechanism to transfer money from industrialized to third world nations. You can be sure of one thing ... politicians will always be dreaming up new and exciting ways of extracting taxes from the populace.

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth

The first snow in Egypt in over 100 years.

You can't make this stuff up.

Anyone in the market for a slightly used and unearned Nobel Peace Prize?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Morality of "You can't handle the truth."

Jack Nicholson plays Colonel Nathan R. Jessup in the 1992 film A Few Good Men. When there is an inquiry as to whether the Colonel crossed the legal and moral divide in the treatment of detained prisoners, his disdain for mankind and the general public is represented in his forceful outburst, "You can't handle the truth." That statement begs the question of whether or not it is more moral to follow a rule of law where there are supposed protections for the innocent until proven guilty or whether or not the rule of law may be thrown into the shredder when the State (any government) is carrying out its "goals."

If you had a family member killed by the State and the State claimed that the circumstances were "confidential" would that satisfy you? What if the State also wrongfully killed your family member? Wouldn't a person who violates the State's rule against revealing confidential information be on the high moral ground to reveal the State's wrongful killing? A State cannot be held accountable without someone taking a moral stand against the State and divulging such important matters.

Most politicians will use all their powers to cover up their mistakes and policy failures with disregard for the moral high ground. In addition, they will usually use the noble lie that you are not patriotic if you do not support the State in the furtherance of the State's war or action or non-declared war (whatever you want to call it). In 1775, Samuel Johnson said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." The Patriot Act is a perfect example of how bad laws are passed under the guise of patriotism. Since the State is made up of individuals the State should not be able to commit acts that an individual cannot commit under the guise of patriotism.

This leads to the harsh sentencing of Private Bradley Manning (now Chelsea Manning). Manning passed some 700,000 documents to WikiLeaks which comprised of many documents showing the willful misconduct and gross disregard for human life by our government. Most main stream news organizations did not report this side of the story. Furthermore, it was found that not one person died as a result of the unauthorized release of the documents. So the question is, should Bradley Manning be jailed behind bars for 35 years for disclosing unlawful State behavior? Decide for yourself but don't answer that question until after you watch this video which was reportedly one of the documents turned over to WikiLeaks by Mannning.