Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Dangerous and Despicable John Podesta

Obama is bringing in John Podesta to help him "get around" Congress with Executive Orders that allegedly allow the President to skirt the law-making powers of Congress and to skirt the limitations of the Constitution that allow Congress to make laws and the President to merely execute (enforce) the laws.

He outlined the focus for this administration that has lost its ability to lead as a result of its lies and incompetence. "They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress," Podesta was quoted as saying. So now Obama's top level advisor is comparing the Republican Party to a mindless group of people whose leader told them to drink the Kool-Aid. The Republican's question Obama's ability to circumvent the Constitution and push through legislation called Obamacare that puts you in jail if you don't buy health insurance (something that a third-world dictator would do) and they get compared to a Jonestown cult.

Go read the Constitution and read the history of the writing of the Constitution and you will see that all these laws that the Federal government pushes though regulating every aspect of your life in the name of your "welfare" are not Constitutional. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written to limit centralized government powers. These "welfare" laws have all been created by a growing central government in Washington, D.C. that seeks more and more power and control over your life. The Federal Supreme Court rubber stamps every case that challenges the power of the federal government to expand its powers and never finds in favor of the individual or any limitation of federal powers. It's a sham and a shame and many voters go along with the game because they believe they are getting something for "free" from the federal government. 

The federal government makes nothing. All the federal government can do it take a bauble from one person who has one and give it to a another person who does not have one. The government collects its vote from the one who previously did not have a bauble and then pushes through more laws making it easier for the federal government to take someone else's bauble in the future. That works for votes but is does not change the Laws of Economics. Such practices are called redistribution and it results in making everyone poorer. Look at Cuba and Venezuela and to a lesser degree (at this point) France and the United Kingdom. 

Getting back to Podesta. His Democratic Party more closely resembles the cult in Jonestown. It is easy to make the case that the Democrats that believed Obamacare could reduce a family's premiums $2,500 a year while at the same time adding more coverages and more enrollees were drinking Obama's Kool-Aid and possess blind faith in their leader. It is not hard to make the case that Obama closely resembles the Jimmy Jones who asked his followers to blindly follow his lead and believe in him and his "mission from above" (whatever that above may be). It is amusing that Podesta is going to go to work for the "Jimmy Jones" of Obamacare and yet Podesta demonizes those who are questioning and challenging the crazy leader and his followers. 

Maybe if more hard questions were asked by the media before the Kool-Aid was passed out then we wouldn't have Obamacare which only a minority of the population is now in favor of. Those who educated themselves on the issues knew Obamacare wouldn't work and that it would be harmful to our country. Those who didn't gladly drank the Kool-Aid. Obamacare is only going to get worse and Obama's climate initiative is on deck. Be prepared.      

In the meantime I am hoping Obama will pay the financial difference between what he promised and what I actually have to pay for my health care premiums or I may have to consider suing him under my state's Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Or maybe my case would only end up before a Federal Court and they would, not surprisingly, find for the federal employee and not for me. Darn, don't they know they work for me? It really stinks that I have to keep paying my taxes even if they don't do their job. I wish it wasn't so easy to be altruistic with other people's money.  

Let's all thank Republican Steve Scalise (R-LA) who called Podesta out on his comments and said:

"It's disgraceful and telling that President Obama's new Counselor is not only comparing the Republican Party to a cult that murdered those who disagreed with them, but is also using that comparison as an argument in support of shredding the Constitution and governing like a third-world dictator."

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