If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to
protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.
- Barack Obama
If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to
protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.
- Barack Obama
Well said. With Obama's leadership most think all else IS lost!
Barack Obama understands the power of words more than most Presidents. There have been a few that understood including FDR, Lincoln, Reagan and Wilson. Obama's "Hope and Change" chant and his oratory which could best be represented by his supporters making commercials with little old ladies being thrown off cliffs by Republicans make for good rope-a-dope. When it comes to substance we are all beginning to see there really isn't any ... but there is a huge mountain of debt and financial pain for our children in the future. As long as King Dollar is used as a reserve currency the games will continue but like all great civilizations the games only continues until the occurrence of the destruction of money (or means of exhange).
The yuan has just passed the euro as the second most used currency in the world and the Chinese have been buying gold. A larger portion of the Chinese currency can be backed by gold than here in the United States. The games politicians play giving away baubles for votes will continue so long as the U.S. dollar retains any value. George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq has been described by many as a war to protect the U.S. petro-dollar because Saddam Hussein said he would no longer use dollars in exchange for oil. In the next few years we will all learn that talk is cheap but dollars are getting cheaper. It costs five cents to make a dollar bill (or a hundred dollar bill) and don't expect the money printing to stop until it costs more for the ink and paper to make a dollar than what the ink on that dollar says it is worth.
When Obama's power of the word failed to persuade the public he did what every bad politician does. He just outright lied. Just as Woodrow Wilson lied to the American public to get elected by saying he would keep us out of WWI, Obama fed the American people a pack of lies to push his socialist/marxist/fascist agenda that begins with healthcare, follows up with climate change and finishes us off with a humongous mountain of debt, more taxes, greatly expanded cronyism and the country stuck in reverse. Obama says he has your back but he cares about the U.S. citizen about as much as his long lost Kenyan half-brother. Once again ... talk is cheap (but he is paying for it with your money and your future).
If Bush had lied like Obama has lied there would be calls for his impeachment. Since the media is still enamored with their altruistic ideals of a socialist society where everyone is "equal" (evidently regardless of effort), we are not seeing any accountability out of the current administration. The media is not holding anyone's feet to the fire. Now Obama, who is like a drunk driving a car on a dangerous mountain road, plans to push the accelerator down even harder with Harry Reid's help. Harry Reid has pushed through a mere majority vote count for the confirmation of the Washington, D.C. Court of Appeals judges. Three more judges that will be added to that court will rubber stamp each and every Obama Executive Order that gets challenged in the next three years (and there will be many with John Podesta behind the scenes).
The real power of words is when they are a true representation of the state of affairs as they exist. Lies often lead to trouble or ridicule and sometimes even to war and whether or not societies are conscious of the lie at the time will determine the destiny of that society. The power of words can sway countries down the wrong path through false ideals like Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy or Stalin's Soviet Union (all fascist/socialist/marxist societies). The power of words can also lead us down the right path and free us from the burdensome meddling of government as our Constitution has done in the past.
The most moral use of words to sway public opinion has always been, and will always be, for less government, less reliance on central planning and more self-reliance. The reason is because the most moral stance in any society is that you should be able to own yourself. That makes sense. We have seen over and over again the destruction to society caused by big governments and the control over their populations, yet many are still swayed by the sweet promises of politicians. Politicians promises won't protect you or help you for long. Read any book on any once great society and about the strong central government they once had and it is evident that centralized government control ends up with corruption, destruction of the money supply, high taxes and regulation, usually extended war and eventually collapse.
What will protect you and your interests? Criticism of the central government will protect you. Keep those who may use their power to control you under close scrutiny. Educate yourself in history and economics. That will protect you (and you will profit from it). If you do not want to take the time to educate yourself then please do not vote. The ignorant vote is a dangerous vote. Venezuela is a perfect example of voters who are ignorant in economics. They reason their country runs out of toilet paper escapes them because they are more interested in getting boob jobs than their economic future.
Another idea to protect the public from its government would be to record all activities of government workers. That is right. I would go so far as having cameras on all public workers in public buildings where the citizens could monitor the workers that are paid with our tax dollars. The NSA is watching us. Why shouldn't we be watching them and every other government employee. Aren't they hired with our tax dollars? With a click of your mouse you can see if the President is working at his desk or if he is out of the office (on an African safari or out for a round of golf). THAT is true transparency. Obama's definition of transparency is having the NSA record every phone call, text message and email you have ever made and then he would tell you the NSA is only spying on "terrorists."
When a responsible citizen comes forward and says the NSA is recording everything you do and that Obama is a liar ... that citizen becomes an "enemy of the State" and must seek asylum with Putin. See how that works? The power of words. How can we all not despise an "enemy of the State?" But we find out he speaks the truth unlike our federal employee who lives in the White House. Which is more transparent? Which one do you want holding your wallet while you swim in the pool? Personally, I will take the one not living in the White House. He is already emptying my wallet from afar. That is just plain weirdness. The "enemy of the State" is more trustworthy than the leader of my country. That should bring a long pause for anyone who has any faith in our President. How can you be proud of a leader like that?
Limiting intrusion into ones' affairs by government promotes self-reliance and personal autonomy. Governments will always promote a nanny state to promote its own parasitic growth to the detriment of your freedoms and wealth. Government will always use the power of words to sway public opinion but the laws of economics will determine the outcomes of the decisions governments make (and its populations allow it to make), not the will of the central government.
Our government is currently making every wrong decision that could possibly be made regarding the handling of our economy and the price of stocks and real estate and other hard assets is going up ... not because the government is doing a good job but because they are doing a bad job. The prices, you see, are going up because the value of your money is going down. No hard decisions are being made in Washington, D.C. so the money printing by the Federal Reserve continues. Let me say that again in case you missed it. The prices of assets are going up because the value of your money is going down.
The Tea Party has been attacked by the "Progressives" as being dangerous but the real danger for the "Progressives" and those in power is that the power of their words to deceive their mindless masses are losing effectiveness as they are not a true representation of the state of affairs as they now exist in our society. How can an organization of people who are mostly responsible business owners that are criticizing an irresponsible and spendthrift federal government be "dangerous." Isn't the real danger that no one stops an irresponsible and spendthrift federal government? That is what the debt ceiling is supposed to do. The big government "Progressives" say if we don't ignore or raise the debt ceiling that is being irresponsible. Isn't that turning the issue on it's head?
Look at the grounds of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and see who picks up after themselves and who leaves all their crap on the ground to be picked up by someone else. Is there a better representation of the difference between responsible citizens and irresponsible citizens? Would you like to guess if the Tea Party or the "Progressives" pick up after themselves? Wouldn't the real Hope and Change be if the Progressives picked up their own trash (and took responsibility for their own lives)?
The "Progressive's" state of mind that they do not have to carry their own weight and that someone else should do it was created by the welfare/warfare centralized federal government. If the goal of "Progressives" is to make everyone a "Progressive" then who will pull the cart when everyone is sitting in it waiting to be pulled? It is the duty of all patriots to educate and inform those who vote that being short sighted and receiving a bauble for a vote today may result in the lack of baubles for everyone tomorrow.
There is no true power in words when those words, and usually lies, are used to expand and empower the federal government to the detriment of the individual if the voter understands liberty and freedom and patriotism. There are no more powerful words or ideas than LIBERTY and FREEDOM and PATRIOTISM and it is time to stop taking them for granted.
The yuan has just passed the euro as the second most used currency in the world and the Chinese have been buying gold. A larger portion of the Chinese currency can be backed by gold than here in the United States. The games politicians play giving away baubles for votes will continue so long as the U.S. dollar retains any value. George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq has been described by many as a war to protect the U.S. petro-dollar because Saddam Hussein said he would no longer use dollars in exchange for oil. In the next few years we will all learn that talk is cheap but dollars are getting cheaper. It costs five cents to make a dollar bill (or a hundred dollar bill) and don't expect the money printing to stop until it costs more for the ink and paper to make a dollar than what the ink on that dollar says it is worth.
When Obama's power of the word failed to persuade the public he did what every bad politician does. He just outright lied. Just as Woodrow Wilson lied to the American public to get elected by saying he would keep us out of WWI, Obama fed the American people a pack of lies to push his socialist/marxist/fascist agenda that begins with healthcare, follows up with climate change and finishes us off with a humongous mountain of debt, more taxes, greatly expanded cronyism and the country stuck in reverse. Obama says he has your back but he cares about the U.S. citizen about as much as his long lost Kenyan half-brother. Once again ... talk is cheap (but he is paying for it with your money and your future).
If Bush had lied like Obama has lied there would be calls for his impeachment. Since the media is still enamored with their altruistic ideals of a socialist society where everyone is "equal" (evidently regardless of effort), we are not seeing any accountability out of the current administration. The media is not holding anyone's feet to the fire. Now Obama, who is like a drunk driving a car on a dangerous mountain road, plans to push the accelerator down even harder with Harry Reid's help. Harry Reid has pushed through a mere majority vote count for the confirmation of the Washington, D.C. Court of Appeals judges. Three more judges that will be added to that court will rubber stamp each and every Obama Executive Order that gets challenged in the next three years (and there will be many with John Podesta behind the scenes).
The real power of words is when they are a true representation of the state of affairs as they exist. Lies often lead to trouble or ridicule and sometimes even to war and whether or not societies are conscious of the lie at the time will determine the destiny of that society. The power of words can sway countries down the wrong path through false ideals like Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy or Stalin's Soviet Union (all fascist/socialist/marxist societies). The power of words can also lead us down the right path and free us from the burdensome meddling of government as our Constitution has done in the past.
The most moral use of words to sway public opinion has always been, and will always be, for less government, less reliance on central planning and more self-reliance. The reason is because the most moral stance in any society is that you should be able to own yourself. That makes sense. We have seen over and over again the destruction to society caused by big governments and the control over their populations, yet many are still swayed by the sweet promises of politicians. Politicians promises won't protect you or help you for long. Read any book on any once great society and about the strong central government they once had and it is evident that centralized government control ends up with corruption, destruction of the money supply, high taxes and regulation, usually extended war and eventually collapse.
What will protect you and your interests? Criticism of the central government will protect you. Keep those who may use their power to control you under close scrutiny. Educate yourself in history and economics. That will protect you (and you will profit from it). If you do not want to take the time to educate yourself then please do not vote. The ignorant vote is a dangerous vote. Venezuela is a perfect example of voters who are ignorant in economics. They reason their country runs out of toilet paper escapes them because they are more interested in getting boob jobs than their economic future.
Another idea to protect the public from its government would be to record all activities of government workers. That is right. I would go so far as having cameras on all public workers in public buildings where the citizens could monitor the workers that are paid with our tax dollars. The NSA is watching us. Why shouldn't we be watching them and every other government employee. Aren't they hired with our tax dollars? With a click of your mouse you can see if the President is working at his desk or if he is out of the office (on an African safari or out for a round of golf). THAT is true transparency. Obama's definition of transparency is having the NSA record every phone call, text message and email you have ever made and then he would tell you the NSA is only spying on "terrorists."
When a responsible citizen comes forward and says the NSA is recording everything you do and that Obama is a liar ... that citizen becomes an "enemy of the State" and must seek asylum with Putin. See how that works? The power of words. How can we all not despise an "enemy of the State?" But we find out he speaks the truth unlike our federal employee who lives in the White House. Which is more transparent? Which one do you want holding your wallet while you swim in the pool? Personally, I will take the one not living in the White House. He is already emptying my wallet from afar. That is just plain weirdness. The "enemy of the State" is more trustworthy than the leader of my country. That should bring a long pause for anyone who has any faith in our President. How can you be proud of a leader like that?
Limiting intrusion into ones' affairs by government promotes self-reliance and personal autonomy. Governments will always promote a nanny state to promote its own parasitic growth to the detriment of your freedoms and wealth. Government will always use the power of words to sway public opinion but the laws of economics will determine the outcomes of the decisions governments make (and its populations allow it to make), not the will of the central government.
Our government is currently making every wrong decision that could possibly be made regarding the handling of our economy and the price of stocks and real estate and other hard assets is going up ... not because the government is doing a good job but because they are doing a bad job. The prices, you see, are going up because the value of your money is going down. No hard decisions are being made in Washington, D.C. so the money printing by the Federal Reserve continues. Let me say that again in case you missed it. The prices of assets are going up because the value of your money is going down.
The Tea Party has been attacked by the "Progressives" as being dangerous but the real danger for the "Progressives" and those in power is that the power of their words to deceive their mindless masses are losing effectiveness as they are not a true representation of the state of affairs as they now exist in our society. How can an organization of people who are mostly responsible business owners that are criticizing an irresponsible and spendthrift federal government be "dangerous." Isn't the real danger that no one stops an irresponsible and spendthrift federal government? That is what the debt ceiling is supposed to do. The big government "Progressives" say if we don't ignore or raise the debt ceiling that is being irresponsible. Isn't that turning the issue on it's head?
Look at the grounds of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and see who picks up after themselves and who leaves all their crap on the ground to be picked up by someone else. Is there a better representation of the difference between responsible citizens and irresponsible citizens? Would you like to guess if the Tea Party or the "Progressives" pick up after themselves? Wouldn't the real Hope and Change be if the Progressives picked up their own trash (and took responsibility for their own lives)?
The "Progressive's" state of mind that they do not have to carry their own weight and that someone else should do it was created by the welfare/warfare centralized federal government. If the goal of "Progressives" is to make everyone a "Progressive" then who will pull the cart when everyone is sitting in it waiting to be pulled? It is the duty of all patriots to educate and inform those who vote that being short sighted and receiving a bauble for a vote today may result in the lack of baubles for everyone tomorrow.
There is no true power in words when those words, and usually lies, are used to expand and empower the federal government to the detriment of the individual if the voter understands liberty and freedom and patriotism. There are no more powerful words or ideas than LIBERTY and FREEDOM and PATRIOTISM and it is time to stop taking them for granted.
Link to site listing the attacks on the Tea Party by the Ludicrous Left
Link to a beautiful and wonderful non-partisan short video on the Power of Words
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