There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty.
- Johh Adams
Blind faith in the government to protect us and provide for us is a dangerous concept. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to protect us from the government, not enhance and expand government powers. What makes people believe that a government worker who is part of a union and is very difficult to fire is any more trustworthy than a businessman who must earn people's trust with good products and good services? I can't think of any government program that does things better than the private sector equivalent. If a government worker is inefficient and/or nonproductive then it takes fighting a union representative to get rid of that employee. If a private sector employee is inefficient and/or nonproductive then their boss will fire them or they will go out of business.
The free market is efficient and Thomas Edison and Henry Ford did more for the human race and standard of living than any politician. All politicians can do is take money from one group of people and distribute it to another group of people. All that blind faith in government has brought you is undeclared wars, NSA snooping into your phone calls and emials, a Social Security trust fund that has nothing but a bunch of written IOUs from the government, higher prices from inflation which is the production of money from thin air by the government (and then that money is used to buy their own debt and increase the price of everything the government touches), intrusion into your health care and spending that is so out of control that by the end of the Obama Presidency we will be well over debt to GDP of 100%. It is time to stop the blind trust and start cutting the federal government down to a manageable and affordable size. The mentality that politicians need to spend more does nothing to solve any problem except for their problem of buying votes to get re-elected. It is time to cut them off.
Link to Obama's amazement that people don't trust the government
Too bad the President isn't like the President of Hewlett Packard which rolled out a weak competitor to the Apple IPad because we could fire his A** like they did to the President at Hewlett Packard. No failure should go unpunished when it adversely affects other people. That is the foundation of the Libertarian Party. The Tea Party also believes that and that is another reason why so many incompetent politicians find the Tea Party to be such an enemy to their destructive political pratices. Accountability is something the government could use more of.
Link to story stating "nearly half of Americans do not believe that President Obama was unaware of the IRS targeting of conservative groups for excessive scrutiny until he read about it in press reports" (and the other half believe Barney Frank when he says he had nothing to do with the failure of Fannie and Freddie and also believe that dollars are backed by gold).
Too bad the President isn't like the President of Hewlett Packard which rolled out a weak competitor to the Apple IPad because we could fire his A** like they did to the President at Hewlett Packard. No failure should go unpunished when it adversely affects other people. That is the foundation of the Libertarian Party. The Tea Party also believes that and that is another reason why so many incompetent politicians find the Tea Party to be such an enemy to their destructive political pratices. Accountability is something the government could use more of.
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