Sunday, December 15, 2013


Does anyone really think the temperature of the earth has remained the same throughout history when one ponders the makeup of the hydrocarbons trapped beneath the earth's surface? You can be pretty sure that the temperature has changed drastically over the earth's lifetime. Are you going to let Al Gore create a carbon footprint the size of a small third world nation and then tell you not to emit carbon because it is bad for the earth? Did he tell the world he was trying to set up a carbon trading exchange called the Chicago Climate Exchange where they would have traded "carbon credits" and he could have made billions while he was selling his pretentious drivel? You can be pretty sure he wouldn't mind making billions while you pay more and more (because of the Kyoto Protocol) for your electric bill for your home and gasoline for your car. He should have received a Nobel Peace Prize for BS. The Kyoto Protocol was created by the United Nations to trade carbon credits and is basically a redistribution mechanism to transfer money from industrialized to third world nations. You can be sure of one thing ... politicians will always be dreaming up new and exciting ways of extracting taxes from the populace.

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth

The first snow in Egypt in over 100 years.

You can't make this stuff up.

Anyone in the market for a slightly used and unearned Nobel Peace Prize?

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