Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The only new topics covered in Obama's 2014 State of the Union address were a new savings bond called the MyRA and his plan to use executive orders to circumvent Congress if they don't do what he says. The rest of the speech was basically a carbon copy of George W. Bush's 2007 State of the Union address that focused on "opportunity." Bush's speechwriter Marc Thiessen has even accused the Obama administration of plagiarism for copying much of Bush's address and they do appear to be similar. Anyways MyRAs might be a good idea to get people to start investing if it wasn't for what the money would be purchasing ... treasury bonds.

Treasury bonds are sold by governments to raise money and contrary to Obama, who claims our economy is better off than when he came into office, it is not. Let me explain.

If I asked you if you would be better off if you owed $10,000 or if you owed $17,000 dollars what would you say? Less is better would be the usual answer (let's not get into economic analysis of the use of money here). The United States had about 10 trillion in "official" debt when Obama came to power and it now has 17 trillion in "official" debt. So I ask you, are we better off or worse off with all that additional debt? The last 5 years have been funded by debt which, one way or another, must be liquidated in the future. We must either pay it back or default on its repayment. Your MyRA money will be going to buy that debt in the form of treasuries.

So what is a MyRA? Obama said he would, by executive order, direct the Treasury to create savings accounts for individuals that are not currently covered under savings plans. According to Obama, MyRAs would have a good return and be guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the federal government (that means the federal government can print money to pay them off if need be but if you print money it is called counterfeiting). 

MyRAs will be able to be opened for as little as $25 instead of the $1,000 that is usually required for and IRA. Employers will not have to make contributions to MyRAs and the government will manage the paperwork and "invest" the money. Once your MyRA's balance reaches $15,000, you will have to roll it over into a privately managed IRA.

The convenience of the plan for the government is that the government is looking for someone to buy its debt since the FED is cutting back its purchases of government treasury obligations. I am of the opinion that this program is a self-serving plan to keep interest rates down while the FED cuts back its purchases of treasuries. I believe the steady supply of new buyers of treasuries with these new MyRAs will just be picking up the US debt ponzi scheme where the FED left off. 

Buyer Beware.

The Japanese did not invade the USA on Dec 7, 1941 because they felt the citizens of our country were to well armed. They decided to bomb Pearl Harbor instead.

Now there are 46 Senators that have voted to allow foreign governments decide whether or not our guns should be taken away in violation of the Constitution (which has evidently been made into wall art for historic museums in Washington, D.C.). 

Which 46 Senators Voted to Destroy Us? Well, let their names become known.

The Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The Statement of Purpose from the Bill reads: "To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty." The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S. and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry on all private guns and ammo.

Astonishingly, 46 out of our 100 United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.

Here are the 46 senators who voted to give your rights to the U.N.

Baldwin (D-WI)

Baucus (D-MT)

Bennett (D-CO)

Blumenthal (D-CT)

Boxer (D-CA)

Brown (D-OH)

Cantwell (D-WA)

Cardin (D-MD)

Carper (D-DE)

Casey (D-PA)

Coons (D-DE)

Cowan (D-MA)

Durbin (D-IL)j

Feinstein (D-CA)

Franken (D-MN)

Gillibrand (D-NY)

Harkin (D-IA)

Hirono (D-HI)

Johnson (D-SD)

Kaine (D-VA)

King (I-ME)

Klobuchar (D-MN)

Landrieu (D-LA)

Leahy (D-VT)

Levin (D-MI)

McCaskill (D-MO)

Menendez (D-NJ)

Merkley (D-OR)

Mikulski (D-MD)

Murphy (D-CT)

Murray (D-WA)

Nelson (D-FL)

Reed (D-RI)

Reid (D-NV)

Rockefeller (D-WV)

Sanders (I-VT)

Schatz (D-HI)

Schumer (D-NY)

Shaheen (D-NH)

Stabenow (D-MI)

Udall (D-CO)

Udall (D-NM)

Warner (D-VA)

Warren (D-MA)

Whitehouse (D-RI)

Wyden (D-OR)

Just in case you missed the point. These people voted against a bill that would prevent violating the 2nd Amendment in our Constitution. These people have decided you are not entitled to liberty and freedom because they believe you are too ignorant to make decisions for yourself. Furthermore they have decided it is fine to allow our Constitution to be subverted.

These Senators voted to let the UN take OUR guns. We have been betrayed. 46 Senators voted to give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.

In the name of liberty and freedom you need to show these Senators the door in the next midterm elections.

The Senators, Obama and others who support the Treaty will say that the Obama administration would only approve signing such a treaty if the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution is upheld and if there are no restrictions on civilians owning guns. Maybe the Senator dupes that would vote for such a treaty believe Obama ... but those who do not believe the federal government is the answer to all of the world's ills do not fall for such hollow rhetoric. 

The problem is Obama has expressly stated, three times, in his 2014 State of the Union Address that if Congress does not act he will issue executive orders to circumvent Congress. Therefore, we can have NO FAITH in Obama to uphold any laws or the Constitution. He himself expressly trashed the Constitution in front of the nation on a national stage. 

If there is no need for civilian gun control then we don't need the UN to tell us what to do with our guns. That would mean our government needs the treaty to regulate their own ownership and stewardship of guns. However, if you read The Arms Trade Treaty you will see that it was not written to control the government's ownership of guns. It was meant to control you and me and not the more dangerous political guns.

Then there is the fact that Obama is a LIAR. Enough said.

Mr. Obama, we already have regulations regarding the ownership of guns. That regulation is called the 2nd Amendment and it is found in the Constitution. You should read it sometime.

Link to Arms Trade Treaty

Friday, January 24, 2014


This is a must see lesson on the 2nd Amendment. This is a reasoned and informed view on the right to bear arms and why that right in our Constitution is so important to you for your own protection, regardless of what anyone in power says.

Thursday, January 23, 2014



List of reasons why Obama says Obamacare is unpopular:

1. Fox news

2. You don't like Obamacare since Obama is black (your are a racist).

3. The general public is too stupid to know what insurance they need.

4. Those darn website designers that Michelle told me to hire.

Fox News is like the only cheerleader on the squad that hasn't slept with the quarterback of a football team and Obama would love to silence his one and only mainstream news dissenter. Neil Cavuto has a few words for Obama. Click the link below to see Neil call Barack out for a bare knuckle brawl.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


A 32 year old Austin, TX welfare recipient says working is stupid and that she intends to stay on welfare for her entire life even though she could work if she wanted to work.

We are always hearing about how social-security is going to run out of money.

How come we never-hear about welfare running out of money?

What's interesting, the first group worked for their money and the second didn't!

Go figure.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Maria Conchita Alonso appeared in an ad supporting California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly of San Bernardino County. He is a Tea Party favorite seeking the Republican nomination for governor of California. His platform for election is to reduce big government and bring back personal responsibility.

It was reported that Ms. Alonso has been dumped from the Brava Theater Center in San Francisco's Mission District in a Spanish-language version of "The Vagina Monologues." The what you say? I know. It has been reported that the Brava Theater Center Gestapo fired her for supporting a conservative candidate who was opposed to illegal immigration. How dare anyone not tow the collective party line!

This is just another example of the intolerance of the "Liberals." They are on the federal government gravy train attacking anyone who believes the government should not just take from the successful and productive and redistribute it to those with their own political beliefs as payoffs for votes. Unfortunately for our country those being paid off are not very successful or productive at anything besides lobbying, community organizing and pilfering the rich with their puppet politicians.

The real story behind the story is that Maria Conchita Alonso grew up in Cuba and Venezuela and knows a thing or two about collectivism / marxism / communism while most of the the Brava Theater Center Gestapo do not have the experience of her background. And Ms. Alonso's beliefs are in spite of the fact that she was Miss World and Miss Venezuela in 1975 and would have been surrounded with the so called Progressives that espouse and promote the false and failed ideals of collectivism / marxism / communism.

It has been reported that Ms. Alonso once saw Sean Penn in an airport and she called him a "communist" to which he responded by calling Ms. Alonso a "pig." If that is the case then Sean Penn is the bigger pig. After all, as we all know from Animal Farm not all pigs are created equal.

Sunday, January 19, 2014



Six trivia questions to see how much history you know. Be honest, it's kinda fun and revealing. If you don't know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers.

Who said it?

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility ,,,,,for shared prosperity."
A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We) .....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above

Scroll down for answers ...


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004

(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007

(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

Want to know something scary? 

She may be the next socialist president.

Friday, January 17, 2014


No. There is not. Government is anything but intelligent. Government intelligence is an oxymoron. Wikipedia defines an oxymoron as "a figure of speech that juxtaposes apparently contradictory elements (it is not however a contradiction in terms).

Barack Obama wants us to believe that the government has the competence to protect us from threats. The Obama administration and previous administrations have proved they are not capable of practically any protection. There is absolutely no reason to have any faith in our government to protect us. The government protects itself. Try to get the federal government to balance the federal budget, stop debasing the currency, act responsibly and follow the Constitution and you are put at the top of the IRS audit list. THAT is the government we have.

When someone asks the government directly for help ... the request is lost in a big fat federal government black hole. Ask the government to send in more troops to Benghazi for protection and what do you get? Nada. When four Americans die our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does everything she can to protect her political career instead of answering hard questions. She might as well plead the Fifth Amendment. She tells a committee she knew nothing and states that it doesn't matter now. Typical federal government employee. They make a mess, state they didn't know anything about the mess and move on without learning anything from the mess. That is fine for the behavior of a toddler but not our federal government representative.

The Obama administration fights tooth and nail into any inquiry into what their administration is doing and they lie to further their political goals. Obama tells you that is "transparency" and you believe it because he has said it so many times. The ignorance of the American people is the only ingredient that Progressive/Marxist leaders need to have you go along with all their failed ideas and policies (and their ideas and policies have failed in countless countries since the beginning of time).

And what do you get from the Liar-In-Chief at the end of his "intelligence" speech on January 17, 2014?

The Obama administration will only trace phone calls from suspects TWO calls from the suspects instead of THREE.

So what do all your billions of dollars the federal government spends get you?

Tracing calls only two steps away from suspects.

That is about as good as the millions or billions Homeland Security spent coming up with the Homeland Security Advisory System with a color-coded terrorism threat advisory scale. Remember that one? It was scrapped because no one could figure it out. That is what you get when you put politicians in charge of things. Money is wasted, it doesn't work and whatever they created has to be scrapped. We need to reduce the size of the federal government not only because our everyday lives become politicized but because government is not designed with the proper incentives to create, run or implement anything except its own growth and ineptitude.

What about other government services. Don't we need the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate the securities industry? Unfortunately government incompetence is pervasive. Remember Bernard Madoff and the billions he stole from investors? The SEC was warned that there was no way Madoff was getting the returns he was getting and that if his trading strategy was being used, as he claimed, then he would have been trading about 100% of the options at one exchange. When traders were asked if they were trading options for Madoff at that exchange not one trader said he was trading options for Madoff. Evidently, when the boys at the SEC weren't watching porn they were busy ignoring the one staffer who actually asked his supervisors to investigate Madoff.

What does our federal government do well? The federal government politicians do one thing well. They redistribute our money to their special interest groups that keep them in power. We need to implement stricter term limits for all federal politicians (or the states need to succeed and start over with a new smaller federal government) and elect individuals that believe in us instead of big government.

Link to Homeland Security color code system replacement

Links to SEC was warned about Madoff

Thursday, January 16, 2014



The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like 

The folks who are paying for the free stuff, because 

The folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer 

Afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff. 

And the folks who are paying for the free stuff 

Want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more 

Free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting! 

Now... The people who are forcing the people who pay 

For the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING 

The free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the 

Free stuff are being mean, prejudiced,and racist. 

So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been 

Convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the 

Free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay 

For their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place. 

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there 

Are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the 

Free stuff

Now understand this. 

All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere 

Between 200 and 250 years after being founded. 

The reason? 

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money 

From the treasury by electing people who promised to give 

Them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. 

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 

236 years ago. 

The number of people now getting free stuff 

Outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff

Failure to change that spells the end of the United States 

As we know it. 

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! 

Voters have to educate themselves that there 

really is no free stuff. Everything has a cost, even the 

free stuff the voters think they are getting from the not 

so benevolent federal government.

The ultimate cost of too much redistribution and 

regulation is that society fails and then nobody

gets any more free stuff.

And ... in case the voters for the free stuff missed

the point ... government doesn't make anything so 

when the free stuff ends is is usually really bad.

It means you have killed the only society founded

with a Constitution that was designed to prevent

government control and redistribution.

Then this country becomes 

just another once great society.

Think before you vote.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Evidently Obama is now endorsing trickle down economics. He believes taxing those that succeed and using that tax money to trickle through our politicians and federal government to those that haven't tried hard enough, been smart enough, produced enough value or just simply don't bother to try. 
He will also use our tax money to trickle down to pay off those special interest groups and businesses that have helped him get elected and then, unfortunately, re-elected (but you get nada if you are on his "enemies list").

We have had about eight decades of that trickle down economics and yet, nothing has improved.

So now, Obama is going to find a "new approach." He is going to target responsible people, not just the wealthy. And I am sure people like me who live well below their income level, save, invest and don't go into debt. People like me will be the first to donate the results of my responsible actions to those people who make more than me but are irresponsible. H
e is oging to punish those who do not support his Marxist ideals which boil down to basically the legalized theft and plundering of those who choose to remain responsible in our deteriorating society.

We don't just have income inequality, we have responsibility inequality. And that is something that no entitlement can address.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Photo: Chains

There are just so many things wrong with the Obama administration some days I dont't even know where to start.

There is Osama Bin Laden's ex-bodyguard cleared for release from GITMO.

The President attacks the rich and voters think government helps them.

We can all get searched 100 miles from the U.S. Border.

The left media is all over Bridgegate but Obamacare is going to deep six us all.

Banks are afraid to lend under new Dodd-Frank regulations.

China is now #1 in international trade and #2 in foreign currency trade.

Government sponsored economists claim higher minimum wages don't kill jobs.

The Tea Party is called "radical" for wanting government to be responsible.

Canada is planning to send their oil to China because Obama gets a little money from the Sierra Club. Everyone in the country has to pay more for everything (energy is in almost everything you use) and businesses are being hurt with higher costs to make and transport goods and services. He is a real job killer. He has been looking into the pipeline for 3+ years. I would bet you that it didn't take Solyndra that long to have the President give them your tax money. Oh, and don't expect any of that back after their bankruptcy.

Politicians want to give out more free government money to fight "poverty" even though the war against poverty started 50 years ago and it has created a very large and permanent welfare state.

Race should be considered in punishment by schools according to Eric Holder. Isn't considering race in and of itself promoting racism (I don't know the answer but I am pretty sure Eric Holder would call me a racist just for asking that)?

Washington D.C. has some of our country's most horrible schools and the public school district wants more money to "fix" them even though they already spend more than twice the amount of most other school districts.

The media sleeps at the wheel unless a Republican does something wrong (Bridgegate). I have an idea. We should only elect Republicans so the media will do their jobs.

But not to worry ... the FED will print money to buy up the U.S. debt that no one else will buy. Of course the price of a car, house, gas, milk, eggs, movies, vacations, cable bills, and everything else you buy will go up as more money is being printed at a faster and faster pace (the money is actually created with the push of a button in our digital world but the effect is the same as printing money ... the money is being debased at your expense to the benefit of the government).

Meanwhile the President prepares his speech which I am sure will further divide and conquer the voters.

One thing is for sure ... those who voted for a Marxist President will get what they deserve in the end. All these silly laws that your guy passed will be hard to overturn and all the regulations will make our country less competitive. You can't add costs to businesses forever and expect them to be able to compete in a global marketplace. The U.S.'s effective corporate tax rate is 27% and the rest of the world averages 20% so expect more corporations to leave and follow the businesses like Transocean and Ensco that have left this country for clearer skies elsewhere. These companies that leave oppressive regimes make good investments because they show they will do what it takes to be competitive when politicians stack the deck against them.

You may be lucky for a awhile and think you are not on Obama's enemy list but beware if the Marxist winds change direction. You may find your name or business crossed off for political expediency. It is better to dismiss the politicians that create too much change and too many regulations and support and elect the politicians that will reduce or eliminate big government. When politicians have their way and we allow them to get too much power they politicize all aspects of our lives. Now we have the NSA listening in on our phonecalls, GPS devices tracking us in our cars, government installing spy software on computers we buy on the internet, the FBI asking application software makers to provide them with a secret back door to spy on us, higher taxation for fascist healthcare, judges that support every big government initiative and a President who thinks he is making our country "better."

One word on why you do not hear about the soundness of Libertarians and Austrian economists. We do not take payoffs. It is as simple as that. We do not have the financial backing of special interest groups paying us money for our campaigns to push their cronyism on you. We don't do side deals. We don't take cash in suitcases for special favors and votes. We don't believe in using government to shake you down. Some of us may go over the speed limit but I won't name any names under my 5th Amendment rights. But you won't see us owning condos in foreign countries that we rent out and don't report on our taxes. We don't have jobs community organizing and planning schemes to take other people's money in the name of some made-up "social justice." We leave that for the crooked politicians. We hope education will be the difference in finding morally acceptable politicians but it is always an uphill battle.

"Shame on you Barack Obama" spoken by Hillary Clinton link (enjoy)

Friday, January 10, 2014


The government takeover of the rest of our healthcare system is being orchestrated by John Podesta , Obama's new propaganda minister and founder of the oxymoronic and pro-big-government Center for American Progress. John Podesta, along with Ezekiael Emanuel, brother of Obama's former Chief-Of-Staff Rahm "never let a serious crisis go to waste" Emanuel, are pushing themselves (I mean the Obama administration) to name a CEO to run the Obamacare market. The CEO would set rules and prices, "coordinate" with insurers and state regulators on what plans you may or may not be forced to buy, supervise marketing that is paid for with taxpayer money (wait until you see the Superbowl ads this year) and oversee technology (or lack thereof).

And the sheeple go merrily on about their day until one day they wake up and realize the freedoms they have lost. I ask myself often ... am I the only one who fears where the federal government is taking this country?

Link to Reuters stating the White House is being "pushed" (Yeah Right)

Link to article by someone who fears the Road to Serfdom

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Chris Christie pulls an Obama

Denies Personal Knowledge

Claims people will be held responsible

It is Chris Christie's bridge too far. As Bridgegate unfolds we find out that Chris Christie took a page out of Obama's playbook and he claims he "has no personal knowledge" and that "people will be held responsible." If I ever run for office I need to remember those two lines. They make the public's eyes glaze over and they gloss over any problems when one's hands are caught in the cookie jar. Those lines have worked well for Obama and Christie is a quick read. Regardless, the politicians with crooked employees should be held responsible for the actions of their employees. If you can hire thugs and say you don't know what they do there is no accountability.

Documents have been released revealing a "smoking gun" email from Christie's deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly to Port Authority official David Wildstein on August 13, 2013. The email said, "Time for some traffic problems." David Wildstein replied with an email that read, "Got it." Traffic problems were created on the George Washington Bridge (GWB) as a present for a Fort Lee Democratic Mayor in retribution of not endorsing Chris Christie. Fort Lee is located on the west (or New Jersey) side of the GWB.

Two lanes to the GWB were closed under the guise of a "traffic study" and the closure created delays and congestion that was reported to be four times that of normal commuting time. The traffic on the GWB is bad without lane closures. Lane closures make the GWB abominable.
The delays and congestion also prevented emergency personnel from reaching their destinations in a timely manner. 

This is what you get when you put politicians in charge of anything of value. The politicians will use that asset (healthcare or tax money or guns or butter) for political gain rather than to provide the best service to the public. Inconveniencing the three hundred thousand people a day that use the GWB was not a problem for Christie's employees when politics are involved. Can you imaging Apple intentionally crashing everyone's iPad or a car manufacturer taking one tire off your car while you sleep at night?

A free market does not allow for such boondoggles. Apple or the car manufacturers would go out of business (or at least be fined by the Obama administration for violating at least one of a hundred thousand or so regulations that has been churned out in the back halls of the federal government). A politicized Port Authority doesn't think twice about destroying peoples lives by making workers late for their jobs, kids late for school and emergency responders stuck in traffic.

Assets must be taken from the politicians so that they may not use those assets to play games with your money, your healthcare, your bridge, or your life. That is the essence for the reason why we must all do what we can to reduce the size of the federal government because the moral hazard of the temptation to use "our" assets for the politicians personal gain is just too tempting for the power hungry political hack.

The moral hazard of the federal government employees is extremely dangerous because they have the additional power of the printing press (the FED) that can be used to create money from thin air. That money is used as a carrot to make the States fall in line with the interests of the federal government (which impairs individuals rights because under the Constitution the States were supposed to have the power to stand up to the federal government and keep it reigned in). The funny money is also used to buy votes from those who are either ignorant in economics and believe they can get something for nothing or to buy ads with taxpayer money to make people believe they are getting something for nothing. You will see your taxpayer dollars hard at "work" promoting Obamacare during the Winter Olympics. Remember how your money was spent the next time you are having a hard time paying your bills.  

I propose that all Presidents, Members of Congress and the Supreme Court be paid minimum wage with no benefits. That won't stop the shakedowns but it will reduce some of the benefits of the political hacks. Office holders should consider their positions as ones of service and not as ones of high priced hookers. The Harry Reids, Charles Rangles, Maxine Waters, Barney Franks, Al Frankens and Chris Dodds of the world would probably not run for such a low paying position and the world would be a better place for it. Maybe we can add Chris Christie to that list. 

Too bad we couldn't get Washington, D.C. closed down. That would be a closure that would lead to more prosperity, honest money, less shakedowns, and a step in returning this country to the self-reliance that once made it great. The only thing that Washington, D.C. does is take money from one person and gives it to another. Regulations by the federal government and redistribution (along with the marxist/communist/socialist agenda of "living wages" and "jobs for all" ... which sounds nice but is has never worked throughout the entire history of the world) is killing the incentive to work in this country. Why work if your work and pay are guaranteed? If that's the case then it doesn't make a difference if you get stuck in traffic on the GWB. You will just get paid to sit in the political hack's tracks (otherwise known as "stuck in a rut").       

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Tea Party


Government Spending

Government Debt


Limiting Government


Bill of Rights

Economic Reform

These were the terms that the IRS put on the BOLO (be on the lookout) list for non-profit 501(c)(4) organizations that are opposing all of the big government regulations and Executive Orders coming out of Washington, D.C. The IRS "attacked" these organizations as the enemy.

There is a war against honesty, morality and sound accounting by career politicians in Washington, D.C. and anyone who stands in their way will be attacked, ridiculed and threatened. The President is always conveniently in the dark on all matters of significance but somehow finds time to make boring speeches about Hope and Change. It is pretty convenient that many of these targeted non-profit organization would have helped Mitt Romney raise money and raise awareness of Obama's marxist policies and his ignorance of economic principles and policies. Almost every industry is in the pockets of those in power at this time to an extent that has not been seen since the Civil War and FDR's.

What kind of example is it for our children that the IRS is used as a tool to attack those who are criticizing our government for lack of rationality, honesty and/or morality? Did the Tea Party have to wait until after Obamacare was signed into law to tell you Obama was wrong and that he lies? It doesn't take a genius to know socialism doesn't work. Why should the voice of reason and sound economics be stiffled by the IRS for the Obama administration? Because the truth hurts? Simple math shows Obamacare's flaws. Can you put 5 people into a car that already has 5 people in it and make the car weigh less and drive faster? I don't think so but your President does. 

Just as there are those that may believe redistribution is correct morally, there are those who may believe that redistribution is not correct and immoral. Without going into the morality of of whether or not redistribution solves problems or makes problems worse ... the fact that a Constitutionally protected right of association has been attacked by a government agency (the IRS) should bring pause to us all. What if the IRS targeted Hispanics or African Americans or Jews or Muslims? Would anyone care? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



The Urban Dictionary at defines "hypocracy" as, "What Democracy turns into when all the politicians in your country are liars."

At least there are a few good men left in Washington and one in Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) who, unlike many other bloodsucking parasite federal politicians, is not standing in line for handouts from the federal government when it comes to his healthcare. He is willing to pay more for his health insurance unlike other federal politicians who have immorally and illegally granted themselves subsidies for their own healthcare ... but not for you, the average Joe Plumber whose pockets are getting picked by the federal government employees. These parasites have voted that they should receive more taxpayer money for their healthcare than you should receive. Those who make the rules in Washington D.C. take your money and spend it on themselves and view the general public as a bunch of ignoramuses and schlubs. The Missing-In-Action media believes the greedy politicians who tell them that they are not receiving special treatment under Obamacare. Then the media reports that everything is fine in Candyland and the average Joe Plumber believes it and goes back to watching Dancing with the Stars or some other mindless endeavor.

Not Senator Ron Johnson. He is suing the Obama administration to block his own healthcare. In a Capitol Hill news conference Senator Johnson stated, "I think it is a basic issue of fairness. I really do believe that the American people expect, and they have every right to expect, that members of Congress, the political class here in Washington, should be fully subject to all of the rules, all the laws that Congress imposes on the rest of America. And that is not the case with the health care law."

Many thanks to Senator Ron Johnson in the name of freedom, liberty and patriotism.

Links to story

Monday, January 6, 2014


"Hope and Change" was Castro's Promise to Cuba

Communism is what Cuba Received

Castro came to power with the promise he was not Communist and his followers were blind until it was too late. Castro represents the danger of placing your faith AND TRUST in a leader who promises he is "for the people" because once the consolidation of power is complete the people of Cuba became his slave. If Castro didn't like you there was a good chance you would just "disappear." This is what happens when we become a nation with laws arbitrarily made by men.  Freedom is what you get when you are a nation of laws that protect the individual. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are such important documents because they were drafted by our Founding Fathers with the knowledge that man (or woman) should not be trusted and that individuals in power must be restrained.

Don't become a dupe like William Alexander Morgan who joined the Cuban Revolution and said, "the most important thing for free men to do is protect the freedom of others" and believed Castro's statement that communism had no place in the future of Cuba. CASTRO, LIKE OBAMA, BELIEVED IN ANTI-IMPERIALISTIC LEFTIST POLITICS WHICH HE ADOPTED WHILE STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HAVANA. 

The healthcare companies and unions that helped Obama push through Obamacare will fare no better in the end than poor ol' William Alexander Morgan. Obama will turn on them in due time, as they are finding out, and end up before the firing squad just like Morgan eventually found himself. Just as Castro had a naive Morgan done away with, Obama will throw the healthcare companies and unions under the bus when he has no more use for them.

The health care companies have been captured by Obama's administration and now they must provide coverages that they did not bargain for. They are being threatened that they will not be permitted to partake of the "big money feast" at the federal government's feeding trough in the future. Meanwhile, the Nevada AFL-CIO union chapter issued a resolution stating that Obamacare would endanger "generous health care plans that unions have negotiated for their members." Apparently unions, as well as Nancy Pelosi, did not take the time to read the bill before passing it into law.

The public that voted for Obamacare, the healthcare companies and unions have one thing in common: THEY ALL MISTAKENLY TRUSTED OBAMA.

Link to Cuba's Hope and Change, the story of Morgan, and Obama as Castro's Redux (Don't miss this)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

-Ronald Reagan

The original "Yes We Can" speach by Ronald Reagan

Reagan on Socialized Medicine - Foot in the Door scheme

There is no Left or Right there is only Up or Down

Reagan on Balanced Budgets

Reagan's humor and take on Socialism



Friday, January 3, 2014


What is the chance that a research team from the Climate Change Research Centre of The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia would find that there is climate change and that the sea ice is melting?


What is worth to read about the same global warming fanatics trapped in sea ice?



Link to article about researchers "stuck in their own experiment"


Link to article and transcript of mainstream media's intentionally poor coverage

All 52 research cards have been rescued from the ship safely and 22 crewmembers have stayed behind to try to break free from the ice when more favorable conditions permit.


It is reported that some of the people on the ship of fools were from mainstream media outlets that were hoping to get pictures of ice falling into the sea (and other "evidence") from global warming. The mainstream media is awfully quiet on this one.

Link to report


Must be that "Al Gore" global warming. Darn. Maybe he won't make billions jacking up poor people's electric bills after all. You can be sure Al is looking for new ways to pay his electric bill now that he has sold his Current TV to  Al-Jazeera and reportedly made 70 million dollars. Qatar owns Al-Jazeera so good ol' Al basically sold his TV station to big oil. I guess that is one way to punish those evil carbon emitters. Sell them your TV station for a big profit. Or maybe ... just maybe ... Al is pushing his ecology dogma just to make a buck like the snake oil salesmen of old. The next thing you know Al will probably be putting his 2007 Nobel Prize on eBay to buy more jet fuel for his carbon emitting jet.

Link to article on record low temperatures

Thursday, January 2, 2014



You are invited to join in the campaign to impeach Obama. 

Link to the Articles of Impeachment 

Link to Sign the Petition

Link to the Constitution - Please read it for yourself

Constitutional Clauses Regarding Impeachment

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Article 1, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside; And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgement in Cases of Impreachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment, according to Law.

Article 2, Section 4

The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article 3, Section 1

. . . The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour. . . .

It is hard to impeach Obama because the Senate is currently controlled by Socialists or political hacks like Harry Reid. In 2014 we need to get rid of the Senators that continue to take this country down the wrong welfare / warfare / socialism path. The campaign to impeach Obama is also looking to get Senators and prospective Senators to sign off on an agreement to impeach if they are elected. This is going to be an exciting election year.  

The Obama administration has done everything they can to demonize, marginalize and criticize the Tea Party. Obama thinks if he tells the public something enough times, like "the Tea Party is dangerous," then the public will believe it. The general public is beginning to understand that the Tea Party has some really good points regarding out of control federal spending and regulations and that our freedoms are under assault by a power hungry federal government. The Tea Party is a direct threat to Obama's "Progressive" (aka Marxist/Fascist/Communist) agenda. "We are all in this together" is a euphemism for Communism. 

Link to why the Left hates the Tea Party

The movement to impeach Obama has picked up steam recently after a Democratic National Committee (DNC) email was sent out to their supporters attempting to blacklist four Republican congressman for exploring impeachment for Obama's violations of the Constitution. Unfortunately, those receiving the emails agree that impeachment might be a good idea and the email backfired.

Link to Story

Link to Story about Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment