Chris Christie pulls an Obama
Denies Personal Knowledge
Claims people will be held responsible
It is Chris Christie's bridge too far. As Bridgegate unfolds we find out that Chris Christie took a page out of Obama's playbook and he claims he "has no personal knowledge" and that "people will be held responsible." If I ever run for office I need to remember those two lines. They make the public's eyes glaze over and they gloss over any problems when one's hands are caught in the cookie jar. Those lines have worked well for Obama and Christie is a quick read. Regardless, the politicians with crooked employees should be held responsible for the actions of their employees. If you can hire thugs and say you don't know what they do there is no accountability.
Documents have been released revealing a "smoking gun" email from Christie's deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly to Port Authority official David Wildstein on August 13, 2013. The email said, "Time for some traffic problems." David Wildstein replied with an email that read, "Got it." Traffic problems were created on the George Washington Bridge (GWB) as a present for a Fort Lee Democratic Mayor in retribution of not endorsing Chris Christie. Fort Lee is located on the west (or New Jersey) side of the GWB.
Two lanes to the GWB were closed under the guise of a "traffic study" and the closure created delays and congestion that was reported to be four times that of normal commuting time. The traffic on the GWB is bad without lane closures. Lane closures make the GWB abominable. The delays and congestion also prevented emergency personnel from reaching their destinations in a timely manner.
This is what you get when you put politicians in charge of anything of value. The politicians will use that asset (healthcare or tax money or guns or butter) for political gain rather than to provide the best service to the public. Inconveniencing the three hundred thousand people a day that use the GWB was not a problem for Christie's employees when politics are involved. Can you imaging Apple intentionally crashing everyone's iPad or a car manufacturer taking one tire off your car while you sleep at night?
A free market does not allow for such boondoggles. Apple or the car manufacturers would go out of business (or at least be fined by the Obama administration for violating at least one of a hundred thousand or so regulations that has been churned out in the back halls of the federal government). A politicized Port Authority doesn't think twice about destroying peoples lives by making workers late for their jobs, kids late for school and emergency responders stuck in traffic.
Assets must be taken from the politicians so that they may not use those assets to play games with your money, your healthcare, your bridge, or your life. That is the essence for the reason why we must all do what we can to reduce the size of the federal government because the moral hazard of the temptation to use "our" assets for the politicians personal gain is just too tempting for the power hungry political hack.
The moral hazard of the federal government employees is extremely dangerous because they have the additional power of the printing press (the FED) that can be used to create money from thin air. That money is used as a carrot to make the States fall in line with the interests of the federal government (which impairs individuals rights because under the Constitution the States were supposed to have the power to stand up to the federal government and keep it reigned in). The funny money is also used to buy votes from those who are either ignorant in economics and believe they can get something for nothing or to buy ads with taxpayer money to make people believe they are getting something for nothing. You will see your taxpayer dollars hard at "work" promoting Obamacare during the Winter Olympics. Remember how your money was spent the next time you are having a hard time paying your bills.
I propose that all Presidents, Members of Congress and the Supreme Court be paid minimum wage with no benefits. That won't stop the shakedowns but it will reduce some of the benefits of the political hacks. Office holders should consider their positions as ones of service and not as ones of high priced hookers. The Harry Reids, Charles Rangles, Maxine Waters, Barney Franks, Al Frankens and Chris Dodds of the world would probably not run for such a low paying position and the world would be a better place for it. Maybe we can add Chris Christie to that list.
Too bad we couldn't get Washington, D.C. closed down. That would be a closure that would lead to more prosperity, honest money, less shakedowns, and a step in returning this country to the self-reliance that once made it great. The only thing that Washington, D.C. does is take money from one person and gives it to another. Regulations by the federal government and redistribution (along with the marxist/communist/socialist agenda of "living wages" and "jobs for all" ... which sounds nice but is has never worked throughout the entire history of the world) is killing the incentive to work in this country. Why work if your work and pay are guaranteed? If that's the case then it doesn't make a difference if you get stuck in traffic on the GWB. You will just get paid to sit in the political hack's tracks (otherwise known as "stuck in a rut").
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