Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Tea Party


Government Spending

Government Debt


Limiting Government


Bill of Rights

Economic Reform

These were the terms that the IRS put on the BOLO (be on the lookout) list for non-profit 501(c)(4) organizations that are opposing all of the big government regulations and Executive Orders coming out of Washington, D.C. The IRS "attacked" these organizations as the enemy.

There is a war against honesty, morality and sound accounting by career politicians in Washington, D.C. and anyone who stands in their way will be attacked, ridiculed and threatened. The President is always conveniently in the dark on all matters of significance but somehow finds time to make boring speeches about Hope and Change. It is pretty convenient that many of these targeted non-profit organization would have helped Mitt Romney raise money and raise awareness of Obama's marxist policies and his ignorance of economic principles and policies. Almost every industry is in the pockets of those in power at this time to an extent that has not been seen since the Civil War and FDR's.

What kind of example is it for our children that the IRS is used as a tool to attack those who are criticizing our government for lack of rationality, honesty and/or morality? Did the Tea Party have to wait until after Obamacare was signed into law to tell you Obama was wrong and that he lies? It doesn't take a genius to know socialism doesn't work. Why should the voice of reason and sound economics be stiffled by the IRS for the Obama administration? Because the truth hurts? Simple math shows Obamacare's flaws. Can you put 5 people into a car that already has 5 people in it and make the car weigh less and drive faster? I don't think so but your President does. 

Just as there are those that may believe redistribution is correct morally, there are those who may believe that redistribution is not correct and immoral. Without going into the morality of of whether or not redistribution solves problems or makes problems worse ... the fact that a Constitutionally protected right of association has been attacked by a government agency (the IRS) should bring pause to us all. What if the IRS targeted Hispanics or African Americans or Jews or Muslims? Would anyone care? 

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