The government takeover of the rest of our healthcare system is being orchestrated by John Podesta , Obama's new propaganda minister and founder of the oxymoronic and pro-big-government Center for American Progress. John Podesta, along with Ezekiael Emanuel, brother of Obama's former Chief-Of-Staff Rahm "never let a serious crisis go to waste" Emanuel, are pushing themselves (I mean the Obama administration) to name a CEO to run the Obamacare market. The CEO would set rules and prices, "coordinate" with insurers and state regulators on what plans you may or may not be forced to buy, supervise marketing that is paid for with taxpayer money (wait until you see the Superbowl ads this year) and oversee technology (or lack thereof).
And the sheeple go merrily on about their day until one day they wake up and realize the freedoms they have lost. I ask myself often ... am I the only one who fears where the federal government is taking this country?
Link to Reuters stating the White House is being "pushed" (Yeah Right)
Link to article by someone who fears the Road to Serfdom
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