There are just so many things wrong with the Obama administration some days I dont't even know where to start.
There is Osama Bin Laden's ex-bodyguard cleared for release from GITMO.
The President attacks the rich and voters think government helps them.
We can all get searched 100 miles from the U.S. Border.
The left media is all over Bridgegate but Obamacare is going to deep six us all.
Banks are afraid to lend under new Dodd-Frank regulations.
China is now #1 in international trade and #2 in foreign currency trade.
Government sponsored economists claim higher minimum wages don't kill jobs.
The Tea Party is called "radical" for wanting government to be responsible.
Canada is planning to send their oil to China because Obama gets a little money from the Sierra Club. Everyone in the country has to pay more for everything (energy is in almost everything you use) and businesses are being hurt with higher costs to make and transport goods and services. He is a real job killer. He has been looking into the pipeline for 3+ years. I would bet you that it didn't take Solyndra that long to have the President give them your tax money. Oh, and don't expect any of that back after their bankruptcy.
Politicians want to give out more free government money to fight "poverty" even though the war against poverty started 50 years ago and it has created a very large and permanent welfare state.
Race should be considered in punishment by schools according to Eric Holder. Isn't considering race in and of itself promoting racism (I don't know the answer but I am pretty sure Eric Holder would call me a racist just for asking that)?
Washington D.C. has some of our country's most horrible schools and the public school district wants more money to "fix" them even though they already spend more than twice the amount of most other school districts.
The media sleeps at the wheel unless a Republican does something wrong (Bridgegate). I have an idea. We should only elect Republicans so the media will do their jobs.
But not to worry ... the FED will print money to buy up the U.S. debt that no one else will buy. Of course the price of a car, house, gas, milk, eggs, movies, vacations, cable bills, and everything else you buy will go up as more money is being printed at a faster and faster pace (the money is actually created with the push of a button in our digital world but the effect is the same as printing money ... the money is being debased at your expense to the benefit of the government).
Meanwhile the President prepares his speech which I am sure will further divide and conquer the voters.
One thing is for sure ... those who voted for a Marxist President will get what they deserve in the end. All these silly laws that your guy passed will be hard to overturn and all the regulations will make our country less competitive. You can't add costs to businesses forever and expect them to be able to compete in a global marketplace. The U.S.'s effective corporate tax rate is 27% and the rest of the world averages 20% so expect more corporations to leave and follow the businesses like Transocean and Ensco that have left this country for clearer skies elsewhere. These companies that leave oppressive regimes make good investments because they show they will do what it takes to be competitive when politicians stack the deck against them.
You may be lucky for a awhile and think you are not on Obama's enemy list but beware if the Marxist winds change direction. You may find your name or business crossed off for political expediency. It is better to dismiss the politicians that create too much change and too many regulations and support and elect the politicians that will reduce or eliminate big government. When politicians have their way and we allow them to get too much power they politicize all aspects of our lives. Now we have the NSA listening in on our phonecalls, GPS devices tracking us in our cars, government installing spy software on computers we buy on the internet, the FBI asking application software makers to provide them with a secret back door to spy on us, higher taxation for fascist healthcare, judges that support every big government initiative and a President who thinks he is making our country "better."
One word on why you do not hear about the soundness of Libertarians and Austrian economists. We do not take payoffs. It is as simple as that. We do not have the financial backing of special interest groups paying us money for our campaigns to push their cronyism on you. We don't do side deals. We don't take cash in suitcases for special favors and votes. We don't believe in using government to shake you down. Some of us may go over the speed limit but I won't name any names under my 5th Amendment rights. But you won't see us owning condos in foreign countries that we rent out and don't report on our taxes. We don't have jobs community organizing and planning schemes to take other people's money in the name of some made-up "social justice." We leave that for the crooked politicians. We hope education will be the difference in finding morally acceptable politicians but it is always an uphill battle.
"Shame on you Barack Obama" spoken by Hillary Clinton link (enjoy)
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