Friday, February 28, 2014


Ignorance is bliss. The 1% that Occupy Wall Street and other economically ignorant organizations demonizes paid 37.38% of all individual taxes in 2010. On top of that, those same people own many businesses that pay some of the highest marginal corporate tax rates in the world. The top 5% paid 59.07% of all personal income taxes in 2010. The 1% and the 5% are already paying more than their fair share and the top 5% are paying more than half of all individual taxation in the U.S. Maybe those ignorant "occupy" souls should spend more time reading and learning and less time "occupying." The least they could do is send a thank you card for all the "free" stuff the 1% pay for.

Click link below for the Tax Foundation's report

Thursday, February 27, 2014


It is all about redistribution. Analysts estimate Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year (with the real jack-up in payments starting after the mid-term elections). What? Obamacare is not free?

Click link below for story


Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, has testified to Congress that there is no scientific evidence to support claims that humans are the foremost cause of climate change. Moore left Greenpeace because he believes Greenpeace uses scare tactics to further its POLITICAL agenda.

Click the link below to read the story on Greenpeace's Fleece

Harry Reid is known for coming in a close second to Joe Biden in the Foot In Mouth Disease department and I am 100% positive that our Founding Father's designed the Constitution to protect us from such dangerous individuals. When I say dangerous I mean people who always have their own political ambition first and everything else second. These are the worst beasts that roam our country ... feeding off of special interest groups and ignorant voters. 

When I say dirtbag I mean a person with an intelligence level equal to a bag of dirt. Only in Washington, D.C. can a person with this level of intelligence rise to the top of an organization. This is the reason we need small government and also the reason Reid views the Tea Party as a threat to his existence. I am harsh on Harry because the laws he keeps pushing through are so unpleasant and harmful to the American people that someone needs to call him out in a way that gets some notice.

Reid has no problem saying whatever he wants that will further his own political career and his feet are never held to the fire for the horrible results from his actions. He says mostly crap and the left winger news picks up his crap and repeats it incessantly. He usually gets called out on his crappy statement by someone with a brain and then he corrects himself but the left winger news usually never spends any effort correcting their reports 

Reid is always about the power grab and never stands up for the individual and individual responsibility (otherwise known as freedom). I find him the most offensive person in the Senate and cannot fathom how he is able to hold onto power and fool the voters into thinking he is serving their best interest. His voters should look to Detroit and other bankrupt cities and states to see what they are in for with his false promises.

Reid's attack on those who have had problems with Obamacare is an affront to the senses and a confirmation of his ignorance. How does such an ignorant man accumulate so much power where he can be so dangerous to society? Reid claimed on the Senate floor that all the ObamaCare "horror stories" being circulated are untrue. 

Equally ridiculous is how the Senate lets him get away with such bull crap. I know many people that have been personally and adversely affected by Obamacare and none of us are happy about it. Reid is so far removed from reality and the media is so far up Obama's butt crack that most people do not stand a chance of getting an accurate portrayal of how destructive Obamacare is to this country.

As of February 13, 2014, 3.3 million people have signed up for Obamacare (and only about 70 to 80 percent of those 3.3 million have actually paid and have coverage) while 6.2 million people have received cancellation notices from their insruance company.

Click the link below to read Reid calling American's liars

Click the link below to see Reid's 5% out of 100% ranking by Freedom Works (only in government do you get to keep your job with such low ratings)

Monday, February 24, 2014


The U.S. dropped out of the freest countries in the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom. The U.S. was ranked the sixth freest economy in the world when Obama took office in 2009 and is the only country to have dropped down each year in the past seven years.

When you hear about your representative pushing new laws in Washington, D.C. don't take it for granted that the law is good for you. More often than not that law is being pushed by a special interest group that has made a large contribution to the politician to rip you off through the political process. If all the laws that were passed in the last seven years were good for your economic freedom then the U.S. would have moved up in the Index of Economic Freedom and not futher down as is the case.

How do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving. Politicians are human and thus are morally susceptible to follow their own interests at your expense. That is the reason why a limited federal government is the only answer to protect your freedom and liberty. 

Click below for the story in the National Review Online:

Click below for the Index of Economic Freedom rankings:

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Another email from Rand Paul:

Do you remember June 28, 2012?

I do. That was the day the Supreme Court incorrectly ruled that Obamacare could stand as law of the land.

That dark day is etched permanently into my memory having ignited a fire within me that'll burn until the day Obamacare is repealed.

In Washington, Democrats and Republicans both have accepted Obamacare and have moved on to other "issues of the day" as if they never really cared.

But I refuse to allow Obamacare to stand.

I'm still mad as hell, as if I just heard the decision this morning.

Just because the Supreme Court ruled on the issue, doesn't make it right.

Make no mistake, Obamacare was and still is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

I want to share with you my op-ed published in the USA Today discussing how badly Justice Roberts' decision on Obamacare trampled the boundaries of our Constitution.

You can read my op-ed at the bottom of this email.

Click to Sign the Petition

I will continue to lead the fight to repeal Obamacare and will not stop until the job is done.

But it can't be done without your help.

That's why it's crucial you sign your "Repeal Obamacare Now!" petition.

And after you sign, please make your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - so I can mobilize outraged Americans across the country in the fight to repeal Obamacare.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. The Supreme Court wrongly concluded that Obamacare can stand, and Washington has moved on and forgotten about this fight.

I refuse to give up until Obamacare is repealed.

So please sign the "Repeal Obamacare Now!" Petition.

And after you sign, please make a generous contribution of $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - to help me fight to repeal Obamacare.

Roberts' ruling isn't final 

By Sen. Rand Paul 

In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision, can you still argue that the Constitution does not support ObamaCare? The liberal blogosphere apparently thinks the constitutional debate is over. I wonder whether they would have had that opinion the day after the Dred Scott decision.

While it is clear to anyone who was awake in high school civics class that the Supreme Court has the power to declare whether a law is valid under the Constitution, that power is not a pronouncement set in stone.

Think of how our country would look now had the Supreme Court not changed its view of what is constitutional. Think of 1857, when the court handed down the outrageous Dred Scott decision, which said African Americans were not citizens. Think of the "separate but equal" doctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson, which the court later repudiated in Brown v. Board of Education.

I have a similar opinion on Roe v. Wade. Constitutional scholars such as professor Robert George of Princeton still dispute the constitutionality of Roe: "The Supreme Court's decision to invalidate state laws prohibiting or restricting abortion lacks any basis in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution."

The clause that the court majority used to justify the constitutionality of ObamaCare is one that has been subject to debate over the years.

Hamilton and Madison argued over it. Madison maintained that the powers to tax and spend were limited by the powers enumerated in the Constitution. Because what purpose is there to enumerated powers if a general power — the power to tax — could eclipse them?

In U.S. v. Butler (1936), an earlier Justice Roberts (Owen) got it right when he wrote: "The (tax) invades the reserved rights of the states. (The tax) is a statutory plan to regulate and control … a matter beyond the powers delegated to the federal government. … (The tax is) but (a) means to an unconstitutional end."

Sounds like ObamaCare to me. I'm starting to like the first Justice Roberts more than the current Justice Roberts.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


One of Obama's advisors said that raising the minimum wage would allow folks to work less. Another advisor said that with Obamacare people who work solely to have health care benefits won't have to work anymore because they would be able to get their health care coverage for little or no money. All of Obama's economic policies are providing the incentive to NOT WORK. This won't work. 

As an independent I view Obama's policies as creating a parasitic voting class that takes from the working class. These are the seeds of society's destruction. Our country has already passed the limit of more people benefiting from "free stuff" from government than people who pay for that stuff. If you don't believe me I can show you over 17 trillion reasons why I am right. Our official debt is over 17 trillion dollars now and no one is doing anything about that. Add in the off-balance sheet unfunded debt and the mathematical consequences are not pretty.   

The entitlement society we have created was caused by a perverse and broad interpretation of the Welfare Clause of our Constitution by our highest courts. The courts were created to preserve and protect our freedoms by an overreaching president, legislature or political process. Just because Obamacare was voted into existence by ignorant legislators and voters does not give the courts a pass on preserving the foundation of our country's freedom. 

What if the voters decided that the age of 80 is good enough and that no one after that age should receive medical care because it costs too much? Would that be constitutional? If not, then the constitutionality of healthcare rests on the state either providing it or withholding it. How can the constitutionality of healthcare pivot on whether or not the state provides it or not? Can the state take money from people and buy houses for those without? How about cars? TVs? Cell phones? Where does it stop and who pays for it? 

Add in the moral question of why anyone would work if they can get everything for free and the result is that the courts have failed to protect the American people from themselves. The courts merely had to look at the Constitution and not use their "interpretive" powers, which they of course granted themselves in a court opinion, to pervert and destroy the freedom, integrity and morality that the Constitutional framework provided. 

The Constitution is the bedrock of all other laws. All other laws flow from this beautiful and magnificent document. When I was in law school I was shocked that the Constitution was not even  required to be read in my Constitutional Law class. Say what? True!!! The teacher had no problem wasting my time making me read case law that alleged to "interpret" the Constitution but it became very clear very quickly that judges made the decision what they wanted the result to be and then wrote a convoluted opinion that, more often than not, was a bunch of gobbledygook to justify the outcome they desired. 

There should be no surprise that there are not many cases that reign in the federal government by the federal courts. I stopped reading the cases in class and bought the summarized notes just to pass the class. Most of the cases could have been described in a paragraph or less and many could have been summarized in one sentence. It was a waste of my time to read the teacher's assignments and those gobbledygook opinions which just made things more complicated than they had to be. It became clear that all those in the legal profession, including judges, are paid per written word. It is ridiculous to make simple matters so complicated that you need to hire a lawyer to do a simple task. As a business person I found that offensive.

The Courts have  failed in the protection of liberty by not keeping laws simple and clear. That is one aspect to the due process of laws, another concept from the Constitution that has been perverted by the courts and legal profession. Obamacare is 2,000+ pages of shackles on the American people and there will be a huge debt to pay for such stupidity.   

Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional because if your healthcare is able to be controlled by the federal government there is nothing in your life that cannot be controlled by the government. Ripping freedom from the American people's grasp is the last thing our Founding Father's had in mind when this country was created. The micromanagement of your life will continue until you have no more freedoms because all your decisions will be made for you by a central government planner.

Evidently if you voted for Obama you don't have to work and the government will just take money from those who work and didn't vote for Obama and give it to those who don't work and did vote for Obama. Pretty simple economics. Obama sold this country out so he could be elected. That is the only economics Obama knows.   

Friday, February 21, 2014



We were attacked


I am not a crook


I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky

Bush (41):

Read my lips - No new taxes


1. My mother died of cancer after being denied coverage for a preexisting condition.

2. I will have the most transparent administration in history.

3. TARP is to fund Shovel-ready jobs.

4. I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.

5. The IRS is not targeting anyone.

6. It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.

7. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism".

8. You didn't build that!

9. I will restore trust in Government.

10. The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.

11. The Public Will Have 5 Days to Look at Every Bill That Lands on My Desk

12. It's not my red line - it is the world’s red line.

13. Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.

14. I will not allow lobbyists in my staff.

15. We got back Every Dime we used to Rescue the Banks, with interest.

16. Same for the Auto Companies

17. I will close Gitmo.

18. I'll save the average family $8,000 in gas each year.

19. I pledge to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.

20. I'm not going to make any excuses.

21. I will be held accountable.

22. I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future.

23. I am not spying on American citizens.

24. ObamaCare will be good for America.

25. No Tax increases on the Middle Class.

26. You can keep your family doctor, period.

27. Premiums will be lowered by $2500.

28. If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan, period.

29. It's just like shopping at Amazon.

And the biggest one of all:

30. I, Barack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


I follow Rand Paul and today I received an email message from him which reads as follows:

Washington, D.C. insiders get their special taxpayer-backed “deals,” perks, exemptions and ObamaCare subsidies.

The American people get stuck with the tab . . .

whether it’s the infamous glitches, cut hours, layoffs, higher premiums, or citizens losing their existing health insurance, the American people are getting their first taste of ObamaCare.

That’s bad enough.

But thanks to special subsidies Congress created for itself, many of the same politicians who voted to impose this monstrosity on the rest of us are getting off virtually scot-free.

This can’t be allowed to continue.

I introduced a Constitutional Amendment to stop my colleagues from passing legislation that doesn't apply equally to U.S. citizens, the Executive Branch, Congress and the Supreme Court.

If Chief Justice Roberts likes ObamaCare so much, he can live under it.

And I’m counting on you to sign your “NO SPECIAL DEALS” petition urging your Congressman and Senators to co-sponsor my Constitutional Amendment IMMEDIATELY.
Click to sign

It’s no secret Washington, D.C. is chock-full of people who think they can run our lives better than we can.

They just don’t want to have to live under the laws they pass for the rest of us.

Maybe they really do think they’re “better.” Or “smarter.” Or just flat-out “more important.”

To many Americans, there is no better example of Washington, D.C. being out of touch and out of whack than special deals like we saw in ObamaCare. To many, it’s like rubbing salt in our wounds.

After all, aren’t politicians supposed to serve the people who elect them – not take advantage of them?

As the ObamaCare fiasco unfolds, more and more Americans are beginning to understand what we’ve been served isn’t exactly appetizing.

*** Millions of Americans had their health insurance canceled;

*** More and more employers are cutting hours to avoid ObamaCare’s outrageous mandates. Last year, six full-time jobs were created for every one part-time job. But this year, only one full-time job is being created for every four part-time jobs;

*** According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 71% of small businesses say ObamaCare makes it harder to grow. Nearly one-quarter says they’ll reduce hiring to ensure they never exceed 50 total employees, which would create new mandates and costs under the program;

*** ObamaCare is expected to increase the average family of four’s healthcare spending by nearly $4,000 by 2016. And that’s not even counting ObamaCare’s $1 TRILLION in new taxes over the next decade.

Yet Washington, D.C.'s insider class – from Chief Justice John Roberts who signed off on this unconstitutional law to members of Congress – don’t have to feel the American people's pain?

Jeff, maybe if more of my colleagues had to live under the regulatory boondoggles they pass, maybe they’d pass fewer and fewer of them.

That’s why it’s so important you sign your "NO SPECIAL DEALS" petition right away.

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35.
Click to sign

The fact is, without your help, I’m afraid this won’t be the last time Washington, D.C. insiders try to pass special deals for themselves.

But if you and I can create a firestorm of outrage, will my colleagues in Congress really fight to defend their insider deals?

If they do, they’ll pay the price at the polls. And that price could be severe.

But first things first.

It’s up to you and me to create the firestorm.

So please sign your "NO SPECIAL DEALS" petition right away.

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35.

I know that’s a lot.

But this fight is critical.

How long can our Republic survive so long as politicians think they’re above the rest of us?

You and I both know the answer is “not long.”

But if $250, $100, $50 or $35 is just too much, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10 today.

Thank you so much for your support.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. To many Americans, there is no better example of Washington, D.C. being out of touch and out of whack than special deals like we saw in ObamaCare. To many, it’s like rubbing salt in our wounds.

Just recently, I introduced a Constitutional Amendment to stop my colleagues from passing legislation that doesn't apply equally to U.S. citizens, the Executive Branch, Congress and the Supreme Court.

But I’m counting on your support to create a grassroots tidal wave in support of my amendment.

So please sign your “NO SPECIAL DEALS” petition urging your Congressman and Senators to cosponsor my Constitutional Amendment and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35, $25 or $10 IMMEDIATELY!

There are not many people in Washington, D.C. that are fighting for the individual who is not represented by a special interest group. Rand Paul stands out from the wolf pack of Washington that is tearing this country apart, piece by piece, with their high taxes, choking regulations and political payoffs. Rand Paul stands for individual freedom which, by necessity, requires individuals to take responsibility for their own lives. There is no other way to have a free and prosperous society. 


One word: FREEDOM.

The Venezuela people elected Huge Chavez, a man who promised free goodies from government, and now they are suffering from the Road to Serfdom. Obama is a self proclaimed lazy person. He didn't make anything in his life including his political game plan ...  he just copied Chavez's plan. That is one reason Obama was admired so much by Chavez. Venezuela is now paying the price of choosing socialism and fascism over free markets.  

Almost every aspect of business is regulated by the federal government in Venezuela to the point that the government limits the profits a company can make. The government always gets their cut but the changing rules and the arbitrary edicts from the government are making it harder and harder for businesses to survive and goods are getting scarcer and scarcer and the end result, as in the end of most societies, will be starvation and civil war. 

The price mechanism, which determines which goods and services are to be brought to market for the general public, cannot work with government interference through arbitrary regulations and price controls. Take a good look at Venezuela because that is the blueprint Washington, D.C. has chosen for you.

The civil war in Venezuela has started. 

Click link below to see how a beauty queen got a free bullet from the government.

Beauty Queen from Venezuela shot dead in riots

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Ted Nugent was right about many things but his statement reported by CNN summarized how the American people have voted into office a man comparable to Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez destroyed free markets and then used his friends in government to dismantle the means of production in Venezuela in the name of "fixing capitalism." Anyone with a brain would understand that a market made up of the cumulative total of all willing participants will develop products and services better than a government official using a bully pulpit forcing their product down your throat with a government hammer.

What did Ted Nugent say according to CNN? He said, “I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America.”

Voting is a privilege not afforded to many people in many societies. The right to vote should come with the responsibility to study history and economics so that one understands the ramifications of their actions. Instead of taking a government economist's rendition of what may happen if policies are implemented, one must use their own mind to determine how things really work.

For example, a government economist will tell you raising the minimum wage will make more people better off. That is a glib statement. Raising the minimum wage raises the cost of labor. Do you buy more or less of something when it costs more? You buy less of course. So there will be less labor if you raise the minimum wage. That is the logical result of thinking for yourself. The fake government economist (paid by academia which gets grants from the federal government to tow the party line) tell you the opposite with a straight face. In December 2013, 

Obama's idiotic economic policies made more people stop looking for work than the number of people that found jobs. That aberration made the employment numbers look better when nothing could be further from the true state of the economy. Obama is proud that more people are on food subsidies than ever before. That is the twisted mind of a politician and it sends the wrong messages to our kids. Our way of life is under attack from none other than the person who is supposed to lead this nation and there are still about 30% of the population of our country that still thinks he is doing a good job. I am pretty sure these people are brain dead.

It takes effort to think for oneself and that being so I do not have much faith in most voters. Obama understands that people are ignorant and has said so publicly in the past. He uses that ignorance to further his own agenda without consideration of the destruction of the politically unconnected masses. That makes society as a whole worse off both economically as the politically connected steal from the politically unconnected and as a demoralizing force that your efforts will be stolen from you by the federal government.

Ted Nugent was not forceful or clear enough. Obama lies and he cannot fulfill his lies and you are going to lose your wealth to Obama and his friends. That is going to happen just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west because that is the way it is. The voters that believe Obama and his pack of lies may believe the lie for a while but the path we are on is sure to destroy even more of the means of production until we wake up without toilet paper like Venezuela.

If you support those who feed your brain garbage and you believe it, sooner or later you will get what you voted for.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Rand Paul has joined a group that is suing the President of the United States for violating the 4th Amendment. Anyone with a phone is a potential plaintiff and victim. The suit sues Obama for the unlawful NSA monitoring of United States citizens with one search warrant. Our country was founded upon protecting the individual from the government and this lawsuit to protect and preserve essential elements of freedom that are contained in the Constitution of the United States should proceed. Citizens can watch this case move forward to see if we have a kangaroo court or a Court that will uphold a law that is part of the essence of our freedom. The Constitution was not written by career politicians. It was written by successful business people and Thomas Jefferson (who some consider to be one of the smartest person that has ever lived). Jefferson, unlike Obama, never took pride in telling others that he is "lazy" and spent his life being productive rather than seeking power that may be distributed for political and personal gain. Jefferson studied previous civilizations to learn what made them thrive or fail. We should be so lucky that one day we may have a leader who is not ignorant in the policies of success and failure of civilizations.  

Click the link below to hear more about Rand Paul's lawsuit.

Link to CBS New's story about Obama's 4th Amendment violations 

Obama is playing politics with human lives and our country's borders. Obama crosses the line of morality and lies to his bosses every day, the American public. If he were a CEO of America, Inc. he would have been fired long ago. Unfortunately for the American people, in politics the rotten apples rise to the top with their side deals and lies. While the President schemes to take away your guns and claims Mexican gangs are getting their guns from the United States, the same gangs state they are buying them from the corrupt Mexican military. You go to jail for up to 30 years for possessing a gun in Mexico but that hasn't stopped the bad guys from killing anyone they don't like. Message to Obama, the village idiot, bad guys don't follow laws. If a law abiding and hard working citizen of Mexico possesses a gun to protect themselves and they get caught with it, they could end up in a Mexican prison for 30 years. If you are for regulating or preventing gun ownership you better get your "protection money" ready. 

I believe "Fast and Furious" was a scheme by Obama and Holder to implement stricter gun laws and their plan was to supply guns and trace them to killing Mexicans so the federal government could plaster pictures of dead Mexicans all over the news with Obama calling for stricter gun regulations. Obama has already stated he does not believe Americans should own guns and I believe he is an incredibly ignorant man in understanding what consequences flow from incredibly stupid decisions. He may be able to put spin on dirt but it is still dirt unless you are a die hard Obama supporter ... and in that case facts don't matter. 

I believe his plan is no different than the Palestinians who put innocent people in harms way by using them as human shields and then plastering those innocent people's corpses all over the news to further their political agenda. The fact remains you won't see an Israeli blow themselves up to kill Muslims but you can't say the same the other way around. We live in a messy world and it is better to be able to protect yourself than leave yourself at the mercy of a Detroit policeman who may or may not show up when you need them most.   

Click here to see Mexican gun laws

The following video explains what is going on with the gun laws and the border with Mexico

Monday, February 10, 2014


Jay Leno can make a joke about anything and he doesn't worry about towing the party line (thank heaven for a breath of fresh air). He will be missed. These are a few of his jokes:

"I was going to start off tonight with an Obama joke, but I don't want to get audited by the IRS."

On NSA surveillance: "We wanted a president who listens to all Americans - now we have one."

On a new IRS commissioner: "He's called 'acting commissioner' because he has to act like the scandal doesn't involve the White House."

On closing the Guantanamo prison for terrorists: "If he really wants to close it, turn it into a government-funded solar power company. The doors will be shut in a month."

Concerning the Benghazi , Associated Press, and IRS scandals: "Remember in the old days when President Obama's biggest embarrassment was Joe Biden?"

On Obama saying he didn't know about the IRS scandal: "He was too busy not knowing anything about Benghazi to not know anything about the IRS."

"The White House has a new slogan about Benghazi: Hope and change the subject."

"It's casual Friday, which means that at the White House, they're casually going through everybody's phone calls and records."

"It is not looking good for President Obama. Today his teleprompter took the fifth."

"Fox News has changed its slogan from 'Fair and Balanced' to 'See, I told you so!'"

On Obama's commencement address: "He told the young graduates their future is bright unless, of course, they want jobs."

On a Chicago man who set a record for riding a Ferris wheel: "The only other way to go around and around in a circle that many times is to read the official report on Benghazi ."

On White House claims of ignorance on the scandals: "They took 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' out of the Pentagon and moved it into the White House."

According to a Gallup poll, President Obama's approval rating has dropped to 45%. Luckily for Obama, he has "Impeachment Insurance." It's called "Joe Biden."

and finally ---

"These White House scandals are not going away anytime soon. It's gotten so bad that People in Kenya are now saying he's 100 percent American."

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Q: What does Barack Obama call illegal aliens?
A: Undocumented democrats. 

Q: What's Michelle Obamas favorite vegetable?
A: Barackoli 

A muslim, a socialist, and a communist walk into a bar.
The bartender says, "Hello Mr. President."

Q: Why won't Obama release his real birth certificate?
A: He accidently smoked it. 

Q: How did Barack Obama propose to Michelle Robinson?
A: He got down on one knee and said, "I don't wanna be Obama self." 

Q: How do you know your doctor is not a fan of Obama's Health Care Plan?
A: He/she has remodeled the waiting room with death paneling. 

Q: Why is Healthcare reform so important to the enigmatic Barack Obama?
A: His pregnant mom was turned away from many hospitals and was forced to give birth in a manger! 

Q: How does Obama sleep?
A: First he lies on one side, then he lies on the other. 

Q: Why won’t Obama laugh at himself?
A: Because it would be racist.

Q: What do you get when you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer?
A: Barack Obama. 

Q: Why did Barack Obama cross the road?
A. To help the other side! 

Q: What's the difference between Obama and God?
A: God doesn't think he is Obama. 

Q: What is the difference between Obama and Jesus?
A: Jesus can put a cabinet together. 

Q: What is the difference between Obama and Osama?
A: Just a little BS.
"The ObamaCare website won't be accessible at night due to maintenance. And it won't be accessible during the day due to 'it sucking.'" 

– Conan O'Brien
"President Obama said he is sorry that some Americans have lost their existing health coverage due to Obamacare. I think he's getting a little desperate. Today he said if you like your complete lack of coverage, you can keep your complete lack of coverage."

- Jay Leno

The email was forwarded to me and read that it was an Official Notice from the U.S. Golf Association.

It said: The golf term "Bad Lie" is now simply referred to as "AN OBAMA."


Mike Lee stands up for the taxpayer and individuals not represented by the farming lobby or the crooked politicians that give out freebies for votes. We should all salute Mike Lee for being a patriotic American and not playing the "payoff game" in Washington, D.C., the most corrupt city in American. Now if we can get him to help us end the FED the crooks in Washington, D.C. won't be able to use the power of the printing press to destroy the wealth that it took our country hundreds of years to accumulate. You money has already been depreciated over 95% since the FED was created to "prevent financial disasters" but isn't the FED's destruction of your wealth by over 95% since it was created a financial disaster?

Click the link below to find out how the Farm Bill is nothing more than corporate and voter-payoff welfare.

Link to Farm Bill vs. America

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ObamaCare... I see nothing I know nothing.
Benghazi... I see nothing I know nothing.
IRS scandal... I see nothing I know nothing.
NSA Spying... I see nothing I know nothing.
Phone tapping the media... I see nothing I know nothing.
Fast and Furious... I see nothing I know nothing.
GSA gone wild... I see nothing I know nothing.
Solyndra... I see nothing I know nothing.
And this could go on and on...
OBAMA, the Sergeant Shultz of politics... I know nothing I see nothing. 


How do you spot a liar? 

In my humble opinion, just watch Obama answer Bill O'Reilly's questions in the following clip and you can play the game, "How do you spot a liar."

Link to clip on Obama answering Bill O'Reilley's questions where Obama blames FOX News = LOL 

Time and again a minority of the population hijacks a portion of society for the worse. Recently many have experienced how a minority of the population has caused havoc and will wreak financial devastation from the implementation of Obamacare. The majority of our country did not want it but the minority who pushed it through were better organized and had a systematic scheme to dramatically alter America. One common thread that is often used is an appeal to emotions such as "shouldn't everyone have healthcare" without looking at the issue from a rational point of view. A rational leader would not have destroyed healthcare for 315 million people to fix it for 15 million people. A rational plan would have merely fixed it for the 15 million who needed help and much of the nation would have supported such a plan. The politicians do not care for the ills they create because they can just grow the federal government to fix the new problems they create. They do not understand nor care that in doing so they destroy the wealth of this nation that was created by our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.

Click the link below to read the risks of ignoring the fanatics.

Op-ed on why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


What would you call a person who dares to be asked questions, lies to advance their own agenda to your detriment, blames all their problems on the only news agency to ask tough questions, has a very limited intelligence as to how business works and will make deals with big businesses to beat up on small businesses? I call that person a thug. Unfortunately that is what we currently have as a President and I wouldn't even by able to speak up about these matters if Obama had his way with the internet. Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS holding up Tea Party non-profit organizations, and even such mundane and seemingly innocuous issues such as birth certificates ... Obama the thug fights the public interest every step of the way. 

Obama does not even lay down on a birth certificate. If a birth certificate is no big deal then just be done with it, show the birth certificate, and let the country move on. No. He either wants the country to be divided on the issue (for political reasons of course) or he does not have a valid birth certificate. To say it is none of the public's interest shows Obama's mental attitude and contempt toward the American people. I would show my birth certificate if the public was interested in seeing it to verify my U.S. citizenship and birthplace since it is one of the qualifications to be President of the United States. 

What does Obama do when the public has a valid question as to his qualifications? Obama puts that stupid smile on his face and has his goons "take care of it." Even "W" would have turned over his birth certificate as evidence to CNN or MSNBC ... even if they are considered by many to be communist news organizations. 

So the war on the public continues. The IRS targeted Tea Party organizations to deny and delay their non-profit status before the last presidential election. If those organizations were not denied they would have been able to raise money and awareness to counter Obama's big government agenda. Naturally, their applications were somehow singled out in true "Chicago politics fashion." 

Those Tea Party organizations were formed to primarily fight Obamacare and its deleterious effects on this country. Obama and his goons claimed the Tea Party participants were a bunch of nuts when in reality they were mostly responsible small business owners who understand accounting and what it means to be responsible. After all, small business owners don't have a FED and a printing press to bail themselves and all their buddies out when their failed ideas actually fail. Guess what? Those "dangerous" Tea Party people were right and Obama is a liar who is going to destroy your financial net worth (if it isn't destroyed already from the last two FED bubbles).    

Now the American public has been able to get a little taste of Obamacare and it is still just in its infancy and will be getting much much worse in the years ahead. Just today the CBO announced that Obamacare is an additional "tax on work" and will result in another 2.5 million jobs being lost. The federal government's political payoffs for votes are destroying this country and we will be lucky to not end up like Greece, or at least Spain, before Obama is gone.

In usual government fashion, the agency that created a problem has been put in charge of solving the problem (usually with a bigger budget and more personnel). The agency that targeted Tea Party organizations is allegedly going to "fix" their own problems with new rules that will require social welfare groups to operate “primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people.”

While Obama claims he knew nothing about the IRS targeting and claims the hundred or so visits to him by the head of the IRS were for the implementation of Obamacare, the IRS is moving ahead with a "fix" which does nothing but secure more power for the federal government. Meanwhile, Kathleen Sebelius who is the incompetent Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), made only about 1/10 of the number of visits as the head of the IRS. That makes no sense because the HHS is responsible for implementing Obamacare and IRS is merely the muscle to make sure the government extracts its "pound of flesh" from us for being bestowed with such government largess by our economically ignorant Congress.

Obama would have us believe he has some pressing issues on the implementation of Obamacare but I would put MY money on Obama spending his time with the head of the IRS scheming to destroy anyone who questions the effectiveness and results of his failed economic policies and payoffs. It is more believable that he spends his time with political issues and strategies rather than thinking about the hard solutions to our countries woes. A scheme is easily hatched in a small mind. Solutions to real problems requires taking the time to learn about history, psychology, mathematics and accounting and economics. A self-described lazy person does not have the time for solutions to real problems.

A more important issue regarding the IRS is why an organization like Planned Parenthood qualifies as a non-profit and is given preferential treatment as a non-profit organization "primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people" while an organization that seeks to educate and inform the public why big government programs that redistribute wealth always result in social failure is not. Why should such a politically charged organization like Planned Parenthood be permitted non-profit status while an informative organization that seeks to preserve and protect individual rights be denied non-profit status? 

Sunday, February 2, 2014



Forget GI Joe and Barbie. The newest and most powerful action figures today are the Kronies. The Kronies and Big G take on any competetive threat to their power. Their enemy is the Entrepreneurs who are out to steal the Kronies' customers and crush the Kronies' profit margins with superior products and service.

If this is what it takes to educate our youth so they don't end up voting for a man like Obama then I am all for it. Unfortunately the politicians without a moral compass usually rise to the top in politics because of the cutthroat nature of federal government power. The politicians that would be good for the country by not bestowing favors through the form of bailouts and tariffs and regulations and subsidies do not get elected because they do not take the payoffs from the industries that benefit from such favors. Those money from those payoffs are used to promote their ill advised policies not unlike the old cigarette commercials to make you want to smoke even though you know it is not good for you. The big government politicians sell you what is good for them. 

Obama bulldozed 315 million people's healthcare in this country to benefit 15 million people with preexisting conditions. Wouldn't it have been better to leave everyone alone and just try to solve the problem for the 15 million people with preexisting conditions? If you don't think so yet, you will think so in about another two years. You can thank the insurance companies that played along with Obama to push what big government thinks your healthcare should be down your throat. The drug and insurance companies should not have played ball with Obama because he will bend them over and screw them like a third world dictator. One thing is for sure with Obamacare, your rights and dignity as an individual have been diminished with the growth of big government and new IRS agents that will be shaking you down like a German sheperd on a rib-eye. 

Obama already reminds me of Hugo Chavez and how he destroyed Venezuela. Obama, like Hugo, totally disregarded the Constitution and did whatever he wanted through executive powers. What was remarkable is how the Democratic Congress stood up and applauded such dangerous dereliction of leadership when Obama said he would circumvent Congress with executive orders during his State of the Union address. I think they called that treason in the old days but I can't recall because I think I have been brainwashed by the Obama administration to think such actions are now Constitutional and acceptable. 

Wait until Obama extends the term of the Office of the President through executive order. 

Will Congress stand up and cheer?

Click the link to the must see Kronies action figure website below

Get your Gov't action (hero or zero) figure at

Saturday, February 1, 2014


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck Obama will probably tell you it is Bush's fault but it is still a duck. Word play in Washington has reached heights unseen since right before the fall of Rome.

Like the President said during his SOTU, "Let's see if the numbers add up." Having accounting in my background makes me laugh to hear a mathematically challenged President use "numbers" in his big government rhetoric. But then I realize how horribly our country is being led and that makes me pause and consider what the future will be like for our children.

The following link shows how the numbers add up for those who have received their new health care plans and it seems like they don't like the way "the numbers add up." If they are hating Obamacare now wait until they see what the real price of their premiums will be once the accounting tricks to keep premiums low shows up in their 2015 heath care bills. 

A few more years down the line we will also have to bail out the insurance companies which is permitted under Obamacare. The big insurance companies got that promise to go along with the crooked politicians that are leading us down the road to serfdom.  

Link to Weekly Standard Blog on Increaded Payments and Deductibles