Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Ted Nugent was right about many things but his statement reported by CNN summarized how the American people have voted into office a man comparable to Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez destroyed free markets and then used his friends in government to dismantle the means of production in Venezuela in the name of "fixing capitalism." Anyone with a brain would understand that a market made up of the cumulative total of all willing participants will develop products and services better than a government official using a bully pulpit forcing their product down your throat with a government hammer.

What did Ted Nugent say according to CNN? He said, “I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America.”

Voting is a privilege not afforded to many people in many societies. The right to vote should come with the responsibility to study history and economics so that one understands the ramifications of their actions. Instead of taking a government economist's rendition of what may happen if policies are implemented, one must use their own mind to determine how things really work.

For example, a government economist will tell you raising the minimum wage will make more people better off. That is a glib statement. Raising the minimum wage raises the cost of labor. Do you buy more or less of something when it costs more? You buy less of course. So there will be less labor if you raise the minimum wage. That is the logical result of thinking for yourself. The fake government economist (paid by academia which gets grants from the federal government to tow the party line) tell you the opposite with a straight face. In December 2013, 

Obama's idiotic economic policies made more people stop looking for work than the number of people that found jobs. That aberration made the employment numbers look better when nothing could be further from the true state of the economy. Obama is proud that more people are on food subsidies than ever before. That is the twisted mind of a politician and it sends the wrong messages to our kids. Our way of life is under attack from none other than the person who is supposed to lead this nation and there are still about 30% of the population of our country that still thinks he is doing a good job. I am pretty sure these people are brain dead.

It takes effort to think for oneself and that being so I do not have much faith in most voters. Obama understands that people are ignorant and has said so publicly in the past. He uses that ignorance to further his own agenda without consideration of the destruction of the politically unconnected masses. That makes society as a whole worse off both economically as the politically connected steal from the politically unconnected and as a demoralizing force that your efforts will be stolen from you by the federal government.

Ted Nugent was not forceful or clear enough. Obama lies and he cannot fulfill his lies and you are going to lose your wealth to Obama and his friends. That is going to happen just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west because that is the way it is. The voters that believe Obama and his pack of lies may believe the lie for a while but the path we are on is sure to destroy even more of the means of production until we wake up without toilet paper like Venezuela.

If you support those who feed your brain garbage and you believe it, sooner or later you will get what you voted for.

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