Tuesday, February 4, 2014


What would you call a person who dares to be asked questions, lies to advance their own agenda to your detriment, blames all their problems on the only news agency to ask tough questions, has a very limited intelligence as to how business works and will make deals with big businesses to beat up on small businesses? I call that person a thug. Unfortunately that is what we currently have as a President and I wouldn't even by able to speak up about these matters if Obama had his way with the internet. Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS holding up Tea Party non-profit organizations, and even such mundane and seemingly innocuous issues such as birth certificates ... Obama the thug fights the public interest every step of the way. 

Obama does not even lay down on a birth certificate. If a birth certificate is no big deal then just be done with it, show the birth certificate, and let the country move on. No. He either wants the country to be divided on the issue (for political reasons of course) or he does not have a valid birth certificate. To say it is none of the public's interest shows Obama's mental attitude and contempt toward the American people. I would show my birth certificate if the public was interested in seeing it to verify my U.S. citizenship and birthplace since it is one of the qualifications to be President of the United States. 

What does Obama do when the public has a valid question as to his qualifications? Obama puts that stupid smile on his face and has his goons "take care of it." Even "W" would have turned over his birth certificate as evidence to CNN or MSNBC ... even if they are considered by many to be communist news organizations. 

So the war on the public continues. The IRS targeted Tea Party organizations to deny and delay their non-profit status before the last presidential election. If those organizations were not denied they would have been able to raise money and awareness to counter Obama's big government agenda. Naturally, their applications were somehow singled out in true "Chicago politics fashion." 

Those Tea Party organizations were formed to primarily fight Obamacare and its deleterious effects on this country. Obama and his goons claimed the Tea Party participants were a bunch of nuts when in reality they were mostly responsible small business owners who understand accounting and what it means to be responsible. After all, small business owners don't have a FED and a printing press to bail themselves and all their buddies out when their failed ideas actually fail. Guess what? Those "dangerous" Tea Party people were right and Obama is a liar who is going to destroy your financial net worth (if it isn't destroyed already from the last two FED bubbles).    

Now the American public has been able to get a little taste of Obamacare and it is still just in its infancy and will be getting much much worse in the years ahead. Just today the CBO announced that Obamacare is an additional "tax on work" and will result in another 2.5 million jobs being lost. The federal government's political payoffs for votes are destroying this country and we will be lucky to not end up like Greece, or at least Spain, before Obama is gone.

In usual government fashion, the agency that created a problem has been put in charge of solving the problem (usually with a bigger budget and more personnel). The agency that targeted Tea Party organizations is allegedly going to "fix" their own problems with new rules that will require social welfare groups to operate “primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people.”

While Obama claims he knew nothing about the IRS targeting and claims the hundred or so visits to him by the head of the IRS were for the implementation of Obamacare, the IRS is moving ahead with a "fix" which does nothing but secure more power for the federal government. Meanwhile, Kathleen Sebelius who is the incompetent Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), made only about 1/10 of the number of visits as the head of the IRS. That makes no sense because the HHS is responsible for implementing Obamacare and IRS is merely the muscle to make sure the government extracts its "pound of flesh" from us for being bestowed with such government largess by our economically ignorant Congress.

Obama would have us believe he has some pressing issues on the implementation of Obamacare but I would put MY money on Obama spending his time with the head of the IRS scheming to destroy anyone who questions the effectiveness and results of his failed economic policies and payoffs. It is more believable that he spends his time with political issues and strategies rather than thinking about the hard solutions to our countries woes. A scheme is easily hatched in a small mind. Solutions to real problems requires taking the time to learn about history, psychology, mathematics and accounting and economics. A self-described lazy person does not have the time for solutions to real problems.

A more important issue regarding the IRS is why an organization like Planned Parenthood qualifies as a non-profit and is given preferential treatment as a non-profit organization "primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people" while an organization that seeks to educate and inform the public why big government programs that redistribute wealth always result in social failure is not. Why should such a politically charged organization like Planned Parenthood be permitted non-profit status while an informative organization that seeks to preserve and protect individual rights be denied non-profit status? 

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