When I say dirtbag I mean a person with an intelligence level equal to a bag of dirt. Only in Washington, D.C. can a person with this level of intelligence rise to the top of an organization. This is the reason we need small government and also the reason Reid views the Tea Party as a threat to his existence. I am harsh on Harry because the laws he keeps pushing through are so unpleasant and harmful to the American people that someone needs to call him out in a way that gets some notice.
Reid has no problem saying whatever he wants that will further his own political career and his feet are never held to the fire for the horrible results from his actions. He says mostly crap and the left winger news picks up his crap and repeats it incessantly. He usually gets called out on his crappy statement by someone with a brain and then he corrects himself but the left winger news usually never spends any effort correcting their reports
Reid is always about the power grab and never stands up for the individual and individual responsibility (otherwise known as freedom). I find him the most offensive person in the Senate and cannot fathom how he is able to hold onto power and fool the voters into thinking he is serving their best interest. His voters should look to Detroit and other bankrupt cities and states to see what they are in for with his false promises.
Reid's attack on those who have had problems with Obamacare is an affront to the senses and a confirmation of his ignorance. How does such an ignorant man accumulate so much power where he can be so dangerous to society? Reid claimed on the Senate floor that all the ObamaCare "horror stories" being circulated are untrue.
Reid's attack on those who have had problems with Obamacare is an affront to the senses and a confirmation of his ignorance. How does such an ignorant man accumulate so much power where he can be so dangerous to society? Reid claimed on the Senate floor that all the ObamaCare "horror stories" being circulated are untrue.
Equally ridiculous is how the Senate lets him get away with such bull crap. I know many people that have been personally and adversely affected by Obamacare and none of us are happy about it. Reid is so far removed from reality and the media is so far up Obama's butt crack that most people do not stand a chance of getting an accurate portrayal of how destructive Obamacare is to this country.
As of February 13, 2014, 3.3 million people have signed up for Obamacare (and only about 70 to 80 percent of those 3.3 million have actually paid and have coverage) while 6.2 million people have received cancellation notices from their insruance company.
Click the link below to read Reid calling American's liars
Click the link below to see Reid's 5% out of 100% ranking by Freedom Works (only in government do you get to keep your job with such low ratings)
As of February 13, 2014, 3.3 million people have signed up for Obamacare (and only about 70 to 80 percent of those 3.3 million have actually paid and have coverage) while 6.2 million people have received cancellation notices from their insruance company.
Click the link below to read Reid calling American's liars
Click the link below to see Reid's 5% out of 100% ranking by Freedom Works (only in government do you get to keep your job with such low ratings)
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