Sunday, February 2, 2014



Forget GI Joe and Barbie. The newest and most powerful action figures today are the Kronies. The Kronies and Big G take on any competetive threat to their power. Their enemy is the Entrepreneurs who are out to steal the Kronies' customers and crush the Kronies' profit margins with superior products and service.

If this is what it takes to educate our youth so they don't end up voting for a man like Obama then I am all for it. Unfortunately the politicians without a moral compass usually rise to the top in politics because of the cutthroat nature of federal government power. The politicians that would be good for the country by not bestowing favors through the form of bailouts and tariffs and regulations and subsidies do not get elected because they do not take the payoffs from the industries that benefit from such favors. Those money from those payoffs are used to promote their ill advised policies not unlike the old cigarette commercials to make you want to smoke even though you know it is not good for you. The big government politicians sell you what is good for them. 

Obama bulldozed 315 million people's healthcare in this country to benefit 15 million people with preexisting conditions. Wouldn't it have been better to leave everyone alone and just try to solve the problem for the 15 million people with preexisting conditions? If you don't think so yet, you will think so in about another two years. You can thank the insurance companies that played along with Obama to push what big government thinks your healthcare should be down your throat. The drug and insurance companies should not have played ball with Obama because he will bend them over and screw them like a third world dictator. One thing is for sure with Obamacare, your rights and dignity as an individual have been diminished with the growth of big government and new IRS agents that will be shaking you down like a German sheperd on a rib-eye. 

Obama already reminds me of Hugo Chavez and how he destroyed Venezuela. Obama, like Hugo, totally disregarded the Constitution and did whatever he wanted through executive powers. What was remarkable is how the Democratic Congress stood up and applauded such dangerous dereliction of leadership when Obama said he would circumvent Congress with executive orders during his State of the Union address. I think they called that treason in the old days but I can't recall because I think I have been brainwashed by the Obama administration to think such actions are now Constitutional and acceptable. 

Wait until Obama extends the term of the Office of the President through executive order. 

Will Congress stand up and cheer?

Click the link to the must see Kronies action figure website below

Get your Gov't action (hero or zero) figure at

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