Saturday, February 22, 2014


One of Obama's advisors said that raising the minimum wage would allow folks to work less. Another advisor said that with Obamacare people who work solely to have health care benefits won't have to work anymore because they would be able to get their health care coverage for little or no money. All of Obama's economic policies are providing the incentive to NOT WORK. This won't work. 

As an independent I view Obama's policies as creating a parasitic voting class that takes from the working class. These are the seeds of society's destruction. Our country has already passed the limit of more people benefiting from "free stuff" from government than people who pay for that stuff. If you don't believe me I can show you over 17 trillion reasons why I am right. Our official debt is over 17 trillion dollars now and no one is doing anything about that. Add in the off-balance sheet unfunded debt and the mathematical consequences are not pretty.   

The entitlement society we have created was caused by a perverse and broad interpretation of the Welfare Clause of our Constitution by our highest courts. The courts were created to preserve and protect our freedoms by an overreaching president, legislature or political process. Just because Obamacare was voted into existence by ignorant legislators and voters does not give the courts a pass on preserving the foundation of our country's freedom. 

What if the voters decided that the age of 80 is good enough and that no one after that age should receive medical care because it costs too much? Would that be constitutional? If not, then the constitutionality of healthcare rests on the state either providing it or withholding it. How can the constitutionality of healthcare pivot on whether or not the state provides it or not? Can the state take money from people and buy houses for those without? How about cars? TVs? Cell phones? Where does it stop and who pays for it? 

Add in the moral question of why anyone would work if they can get everything for free and the result is that the courts have failed to protect the American people from themselves. The courts merely had to look at the Constitution and not use their "interpretive" powers, which they of course granted themselves in a court opinion, to pervert and destroy the freedom, integrity and morality that the Constitutional framework provided. 

The Constitution is the bedrock of all other laws. All other laws flow from this beautiful and magnificent document. When I was in law school I was shocked that the Constitution was not even  required to be read in my Constitutional Law class. Say what? True!!! The teacher had no problem wasting my time making me read case law that alleged to "interpret" the Constitution but it became very clear very quickly that judges made the decision what they wanted the result to be and then wrote a convoluted opinion that, more often than not, was a bunch of gobbledygook to justify the outcome they desired. 

There should be no surprise that there are not many cases that reign in the federal government by the federal courts. I stopped reading the cases in class and bought the summarized notes just to pass the class. Most of the cases could have been described in a paragraph or less and many could have been summarized in one sentence. It was a waste of my time to read the teacher's assignments and those gobbledygook opinions which just made things more complicated than they had to be. It became clear that all those in the legal profession, including judges, are paid per written word. It is ridiculous to make simple matters so complicated that you need to hire a lawyer to do a simple task. As a business person I found that offensive.

The Courts have  failed in the protection of liberty by not keeping laws simple and clear. That is one aspect to the due process of laws, another concept from the Constitution that has been perverted by the courts and legal profession. Obamacare is 2,000+ pages of shackles on the American people and there will be a huge debt to pay for such stupidity.   

Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional because if your healthcare is able to be controlled by the federal government there is nothing in your life that cannot be controlled by the government. Ripping freedom from the American people's grasp is the last thing our Founding Father's had in mind when this country was created. The micromanagement of your life will continue until you have no more freedoms because all your decisions will be made for you by a central government planner.

Evidently if you voted for Obama you don't have to work and the government will just take money from those who work and didn't vote for Obama and give it to those who don't work and did vote for Obama. Pretty simple economics. Obama sold this country out so he could be elected. That is the only economics Obama knows.   

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