Thursday, February 20, 2014


I follow Rand Paul and today I received an email message from him which reads as follows:

Washington, D.C. insiders get their special taxpayer-backed “deals,” perks, exemptions and ObamaCare subsidies.

The American people get stuck with the tab . . .

whether it’s the infamous glitches, cut hours, layoffs, higher premiums, or citizens losing their existing health insurance, the American people are getting their first taste of ObamaCare.

That’s bad enough.

But thanks to special subsidies Congress created for itself, many of the same politicians who voted to impose this monstrosity on the rest of us are getting off virtually scot-free.

This can’t be allowed to continue.

I introduced a Constitutional Amendment to stop my colleagues from passing legislation that doesn't apply equally to U.S. citizens, the Executive Branch, Congress and the Supreme Court.

If Chief Justice Roberts likes ObamaCare so much, he can live under it.

And I’m counting on you to sign your “NO SPECIAL DEALS” petition urging your Congressman and Senators to co-sponsor my Constitutional Amendment IMMEDIATELY.
Click to sign

It’s no secret Washington, D.C. is chock-full of people who think they can run our lives better than we can.

They just don’t want to have to live under the laws they pass for the rest of us.

Maybe they really do think they’re “better.” Or “smarter.” Or just flat-out “more important.”

To many Americans, there is no better example of Washington, D.C. being out of touch and out of whack than special deals like we saw in ObamaCare. To many, it’s like rubbing salt in our wounds.

After all, aren’t politicians supposed to serve the people who elect them – not take advantage of them?

As the ObamaCare fiasco unfolds, more and more Americans are beginning to understand what we’ve been served isn’t exactly appetizing.

*** Millions of Americans had their health insurance canceled;

*** More and more employers are cutting hours to avoid ObamaCare’s outrageous mandates. Last year, six full-time jobs were created for every one part-time job. But this year, only one full-time job is being created for every four part-time jobs;

*** According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 71% of small businesses say ObamaCare makes it harder to grow. Nearly one-quarter says they’ll reduce hiring to ensure they never exceed 50 total employees, which would create new mandates and costs under the program;

*** ObamaCare is expected to increase the average family of four’s healthcare spending by nearly $4,000 by 2016. And that’s not even counting ObamaCare’s $1 TRILLION in new taxes over the next decade.

Yet Washington, D.C.'s insider class – from Chief Justice John Roberts who signed off on this unconstitutional law to members of Congress – don’t have to feel the American people's pain?

Jeff, maybe if more of my colleagues had to live under the regulatory boondoggles they pass, maybe they’d pass fewer and fewer of them.

That’s why it’s so important you sign your "NO SPECIAL DEALS" petition right away.

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35.
Click to sign

The fact is, without your help, I’m afraid this won’t be the last time Washington, D.C. insiders try to pass special deals for themselves.

But if you and I can create a firestorm of outrage, will my colleagues in Congress really fight to defend their insider deals?

If they do, they’ll pay the price at the polls. And that price could be severe.

But first things first.

It’s up to you and me to create the firestorm.

So please sign your "NO SPECIAL DEALS" petition right away.

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35.

I know that’s a lot.

But this fight is critical.

How long can our Republic survive so long as politicians think they’re above the rest of us?

You and I both know the answer is “not long.”

But if $250, $100, $50 or $35 is just too much, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10 today.

Thank you so much for your support.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. To many Americans, there is no better example of Washington, D.C. being out of touch and out of whack than special deals like we saw in ObamaCare. To many, it’s like rubbing salt in our wounds.

Just recently, I introduced a Constitutional Amendment to stop my colleagues from passing legislation that doesn't apply equally to U.S. citizens, the Executive Branch, Congress and the Supreme Court.

But I’m counting on your support to create a grassroots tidal wave in support of my amendment.

So please sign your “NO SPECIAL DEALS” petition urging your Congressman and Senators to cosponsor my Constitutional Amendment and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35, $25 or $10 IMMEDIATELY!

There are not many people in Washington, D.C. that are fighting for the individual who is not represented by a special interest group. Rand Paul stands out from the wolf pack of Washington that is tearing this country apart, piece by piece, with their high taxes, choking regulations and political payoffs. Rand Paul stands for individual freedom which, by necessity, requires individuals to take responsibility for their own lives. There is no other way to have a free and prosperous society. 

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