Monday, March 31, 2014


“President Obama declared that the ‘era of austerity’ is over, yet such an era has never existed in Washington D.C., especially since he took office. The president continues to turn a blind eye to the fact that America is on an unsustainable financial path that continues to shrink the middle class, stymie economic growth, and drain the nation of its wealth,” explained Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) President Tom Schatz. “While the budget is always a political document, this is a manifesto for members of Congress who want to expand the size and scope of government. The President claimed that the budget is about choices, and he is right; it was his choice to either make a viable attempt to address the serious fiscal issues facing the country, or ignore them, and he has unfortunately chosen the latter.”

Click the link below to read about CAGW's view on Obama's ridiculous budget proposal

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Ignorance and political ambition are always a challenge to society. The latest figures by the Congressional Budget Office show Obamacare will cost the USA 2.5 million jobs by 2014. The numbers keep going up and Obama's administration originally claimed that Obamacare would create jobs and save the average family over $2,500 a year. I am pretty sure Obama knows people's memories are not that good when it comes to numbers and frankly he probably doesn't really care what you think. 

For example, Michelle and Barack have spend an estimated 16 million dollars of your money, taxpayers money, on their last two vacations. I wish someone would sue the President and his family for spending our tax money like that but no one seems to care. No other president has ever spent our money so foolishly. If they want a vacation they should pay for it themselves (and we will provide the protection). Michelle is a modern day Marie Antoinette and her modern day obliviousness to the plight of American families is equivalent to Marie's statement, "Let them eat cake."  

The most surprising government number to me, well ... not actually based on our country's current education system, is that as of March 28, 2014, a full 25% of the American population still supports Obamacare. I would like to point out that 25% of the American population remains brain dead or have some financially vested interest in Obamacare.   

By the way, the White House said that the reduction in worker hours was based upon workers choosing to work less ... as if that is a good thing. Give me free money not to work, healthcare and an Obama phone and I might work less too. I would roll my eyes but it would be better if someone in charge would make some heads roll. The incompetence of our leaders may not be understood very well but the destruction they bring our society will only be realized after it is too late. 

Click the link below to read about the negative effects of Obamacare on employment

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Gun control advocate Senator Leland Yee (CA - Democrat) was stung by an American Hustle carried out by the FBI. He was arrested for allegedly taking bribes and trafficing in firearms. Apparently for Yee, gun control is only for the little people. That leaves 98 more Senators we need removed. Rand Paul can stay. We need more honest people who don't suck the life out of society for their parasitic programs. Just kidding. Yee is only a California Senator but a hypocrite nonetheless. 

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the NRA, said of Yee, ""This poster boy for gun control is a scumbag." I love clear and concise language. We should have more open debate about our politicians, their policies and their personal lives so that me may make better decisions on who is qualified to lead this country. Maybe we wouldn't have a community organizer for a President. Click link below to read what Leland was up to when he wasn't pushing fake agendas.,0,1570592.story#axzz2xCNe9vqE

Asking Kathleen Sebelius about is like asking Tim Geitner to do your taxes. It is just not a good idea.

President Obama and his fascist "progressive" buddies can lock me up for not buying into their boondoggle called Obamacare. Starting on April 1, 2014 (April Fools?) I am officially breaking the law if I don't buy what the government tells me to buy. Never before in the history of this supposedly "free" country could a person be locked up for not buying something the government tells you to buy. I think I will just let my coverage expire if I get cancelled like others in my family. I will pay the extra "tax" and get coverage anyways. You call that a plan? I call it government intelligence (it doesn't exist).

I am ready to become the Nelson Mandela against Obamacare if the government decides to lock me up.  

I refuse to follow a so called law that has been arbitrarily changed at least 37 times since it was created. A real law is not subject to the "King's whims" and even Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's chosen gaffe maker extraordinaire and Chief Enrollment Number Manipulator, said the law cannot be changed and then a week or two later said that they would have to extend the deadline (again). The Obama administration never refers to any section number of Obamacare because the entire law is being changed every other day by the incompetent politicians who have found the Constitution to be nothing more than an inconvenience. 

I urge everyone to ignore Obamacare and fight it tooth and nail because if government can take away your healthcare they can also take away your life. 

Take the following quote, "This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future." Sounds like something Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi would say, right? Wrong. That was Adolph Hitler in 1935 right before he forced the children of Germany off to war to die and he used the government to kill off his enemies and those that did not meet his criteria of the Aryan race. Government always cloaks its evil intentions in a rational and altruistic presentation to the people. You have to decide if you want to put your faith in another person's hands or if you would feel safer limiting government to a smaller and more moral role as outlined in the Constitution of the United States.   

My favorite quotes from Nelson Madela:

There is no such thing as part freedom.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated.

Our single most important challenge is therefore to help establish a social order in which the freedom of the individual will truly mean the freedom of the individual.

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Click below to read about another example of Sebelius' ignorance of Obamacare

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Click the link below to learn about a currency that has just surpassed the Swiss fanc in world currency transactions.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Three statements tell us a lot about our government and our culture:

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics.

We are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works.

And another statement for consideration--

2. We constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. 

How come we never hear about welfare running out of money?

What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, the second didn't.


3. The Food Stamp Program is administered by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

They’re proud that this year they administered the highest number of free Meals & Food Stamps ever.

The most recent figures available in 2013 was 47 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service is administered by the U.S. Dept. of the Interior.

They asked us,

"Please Do Not Feed the Animals."

The stated reason for this policy is because,
"The animals will grow dependent on handouts.
They will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus Ends Today's Lessons on Irony.

Sunday, March 23, 2014



Remember Joe Wilson who called Obama a liar at Obama's September 9, 2009 State of the Union address? He was right. Obama lies. After dragging Joe Wilson over the coals we find out that character does matter and the only character Obama resembles is Alfred E. Neuman.

Moving on. As you are reading this Michelle Obama is spending her time in China with her mother and daughters preaching to the Chinese about freedom of speech (what an idiot). I would have loved to hear Michelle answer the question by a Chinese man if free speech is the same thing as having your communications monitored by the NSA? The Chinese obviously welcome all Communists no matter how stupid they are. 

As Obama's burn your money the UK's MAILOnline reports, "Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' – and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff."

Can someone please revoke their passports and not let them reenter the country? I can't stand my tax money being spent on her ridiculous trips. No other First Lady burned our money like this crazy lunatic. Robespierre's France is what would teach Michelle a lesson. She would be known as the other M&M after Marie Antoinette. 

Where is Obama? At a funeral with Cameron and Thorning Schmidt snapping selfies?

I don't know who I like less, Obama or Obama voters.

Click link below to read about Joe Wilson and Obama's shady character

Click link below for you personal thank you card from Michelle Obama


I consider gun control being able to shoot a nice tight grouping at 10 yards with your favorite semi-automatic. Only a lunatic would want gun control because one of the safest countries on the planet is Israel where you are given a firearm when you become of age and serve in the military. There is very little crime when everyone has a gun. Texas would be a good example here in the United States where the high ownership of guns keeps crime to a minimum. Take out the fake government "war on drugs" and crime would drop even further in this country. I would support open carry laws throughout this country for the same reason. More guns equals less crime. And yes, you must be responsible with the ownership of a gun so if you have been found guilty of a violent crime you should have no right to own a gun. 

Despite firearms production being up 31 percent in 2012 to 8.57 million firearms, murders fell by nearly 7 percent in the first half of 2013 which is in accordance with an overall reduction in crime over the last 30 years. The reason for a reduction in crime may be attributed to better technology in catching criminals with cameras around every building, tight controls and test firing of all firearms, computerized fingerprint files and DNA analysis techniques.  

Then there is the little thing called the Second Amendment which was written by our Founding Fathers to protect us against tyrannical governments. Research the Second Amendment and you will see that the reason why gun ownership is so important is because it allows you to protect yourself from the Obamas and Harry Reids and Nancy Pelosis of this world. Never give up your gun for anyone. 

Click the link below to read about the FBI's reports showing a reduction in crimes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


First of all, who cares? You should. You need to read about what happens to functioning markets when the government gets involved. Sooner or later the market is destroyed. If you put the government in charge of the Sahara desert it will run out of sand because government is a political animal and the animals who run as career politicians are greedier and dirtier and better at lying and getting away with crimes than the businessmen they shake down. The businessmen are trying to make a living and provide goods and services to where they are needed most. The politicians are trying to do whatever it takes for personal and financial gain (usually by finding some kind of moral sounding ground to stand on so they cannot be attacked for the immoral beings they are). Who serves you with the better purpose? 

After the politicians in Venezuela have ruined the market system by their interventionism, they have taken over almost every major industry through nationalization. If you are a Venezuelan you can go to one of 6,000 supermarkets that Chavez has set up (it is really just a rudimentary food bank) and you will be lucky to be able to buy rolls of toilet paper. The country has run out of it twice in the last few years. These "supermarkets" were set up after Chavez took over the private supermarkets that were closed because they wanted "dollars." 

Unfortunately for the ignorant people of Venezuela that do not understand dollars are votes by consumers to drive what products should be sold to them, Venezuela continues down its path of no return. It would almost be funny that people can be so stupid except that in all socialist and communist societies people end up starving (and dying) before the people wake up and start over, usually through revolution. Now Venezuela is going after the car manufacturers because "all they care about is dollars." Soon they will all be walking.

General Mills reported their earnings yesterday and they had a very large expense related to Venezuela as have many corporations that do business there. The only question is how much longer are these corporations going to sell goods to a country that is so interventionist and unfair. The rule of law requires laws to be changed at a snail's pace so that all actors may know the rules of the game. When a punk changes the rules so that he or she is the only one that can win a game then everyone quits playing. Madura, like Chavez, is punking his country. Venezuelans need to wake up with pitchforks and run him out of town before there is no town left. 

Click link below to read how ignorant people (and leaders like Madura) are letting their country be destroyed like Zimbabwe (really sad)

Click link below to read about the ridiculous interventionism into the car industry by Venezuela

Click link below to read USA Today article about trying to buy a car in Venezuela. Can you wait two years?

Click link below to read how Toyota can't even keep building cars in Venezuela because Maduro is an ignorant leader who doesn't know how to run a country (yet he finds time to blame companies for leaving Venezuela).

I don't know about you but Obama and Obamacare remind me of Chavez and Madura. 


Ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve, the booms and busts in markets has been magnified by the ability of one person, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to set interest rates. Why or how can one person determine what the market rate of interest should be instead of all of the market participants? Furthermore, why should one person be permitted to manipulate interest rates by increasing an imaginary balance sheet (permitted to be created by government) to an amount that now equals about one quarter of our country's gross domestic product? The solution to become a free market economy is to end the FED. The consequence of rewarding some people and punishing other people through the use of interest rate manipulation is immoral. If you want to make markets "fair" then the government needs to stop its intervention into every nook and cranny of our lives.

Click the link below to see Ron Paul's take on the Federal Reserve

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Click on the following link to youtube to play Who Am I?

Monday, March 17, 2014


Doesn't the climate always change? Won't the sun burn out, eventually, making the planet earth uninhabitable? Who can deny climate change? With the constant indoctrination of our children by the government from the time they are born until they get to university it doesn't really surprise me that most people don't think for themselves. However, isn't it abhorrent when university professors tow the government's line that climate change can be controlled by humans without any proof except for their word? Who is going to jail for doctoring studies showing there is climate change? That happened. The government might as well make us all pray to little wooden idols of Greek gods or go to jail because it amounts to the same thing. The elite are asking you to believe in something that cannot be proven and most people do not waste their time thinking about. But for the elite it gives them another reason to grow their bureaucracies and control your life. 

The solution to combating ignorant and dangerous people like this "teacher" is to speak candidly about how little scientists know when it comes to climate change (as the scientists who got caught in growing ice fields in antarctica can attest). University professors should fight against those professors that do not allow open and free discussion of ideas so that our children are not indoctrinated but educated. Most of these idiots teaching our children rattle off their idealism by appealing to emotion but they do not provide any real world solutions. Businesses in the real world are the ones that come up with solutions because they must not harm customers or anyone else or they are held accountable Teachers and politicians are almost never held accountable once they are able to entrench themselves into their positions and they usually have a union and/or a set of rules that make it next to impossible to get rid of them. No president of a corporation could lie to as many people about a product as Obama did about Obamacare and still remain in charge. They would be fired. That is how things are fixed in the business world.   

Click below to read story about the "goody two shoes" absent minded professor

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Most Americans do not understand that the dollar is what allows our federal government to be so irresponsible. Harry Reid can yell at the Koch brothers all he wants but Dirty Harry is the one who is driving all the irresponsible spending along with the rest of the Obama administration. How does the government pay for everything when there isn't enough money? The Federal Reserve prints money and buys treasury bonds from the Treasury Department of the United States. Sounds easy but it makes the price of everything go up and robs the savers and rewards the spendthrifts through inflation. Inflation is a secret tax that the idiots like Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi blame on greedy corporations ... but the corporations are merely the bogeyman. The most profitable corporations get robbed by inflation too because the assets they hold become worth less from the money printing. Don't think for a minute that the crooked politicians do not understand this because they understand it well and know you don't.

China became a net seller of our treasuries last month. China has been financing our spending the last few years and now their selling of treasuries will increase the number of dollars in circulation and make the value of the dollar drop even more. You will notice that you will be paying more for food and energy this year because farmers and oil producers understand that there is only so much demand for goods and services and there is only so much supply of goods and services and with all the extra dollars floating around it makes the existing supply of those goods and services more expensive. It also makes interest rates go up when the FED buys less excess supply of treasuries than are issued. Easy to understand. 

The Chinese understand it too and they are no longer going to finance our debt if it means they are going to lose money. The Chinese took another step toward making the yuan a global currency by increasing its trading band from 1% to 2% per day. The Chinese are becoming more free market based while our country is becoming less so. Destruction of the currency is just another step in the fall of civilizations. 

Google "Germany demands back its gold" to learn more about the games our country plays with other people's money. I will take the gold. You can have the little pieces of paper with numbers on them.

Click the link below to read the story about China's trading band for yuan 

Friday, March 14, 2014


The salesman thanks the customer for patronizing his shop and asks him to come again. But the socialists say: Be grateful to Hitler, render thanks to Stalin; be nice and submissive, then the great man will be kind to you later too."

Omnipotent Government, p 53.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Touchy feely Obama has decided to use his "executive powers" to tell businesses and employees what their relationship should be. Forget the Constitution and the right to contract ... Obama uses such useless papers to do things such as start fires in his fireplace. Maybe Obama should just make every business pay $100 an hour (or how about more ... why not make it a right to be rich) and prohibit any business from firing their employees (like the Socialist leader in Venezuela has done). I guess businesses will just pull the money out of their you know what. 

A political whore who panders to emotions is to economics is like a person who throws a rock and tries to defy gravity is to physics. You should be tired of being part of Obama's petri dish. Now I know what it must have been to live under FDR. FDR admittedly threw everything against the wall and hoped some of it would stick. That is not leadership. 

How I wish Obama ran a business so that he could understand the federal government just gets in the way. Let the free market be and everyone will be richer. Printing money to pay for government programs that we can't afford makes us all poor. Why is that so hard to understand?

Link to story on crazy Venezuela law that prohibits firing employees

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Did you ever wonder how the politicians in Washington keep the money coming in? They do it by proposing to fix "problems" but they never fix them because that would be the end of the gravy train. Many politicians propose or support laws that would be hurtful to the economy for the sole purpose of trolling for donations to keep them well financed. They know special interest groups will come running with their wallets open to keep them from making or voting for a law that the politician could care less about. These are called milker bills and the Democrats in Washington, D.C. stayed up the other night with their proposed plans (laws) on climate change (formally known as "global warming"). Get ready for the shakedown.

Why do many politicians run for office in Washington, D.C? Like the bank robber Willie Sutton reportedly replied to the question as to why he robs banks, "Because that is where the money is."

Click the link below to read about recent milker bills.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I cringe when I hear people say Obama is a Communist. Obama is a fascist. Obama is a self-proclaimed lazy person and he doesn't want the State to own everyone's property when he can simply control their property with laws and regulations without actual physical ownership. After all, if you own something you have to take care of it. Besides, we all know that Obama can't own up to anything, especially the truth. That is fascism. Government control over the private sector. There hasn't been a free marketplace in banking since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Now the free marketplace is dead. May it rest in peace. 

Obamacare has finished off anything that was left of the private ownership of healthcare. Healthcare and banking are subject to the whims of a few select souls in Washington, D.C. that sit on their thrones and decide what you should get and what you should pay. Your healthcare premiums, interest rates on your loan and the price of your drugs are not determined by free markets. You are subject to control if you like it or not or if you know it or not. This is the result of big government. Take a good look at Argentina and Venezuela to see your future. This is what you get with blind faith in big government.

Read the article in the link below. It further explains what fascism is. The article caught my eye because it mentioned Stockholm syndrome. I have often thought that Obama's use of false promises to capture ignorant voters so that he may torture them with his harmful economic policies was not unlike Stockholm syndrome in that those he professes to help the most get hurt the most and yet his captives worship him. Mind blowing. From a purely rational economic point of view it makes no sense why anyone would like Obama's anti-common sense economic policies and yet he has voters who defend and sympathize with his points of view and policies. 

I would particularly like to point out the author's summation of fascism in his sentence, "The various companies, professions, unions, and government must work together with a conscious plan to ensure the best outcome for the Nation." The United States was found on individualism which was represented in the Constitution by each State having the right to seceed from the Union, which right of course was destroyed by a centralized federal government in the Civil War. That war cemented the federal government into a position where it now commands and lives off of the States not unlike the Capitol does to the Districts in The Hunger Games. Obama is characterized in the article by the author when he states fascism is "untrammeled exercise of the leader's will" that "trumps the free market."  

Monday, March 10, 2014


Great email received from Rand Paul:

Harry Reid has been called a lot of names.

But the label I'm interested in is "FORMER Senate Majority Leader."

You see, just recently he took to the Senate floor to smear Americans whose health insurance was yanked away by ObamaCare as "liars" and individuals who support conservative causes as "un-American."

And he's acted as a one-man roadblock to prevent votes to repeal the ObamaCare train wreck.

He's carried on as the bully of the Senate for too long.

There's only one way to handle a bully: You stand up to them.

You and I have an opportunity this fall to do just that.

With President Obama's approval ratings plummeting, the ground has shifted beneath democrats running for re-election.

In fact if conservatives can run the table in six red state races, you and I can remove Harry Reid from power and finally vote to repeal ObamaCare.

RANDPAC will endorse and support candidates who will fight to repeal ObamaCare, and so I hope I can count on you to stand with RANDPAC.

I'll give you a link where you can join the fight for a conservative victory in 2014, but first let me take a few moments to explain why these midterm elections are so important.

Recently, Vice President Joe Biden declared that Democrats "don't have anything to apologize for."

Go ahead and explain that to the millions of Americans whose health insurance was ripped away because of President Obama's "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" lie.

And those that were able to hang on to their insurance are seeing skyrocketing premiums.

A recent CBO report piled on more bad news when it found that ObamaCare would cause the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time jobs to disappear because individuals would lose their subsidies if they worked too many hours.

Harry Reid even conspired with President Obama to shut down the government rather than cut a single penny from ObamaCare.

But Harry Reid has stood in the way of more than just repealing ObamaCare

Trillions of dollars in new debt were dumped on the heads of future generations because Harry Reid and President Obama demanded debt ceiling increases and ZERO spending cuts.

And it was Harry Reid who championed President Obama's national gun registration scheme.

Now it's time to hold Harry Reid and the Democrats who march in lockstep behind him accountable.

That's why I hope you'll sign your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge right away.

If you and I are going to have any chance of wresting control of the Senate away from Harry Reid, conservatives must unite behind our shared values.

As you and I witnessed in 2012, the liberal smear machine will crank into high gear to destroy conservative candidates.

President Obama and the Democrats will employ ANY tactic to allow Harry Reid to cling to his status as Majority Leader.

You see, after Harry Reid bullied through rule changes to gut the filibuster, a Democrat Party controlled Senate has been allowed to ram through one radical Obama appointee after another.

Maintaining control of the Senate allows President Obama to impose his liberal agenda on America through executive and judicial branch appointees.

Janet Yellen skated through confirmation as Federal Reserve Chair without a vote on my Audit the Fed bill because Harry Reid would rather the bailouts and the big spending gravy train roll along than force any accountability on the Fed.

And Harry Reid's rule changes also allow Democrats to ram through judicial confirmations on simple majority votes.

Pro-abortion and anti-Second Amendment Obama-appointed justices will populate the lower courts unless Harry Reid is deposed as Majority Leader. (At least Rand won't create and push laws to force women one way or the other on abortion even if his personal view is against it).

That's why it's vital conservatives FIGHT back.

I've prepared a "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge that I hope you will sign right away.

And after you sign your pledge, I hope I can count on your financial support.

RANDPAC has a plan to support conservative candidates in races across the country through email, direct mail, online and social media ads - and if I can raise the resources - hard-hitting TV and radio ads.

So please make your most chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 right away.
Click to sign

I know times are tough.

President Obama's policies have killed jobs and wrecked the economy.

But seizing the opportunity before conservatives in 2014 is too important to let slip through our fingers.

I'm afraid if conservatives don't perform well in the midterm elections, President Obama and Harry Reid will feel emboldened to:

***Ram immigration reform that refuses to secure our borders through Congress;

***Propose new gun control including reviving President Obama's national gun registration scheme;

***Force the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate through the Senate and kill even more jobs and further grind our economy to a halt.

Jeff, I've had enough of Harry Reid playing lead blocker to President Obama in the Senate.

However, the good news is the political landscape has shifted.

The American people are increasingly fed up with the ObamaCare train wreck, unconstitutional spying, and endless debt and tax increases.

Democrats in red states are saying "thanks, but no thanks" to President Obama campaigning for them as they fend for their political careers.

But these vulnerable Democrats will not enter the fall campaign disarmed.

They will rake in big special interest and union money hand over fist to cling to their seats.

So I hope I can count on you to help RANDPAC fight toe-to-toe with the big liberal money interests who are DESPERATE for Harry Reid to remain in his perch as Majority Leader.

Click to sign
Please sign your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge right away.

And after you sign your pledge, please make your most chip in a contribution of $10 pr $20 - or whatever you can afford - so RANDPAC can fully fund the grassroots mobilization plan to flip the Senate in the midterm elections.

Harry Reid's bullied the Senate for too long.

Conservatives can seize the opportunity to depose him as Majority Leader but only if you and I can fight back against the liberal smear machine that is desperate to maintain power.

So complete your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge and make your most generous financial contribution right away.

I thank you for all you do.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul (R - Kentucky)

P.S. The midterm elections are rapidly approaching and they represent conservatives' best chance to remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

He's smeared Americans whose healthcare was yanked away by ObamaCare as "liars" and Americans who support conservative causes as "un-American."

But the liberal attack machine will crank into high gear to defend their grip on power.

That's why I need to know if you'll stand with RANDPAC to win in November by filling out your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge right away.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


This country needs a new law that doesn't allow public officials to plead the 5th Amendment which is the provision avoiding self incrimination. I propose a LOIS LERNER LAW that would not allow public officials to retain their employment or any of their benefits paid by taxpayers because they are effectively employed by the TAXPAYERS. As a condition of a public employee's employment, they should agree to answer any questions because they are acting in a subservient position to the people they are working for. I am not advocating that they should not be able to plead the 5th but merely accept the fact that if they do plead the 5th they will be subject to termination and forfeiture of their benefits. This should be written into law so all employees of the government know they cannot hide like the rats they are when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. 

Lois Lerner is another poster child of why bureaucracies never work because there is no accountability. She will be laughing all the way to the bank on the taxpayer's dime even though J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's Inspector General, stated at a Congressional hearing that the Obama administration officials at the Treasury Department knew about the illegal targeting of conservative groups during the 2012 election. Does that sound fair? What about the incredibly crazy number of visits by the head of the IRS to Obama in which Obama stated they were working on the implementation of the website or some other BS? Obama not only wants to spread the wealth but he also wants to spread the corruption as he claims there was no wrongdoing at the IRS. 

Obama knows he can lie because he knows most people don't care about politics enough to spend the time to learn about what is really going on. That is why he hates informative TV shows like FOX that actually report on real news that effects your life. Obama knows most people are ignorant and spend their time watching Dancing with the Stars or American Idol but he is afraid you might flip through the channels during commercial and actually learn about the boondoggles his administration is up to. Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa. 

We need some accountability in government and the ability of public employees to hide behind their lies or malfeasance must be curtailed. I am going to propose to my House member from my district to propose a LOIS LERNER LAW and we will see where it goes from there. I am not optimistic about having a government employee promote something that protects "the people" but could be harmful to their own public office. No one wants to upset the apple cart in Washington, D.C. 

Click the link below to read and see story about Lerner pleading the 5th AGAIN!!!

Click the link below to read about how Dems attack their own when they don't tow the party line

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


People are finally waking up and discovering Obama is not the messiah. His ratings are dropping to all time lows and by the end of his second term will make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan. There is no wonder because all government bureaucracies have no price mechanism to measure how well their programs are operating. In a free market buyers and sellers negotiate prices and if the seller does not provide a desired good or service at a price people are willing to pay they the business goes out of business. Why shouldn't we reduce government to a skeleton of its present form so that we may spend our money on what we want instead of having a bureaucrat sitting behind a desk in Washington, D.C. use our money to pay his friends to supply us with what he thinks we want? Obamacare will eventually fail for its lack of price mechanism feedback and political interventionism. It is just a matter of time. The Obama administration's horrible law so-called  the "Affordable Care Act" is so ignorant that it empowers the IRS to fine hospitals who provide free health care to the poor. The Progressive mind has been warped beyond any recognition of intelligence.

Click the link below to read Obama's low ratings

Monday, March 3, 2014


Don't just be a lump on a log when it comes to your children's future. If you want future generations to be saddled with debt and you are lazy and don't care then go back and do whatever you were doing. If you would like to protect a future for your children then it will take some EFFORT. Liberty doesn't just sit around and wait for you. You must learn about it, where it comes from, how it is taken away and how to protect it. You must educate yourself about it. Knowledge is what empowers people. Mentally lazy people have been overrun by relentless tyrants since the beginning of time. Knowledge truly is power and the time is now to empower yourself.

Rand Paul knows something about liberty. He warned you about Obamacare and big government. Did you pay him any heed? Did the news stations cover him or did they just mimic and repeat the current establishments positions like mindless parrots?

Following is an email sent by Rand to his supporters: 

It could hardly be worse for President Obama.

The ObamaCare roll out has been a disaster. Something as simple and elementary as the website is plagued with "glitches" making the system completely unworkable.

Millions of Americans are receiving notices that their health insurance is being cancelled or their premiums are skyrocketing.

The state of Delaware alone spent $4 million to enroll only four people in ObamaCare.

And ObamaCare expert "navigators" were recently caught on camera coaching people to lie on their applications.

But as bad as all this is, it means nothing if you and I don't fight back. So today I'm counting on your advice.

I've created for you a special Stand With Rand Directive. Won't you please fill it out IMMEDIATELY?

Earlier last year, I launched a 13-hour filibuster, taking over the floor of the U.S. Senate from Majority Leader Reid to highlight the issue of out-of-control government power and domestic drone use.

I know you and millions of other Americans stood with me all the way.

Now I am asking you to stand with me once again as even more critical fights approach

The truth is, with the ObamaCare rollout debacle, the talk in Congress is now about "reforming" or "fixing" the bill.

I'm as worried as anyone about the damage this disastrous law is inflicting on the American people.

But "reform" isn't the answer. "Fixing" the bill is no solution. All this would do is allow ObamaCare's taxes and regulations to become even further entrenched.

So the answer is outright REPEAL. And you and I can't settle for anything less.

I hope you agree -- and if you think this should be my top priority in the next few months -- please mark "REPEAL OBAMACARE" on your Stand With Rand Member Directive.

But before you do, please consider everything else you and I are likely to face over the next few months.

With his approval levels at a record low, President Obama is doing everything possible to change the subject off ObamaCare by ramming through even more Big Government power grabs into law, including:

***More taxing and spending. You and I both know Washington, D.C.'s debt problem isn't due to a lack of "revenue" (taxes). The problem is spending.

Yet, those in BOTH parties want to keep hiking our national debt limit and passing new job-destroying schemes like the National Internet Tax Mandate.

***Gun Control. President Obama has already called for "transformation" of our nation's gun laws, and has done his best to chip away at our Second Amendment with a flurry of Executive Orders.

With the U.N.'s so-called "Small Arms Treaty" waiting in the wings, I'm afraid you and I could see a renewed push for gun control in Congress as well.

***Immigration Reform. Over my objections, the bill the Senate passed earlier this year lacks real safeguards to ensure the Obama administration does its job in securing our border.

Just as bad, the bill also includes a new National ID database, which will only increase government spying on U.S. citizens. The Republican-controlled House has effectively announced the Senate's version "dead on arrival," but it's virtually assured the fight over this issue will be back.

Frankly, I'm not sure how much more of this madness we can take!

So if you think defeating President Obama's legislative schemes are most important, please mark "STOP PRESIDENT OBAMA'S AGENDA" on your Member Directive.

But first, please understand that winning at the ballot box in 2014 means laying the groundwork for victory now.

Can you imagine just how emboldened President Obama and his Big Government allies will be if they don't pay a price in the 2014 elections?

The ObamaCare monstrosity would remain on the books. The phony "green" Cap and Tax scheme would be back.

So would "Card Check" instant union organizing.

So would whatever else the radical Left could dream up.

Quite frankly, you and I can't afford to kick this can down the road. We have to start fighting back now.

That means supporting solid and principled candidates.

I know there are some in my own party who want to wave the white flag of surrender.

They believe the best way forward for our Republican Party is to be more like Democrats.

They want to make it seem like those of us who stand up for principle do it alone.

With your help, I want to show them they don't know what they are talking about.

So if you believe preparing for the 2014 elections is most important, please mark "WIN AT THE BALLOT BOX IN 2014."

I'm committed to fighting back on all fronts. But I'm just one U.S. Senator. It's the action and support of good folks like you that really makes the difference.

It's because of your action that you and I stopped President Obama's "background check" registration scheme earlier this year, we forced the administration's hand when it comes to targeting and killing American citizens with drones on U.S. soil and we stopped the misguided march to war in Syria.

But without your generosity and support today, I'm afraid I just won't be able to keep up enough heat on Congress to stop President Obama's radical agenda AND lay the groundwork for success in 2014.

I'm sure you see why I'm so torn . . .

That's why I've included one more option on your Stand With Rand Member Directive -- "FIGHT ON ALL FRONTS."

It's the option I'm very much hoping you'll select.

But please realize, without your support, I just won't have the resources to mobilize American citizens to all of these fights.

So won't you please agree to your most generous financial contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 today?

I know that's a lot. I know that's more than you've been able to give in the past. But 2014 is an absolutely critical year. You and I must fight back with everything we have.

If is not possible for you right now, please agree to chip in a contribution of $20 or at least $10.

Jeff, it's critical I hear from you right away

So please fill out your Stand With Rand Directive and rush me your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $35, $20 or $10 TODAY!

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. Today I'm counting on your advice.

President Obama is determined to change the subject from ObamaCare by ramming through even more Big Government power grabs through Congress.

Not only that, but if you and I want to emerge victorious at the ballot box in 2014, we must start fighting back now.

Ignorance is bliss ... but it is also very destructive. You would be surprised to see how many people sign a petition to get Obama's "good buddy" Karl Marx on the next Presidential ballot. It is not exactly mind blowing if you know anything about economics because no one with a good understanding of economics would have ever voted for an Obama over a Romney. Our country should administer a political and economic test that must be passed before you can vote because ignorant voters are destroying this country. I would support that or an asset qualification hurdle where you must have a positive net worth to be able to vote because the parasitic nature of our current political environment is going to destroy this country as other parasitic political environments have destroyed other once great societies.

Click the link below to see Mark Dice sign up voters for Karl Marx.

P.S. - I am a Libertarian and an equal Big Government Basher. I did not support W's invasion of Iraq nor the passage of Medicare Part D. Both have helped to push financial irresponsibility and big government intrusion into our private lives.