Monday, March 10, 2014


Great email received from Rand Paul:

Harry Reid has been called a lot of names.

But the label I'm interested in is "FORMER Senate Majority Leader."

You see, just recently he took to the Senate floor to smear Americans whose health insurance was yanked away by ObamaCare as "liars" and individuals who support conservative causes as "un-American."

And he's acted as a one-man roadblock to prevent votes to repeal the ObamaCare train wreck.

He's carried on as the bully of the Senate for too long.

There's only one way to handle a bully: You stand up to them.

You and I have an opportunity this fall to do just that.

With President Obama's approval ratings plummeting, the ground has shifted beneath democrats running for re-election.

In fact if conservatives can run the table in six red state races, you and I can remove Harry Reid from power and finally vote to repeal ObamaCare.

RANDPAC will endorse and support candidates who will fight to repeal ObamaCare, and so I hope I can count on you to stand with RANDPAC.

I'll give you a link where you can join the fight for a conservative victory in 2014, but first let me take a few moments to explain why these midterm elections are so important.

Recently, Vice President Joe Biden declared that Democrats "don't have anything to apologize for."

Go ahead and explain that to the millions of Americans whose health insurance was ripped away because of President Obama's "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" lie.

And those that were able to hang on to their insurance are seeing skyrocketing premiums.

A recent CBO report piled on more bad news when it found that ObamaCare would cause the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time jobs to disappear because individuals would lose their subsidies if they worked too many hours.

Harry Reid even conspired with President Obama to shut down the government rather than cut a single penny from ObamaCare.

But Harry Reid has stood in the way of more than just repealing ObamaCare

Trillions of dollars in new debt were dumped on the heads of future generations because Harry Reid and President Obama demanded debt ceiling increases and ZERO spending cuts.

And it was Harry Reid who championed President Obama's national gun registration scheme.

Now it's time to hold Harry Reid and the Democrats who march in lockstep behind him accountable.

That's why I hope you'll sign your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge right away.

If you and I are going to have any chance of wresting control of the Senate away from Harry Reid, conservatives must unite behind our shared values.

As you and I witnessed in 2012, the liberal smear machine will crank into high gear to destroy conservative candidates.

President Obama and the Democrats will employ ANY tactic to allow Harry Reid to cling to his status as Majority Leader.

You see, after Harry Reid bullied through rule changes to gut the filibuster, a Democrat Party controlled Senate has been allowed to ram through one radical Obama appointee after another.

Maintaining control of the Senate allows President Obama to impose his liberal agenda on America through executive and judicial branch appointees.

Janet Yellen skated through confirmation as Federal Reserve Chair without a vote on my Audit the Fed bill because Harry Reid would rather the bailouts and the big spending gravy train roll along than force any accountability on the Fed.

And Harry Reid's rule changes also allow Democrats to ram through judicial confirmations on simple majority votes.

Pro-abortion and anti-Second Amendment Obama-appointed justices will populate the lower courts unless Harry Reid is deposed as Majority Leader. (At least Rand won't create and push laws to force women one way or the other on abortion even if his personal view is against it).

That's why it's vital conservatives FIGHT back.

I've prepared a "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge that I hope you will sign right away.

And after you sign your pledge, I hope I can count on your financial support.

RANDPAC has a plan to support conservative candidates in races across the country through email, direct mail, online and social media ads - and if I can raise the resources - hard-hitting TV and radio ads.

So please make your most chip in a contribution of $10 or $20 right away.
Click to sign

I know times are tough.

President Obama's policies have killed jobs and wrecked the economy.

But seizing the opportunity before conservatives in 2014 is too important to let slip through our fingers.

I'm afraid if conservatives don't perform well in the midterm elections, President Obama and Harry Reid will feel emboldened to:

***Ram immigration reform that refuses to secure our borders through Congress;

***Propose new gun control including reviving President Obama's national gun registration scheme;

***Force the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate through the Senate and kill even more jobs and further grind our economy to a halt.

Jeff, I've had enough of Harry Reid playing lead blocker to President Obama in the Senate.

However, the good news is the political landscape has shifted.

The American people are increasingly fed up with the ObamaCare train wreck, unconstitutional spying, and endless debt and tax increases.

Democrats in red states are saying "thanks, but no thanks" to President Obama campaigning for them as they fend for their political careers.

But these vulnerable Democrats will not enter the fall campaign disarmed.

They will rake in big special interest and union money hand over fist to cling to their seats.

So I hope I can count on you to help RANDPAC fight toe-to-toe with the big liberal money interests who are DESPERATE for Harry Reid to remain in his perch as Majority Leader.

Click to sign
Please sign your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge right away.

And after you sign your pledge, please make your most chip in a contribution of $10 pr $20 - or whatever you can afford - so RANDPAC can fully fund the grassroots mobilization plan to flip the Senate in the midterm elections.

Harry Reid's bullied the Senate for too long.

Conservatives can seize the opportunity to depose him as Majority Leader but only if you and I can fight back against the liberal smear machine that is desperate to maintain power.

So complete your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge and make your most generous financial contribution right away.

I thank you for all you do.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul (R - Kentucky)

P.S. The midterm elections are rapidly approaching and they represent conservatives' best chance to remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

He's smeared Americans whose healthcare was yanked away by ObamaCare as "liars" and Americans who support conservative causes as "un-American."

But the liberal attack machine will crank into high gear to defend their grip on power.

That's why I need to know if you'll stand with RANDPAC to win in November by filling out your "Take back the Senate in 2014" pledge right away.

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