Monday, March 17, 2014


Doesn't the climate always change? Won't the sun burn out, eventually, making the planet earth uninhabitable? Who can deny climate change? With the constant indoctrination of our children by the government from the time they are born until they get to university it doesn't really surprise me that most people don't think for themselves. However, isn't it abhorrent when university professors tow the government's line that climate change can be controlled by humans without any proof except for their word? Who is going to jail for doctoring studies showing there is climate change? That happened. The government might as well make us all pray to little wooden idols of Greek gods or go to jail because it amounts to the same thing. The elite are asking you to believe in something that cannot be proven and most people do not waste their time thinking about. But for the elite it gives them another reason to grow their bureaucracies and control your life. 

The solution to combating ignorant and dangerous people like this "teacher" is to speak candidly about how little scientists know when it comes to climate change (as the scientists who got caught in growing ice fields in antarctica can attest). University professors should fight against those professors that do not allow open and free discussion of ideas so that our children are not indoctrinated but educated. Most of these idiots teaching our children rattle off their idealism by appealing to emotion but they do not provide any real world solutions. Businesses in the real world are the ones that come up with solutions because they must not harm customers or anyone else or they are held accountable Teachers and politicians are almost never held accountable once they are able to entrench themselves into their positions and they usually have a union and/or a set of rules that make it next to impossible to get rid of them. No president of a corporation could lie to as many people about a product as Obama did about Obamacare and still remain in charge. They would be fired. That is how things are fixed in the business world.   

Click below to read story about the "goody two shoes" absent minded professor

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