Tuesday, March 4, 2014


People are finally waking up and discovering Obama is not the messiah. His ratings are dropping to all time lows and by the end of his second term will make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan. There is no wonder because all government bureaucracies have no price mechanism to measure how well their programs are operating. In a free market buyers and sellers negotiate prices and if the seller does not provide a desired good or service at a price people are willing to pay they the business goes out of business. Why shouldn't we reduce government to a skeleton of its present form so that we may spend our money on what we want instead of having a bureaucrat sitting behind a desk in Washington, D.C. use our money to pay his friends to supply us with what he thinks we want? Obamacare will eventually fail for its lack of price mechanism feedback and political interventionism. It is just a matter of time. The Obama administration's horrible law so-called  the "Affordable Care Act" is so ignorant that it empowers the IRS to fine hospitals who provide free health care to the poor. The Progressive mind has been warped beyond any recognition of intelligence.

Click the link below to read Obama's low ratings


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