Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve, the booms and busts in markets has been magnified by the ability of one person, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to set interest rates. Why or how can one person determine what the market rate of interest should be instead of all of the market participants? Furthermore, why should one person be permitted to manipulate interest rates by increasing an imaginary balance sheet (permitted to be created by government) to an amount that now equals about one quarter of our country's gross domestic product? The solution to become a free market economy is to end the FED. The consequence of rewarding some people and punishing other people through the use of interest rate manipulation is immoral. If you want to make markets "fair" then the government needs to stop its intervention into every nook and cranny of our lives.

Click the link below to see Ron Paul's take on the Federal Reserve

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