Thursday, March 27, 2014


Gun control advocate Senator Leland Yee (CA - Democrat) was stung by an American Hustle carried out by the FBI. He was arrested for allegedly taking bribes and trafficing in firearms. Apparently for Yee, gun control is only for the little people. That leaves 98 more Senators we need removed. Rand Paul can stay. We need more honest people who don't suck the life out of society for their parasitic programs. Just kidding. Yee is only a California Senator but a hypocrite nonetheless. 

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the NRA, said of Yee, ""This poster boy for gun control is a scumbag." I love clear and concise language. We should have more open debate about our politicians, their policies and their personal lives so that me may make better decisions on who is qualified to lead this country. Maybe we wouldn't have a community organizer for a President. Click link below to read what Leland was up to when he wasn't pushing fake agendas.,0,1570592.story#axzz2xCNe9vqE

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