Monday, March 3, 2014


Ignorance is bliss ... but it is also very destructive. You would be surprised to see how many people sign a petition to get Obama's "good buddy" Karl Marx on the next Presidential ballot. It is not exactly mind blowing if you know anything about economics because no one with a good understanding of economics would have ever voted for an Obama over a Romney. Our country should administer a political and economic test that must be passed before you can vote because ignorant voters are destroying this country. I would support that or an asset qualification hurdle where you must have a positive net worth to be able to vote because the parasitic nature of our current political environment is going to destroy this country as other parasitic political environments have destroyed other once great societies.

Click the link below to see Mark Dice sign up voters for Karl Marx.

P.S. - I am a Libertarian and an equal Big Government Basher. I did not support W's invasion of Iraq nor the passage of Medicare Part D. Both have helped to push financial irresponsibility and big government intrusion into our private lives.

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