Thursday, March 6, 2014


This country needs a new law that doesn't allow public officials to plead the 5th Amendment which is the provision avoiding self incrimination. I propose a LOIS LERNER LAW that would not allow public officials to retain their employment or any of their benefits paid by taxpayers because they are effectively employed by the TAXPAYERS. As a condition of a public employee's employment, they should agree to answer any questions because they are acting in a subservient position to the people they are working for. I am not advocating that they should not be able to plead the 5th but merely accept the fact that if they do plead the 5th they will be subject to termination and forfeiture of their benefits. This should be written into law so all employees of the government know they cannot hide like the rats they are when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. 

Lois Lerner is another poster child of why bureaucracies never work because there is no accountability. She will be laughing all the way to the bank on the taxpayer's dime even though J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's Inspector General, stated at a Congressional hearing that the Obama administration officials at the Treasury Department knew about the illegal targeting of conservative groups during the 2012 election. Does that sound fair? What about the incredibly crazy number of visits by the head of the IRS to Obama in which Obama stated they were working on the implementation of the website or some other BS? Obama not only wants to spread the wealth but he also wants to spread the corruption as he claims there was no wrongdoing at the IRS. 

Obama knows he can lie because he knows most people don't care about politics enough to spend the time to learn about what is really going on. That is why he hates informative TV shows like FOX that actually report on real news that effects your life. Obama knows most people are ignorant and spend their time watching Dancing with the Stars or American Idol but he is afraid you might flip through the channels during commercial and actually learn about the boondoggles his administration is up to. Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Teresa. 

We need some accountability in government and the ability of public employees to hide behind their lies or malfeasance must be curtailed. I am going to propose to my House member from my district to propose a LOIS LERNER LAW and we will see where it goes from there. I am not optimistic about having a government employee promote something that protects "the people" but could be harmful to their own public office. No one wants to upset the apple cart in Washington, D.C. 

Click the link below to read and see story about Lerner pleading the 5th AGAIN!!!

Click the link below to read about how Dems attack their own when they don't tow the party line

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