Monday, March 31, 2014


“President Obama declared that the ‘era of austerity’ is over, yet such an era has never existed in Washington D.C., especially since he took office. The president continues to turn a blind eye to the fact that America is on an unsustainable financial path that continues to shrink the middle class, stymie economic growth, and drain the nation of its wealth,” explained Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) President Tom Schatz. “While the budget is always a political document, this is a manifesto for members of Congress who want to expand the size and scope of government. The President claimed that the budget is about choices, and he is right; it was his choice to either make a viable attempt to address the serious fiscal issues facing the country, or ignore them, and he has unfortunately chosen the latter.”

Click the link below to read about CAGW's view on Obama's ridiculous budget proposal

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